FOX Corp and the Murdoch's to face $1.6bn law suit over FOX false claims of Biden election


In the months after the 2020 US presidential election, rightwing TV news in America was a wild west, an apparently lawless free-for-all where conspiracy theories about voting machines, ballot-stuffed suitcases and dead Venezuelan leaders were repeated to viewers around the clock.
There seemed to be little consequence for peddling the most outrageous ideas on primetime.
But now, unfortunately for Fox News, One America News Network (OAN) and Newsmax, it turns out that this brave new world was not free from legal jurisdiction – with the three networks now facing billion-dollar lawsuits as a result of their baseless accusations.
In June, Dominion Voting Systems, which provided voting machines to 28 states, was given the go-ahead to sue Fox Corp, the parent company of Fox News, in a case that could draw Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan into the spotlight.
  • What does Dominion say Fox Corp did? In the $1.6bn lawsuit, Dominion accuses Fox Corp, and the Murdochs specifically, of allowing Fox News to amplify false claims that the voting company had rigged the election for Joe Biden.
  • Should Fox News be worried? Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a legal expert, thinks Dominion has a good case. “What’s particularly bad for Fox is [that] Dominion asked them to stop and correct the record in real time, and Fox persisted in spreading misrepresentations about the voting machine company,” she said.
“You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.” Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)
The outcome of this law suit could reshape U.S. politics to mid-century and beyond.
There's already enough evidence for legal proceedings. More evidence is still coming in.

(CNN)The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection could make multiple criminal referrals, including of former President Donald Trump, the panel's vice chair, Rep. Liz Cheney, said in an interview broadcast Sunday.
"We'll make a decision as a committee about it," the Wyoming Republican told ABC News when asked about the prospect of referring Trump for prosecution and saying "yes" when asked whether a referral of Trump was possible.
"The Justice Department doesn't have to wait for the committee to make a criminal referral, and there could be more than one criminal referral," Cheney said.
I swear, you can't make this stuff up.

Fox News got election fraud info from woman who claims she got it through 'time travel': lawsuit

Matthew Chapman

Fox News got some of its information on "election fraud" allegations against Dominion Voting Systems from a woman who claims she got the information through a form of "time travel," the election equipment company's lawsuit alleges.

This detail of the Dominion lawsuit was first flagged by NBC News' Ben Collins on Thursday, as part of a segment Dominion highlighted between pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, who was communicating with her and amplifying her message on her program.

"Powell's source ... explained that she gets her information from experiencing something 'like time-travel in a semi-conscious state,' allowing her to 'see what others don't see, and hear what others don't hear,' and she received messages from 'the wind,'" stated the lawsuit.

"Bartiromo read this email at the time: she responded to ...


Why Fox News Lied to Its Viewers​

The network’s hosts and leaders knew that Trump had lost the election, but feared the consequences of telling their audience the truth.
By Adam Serwer

pan·der (păndər)
intr.v. pan·dered, pan·der·ing, pan·ders
To cater to the lower tastes and desires of others

[Middle English Pandare, Pandarus, from Old Italian Pandaro, from Latin Pandarus, from Greek Pandaros.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.

New lawsuit claims Fox tried to frame producer in Dominion case — this one is “potentially criminal"

The "allegations suggest obstruction of justice and subornation of perjury," former U.S. attorney says


A Fox News producer filed two lawsuits against the conservative media company on Monday, alleging that Fox lawyers used a "coercive and intimidating manner" to persuade her to provide misleading information in Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against the network.

Abby Grossberg, a producer who has worked with Tucker Carlson and Maria Bartiromo, claimed in the filings that Fox attorneys tried to turn her and co-host Maria Bartiromo into the network's scapegoats for repeatedly and knowingly spreading misinformation about election manipulation in 2020, The New York Times reported.

Grossberg also argued that efforts to saddle her and Bartiromo with blame were evidence of a misogynistic workplace culture, widespread throughout Fox.

"That's what the culture is there," Grossberg told the Times in an interview on Monday evening. "They don't respect or value women."

The lawsuits, filed in New York and Delaware respectively, contain a number of unsettling claims, including that Fox executives referred to Bartiromo as a "crazy bitch" who was "menopausal," asking Grossberg to remove her from coverage discussions.

When Grossberg began her tenure as a "Tucker Carlson Tonight" producer at the New York office last year, she found that the workspace was plastered with images of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., wearing a revealing bathing suit, the suit says.

The filing also alleged that Carlson's staff made inappropriate jokes about Jewish people and used derogatory terms to refer to ....



"No right is absolute.
Conversely, no government authority is absolute." lawyer, law Professor and former ACLU head Nadine Strossen
Not sure what questions would be asked of Murdoch. Make him sweat a little?
Fox News will pay more than $787 million to Dominion Voting Systems after lawyers from both sides hammered out a last-minute settlement of the defamation case launched against the right-wing network.

Settlement reached in Dominion defamation lawsuit against Fox News

The obvious question:
- Will this be enough of a $penalty against FOX to result in FOX no longer telling lies for profit?
Seems like a lot of money. But considering it's the FOX stock in trade, FOX decision makers may simply write this off as the cost of doin' bidness.
I've already seen comments on Twitter et al that this just proves that Dominion didn't have a case. Seems the posters think that Fox would pay over three quarters of a billion dollars if Dominion didn't have a strong case.