FOX Corp and the Murdoch's to face $1.6bn law suit over FOX false claims of Biden election

I've already seen comments on Twitter et al that this just proves that Dominion didn't have a case. Seems the posters think that Fox would pay over three quarters of a billion dollars if Dominion didn't have a strong case.
FOX had no case.
I'm not denying wild fires. I'm expressing room for doubt about the MTG / Jewish space laser explanation.
Any media market of sufficient proportion to put Trump in office, and welcome lies from Fox may not go quietly. Trump leads the Republican presidential field for 2024. Fox might reform. But with a profit motive that powerful, more likely Fox will count this settlement a part of the cost of doing business. Instead of reforming, try to get better at not getting caught.
What will FOX sponsors have to say? And which will lead? Will FOX probe, and see what it can get away with? Or will FOX sponsors fill the vacuum, play the role of the adult in the room?
R #24
t #23 summed it up pretty well. Seems like your #24 seeks a prediction. The best I could offer is a wild guess. But when this many $hundreds of $Millions are involved, I can imagine which ever way it goes, it will be as a result of deliberate, high-level financial decision. Not the whim of some transient political aesthetic.
The Newsmax staffers who have been slapped with subpoenas for their texts and emails are not happy, telling Rolling Stone that the company has threatened to fire them if they don’t comply with the subpoenas.

Newsmax Staffers Hit With Subpoenas in 2020 Election Defamation Suit
Court filings rife with internal communications exposed Fox News’ post-election misinformation push. Newsmax could be next

DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS’ defamation lawsuit against Fox News laid bare how the network communicated behind the scenes about broadcasting 2020 election misinformation, ultimately leading the network to fork over a massive settlement. Newsmax could be next, as voting technology company Smartmatic has subpoenaed several of the right-wing cable network’s current and former employees for work and personal correspondence.

Several Newsmax insiders, who spoke with Rolling Stone under a condition of anonymity due to a fear of reprisal, said that roughly three weeks ago they were told to hand over “mirror images of their personal cell phone, personal email, and iCloud” as Smartmatic’s lawsuit against the network moves forward.

Smartmaric’s attorney J. Erik Connolly, Managing Chair of the Litigation Practice Group, at Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff, LLC tells Rolling Stone: “Smartmatic intends to pursue discovery from the current and former Newsmax employees who participated in the egregious disinformation campaign against the company. Some of the discovery has come, and will come, from the company. Smartmatic is ...

S2 #26
I don't mean to seem to sidestep the defamation subpoenas.
But why in matters of national importance does it take so many years?
Trump has dozens of felony indictments which may not be resolved by law court trial by the 2024 election. That's four years? They can't take care of this in FOUR YEARS ?!

part II
Journalism is not widely considered a certain path to $wealth. Thus those whose credentials qualify them for employment as journalists may have alternate employment options more likely to pay multiples of what journalists earn.
This may help explain the historic trend of liberalism both in journalism, and academe.
"Yellow Journalism" is not the brain-child of Hannity, or Limbaugh. But fundamentals of institutional integrity have been severely wounded by commercial sponsors accepting preposterous fiction presented by such outlets as FOX as "news".

Does journalist pay disparity play a role here? Is NBC's Richard Engel paid as well as Tucker Carlson was?