Via PM from Borg Refinery, an accomplished, seasoned Internet troll.
I'd like you to know BR, while you may prefer the anonymity of PM, in your case I don't. I'd automatically keep legitimate matters discussed privately kept in confidence. But with you from now on, regardless of the channel of communication, I'd like you to understand I reserve the reserve the right to make any of it public, at my discretion.
"Make sure to post the whole thing" BR

My apologies b #1

CitizenVoice isn't intended as a troll forum.
I suspended BR's posting privilege here. That suspension soon to expire. I've already informed him, if I have to ban him again anytime soon, it will be permanent. A few other pseuds applied for posting privilege. I granted the applications.
It seems such mentality self-perceives self-superiority. Rather sad for such a childish personality, vulgar vocabulary and all.

If there's a problem here I'm likely to know about it. But you're all ways welcome to call attention to any neglected matter here @CV.

I care about the First Amendment. And even trolls may have a legitimate issue to address now & then. But BR is on warning. Again my apology.
you do NOT need to apologize at all, sear, you have done nothing wrong. if he wants to tell lies about me here too, and try to bully me, he can do it where it is seen by all. and i reported his 2nd PM, for the record. this is the 4th board he has harassed me on, i'm simply putting him on notice that his crap won't happen in private.
i'm sure you got to hear his load of hooey, including about the innocents who were banned because victor was afraid they were me, and got them banned on YAP as well as banning them on his board. my name at both places was mamasin, i'm banned at YAP, but i left RN on my own. i deactivated that ID when TT changed to the legacy format, so i now use an assortment of others, more or less tailored towards the people i'm with. i use b23zombie here because i used to talk alot about my sfx makeup on rose's boards, and zombies are my specialty. i use billiejune on survivorsucks because that was my MIL's name and she loved that silly show. just examples of how i tailor my nics.
but as i said, YOU have done nothing wrong, sear, nothing at all!
Actually, you're b23zombie here to try to trigger me when you realized I was posting here. Everyone who knows you or me at all knows that. You're a troll and nothing but a troll. That's why you're banned on sight at YAP and RN (you may claim you left RN on your own, but I dare you to try to post there and see if you are banned).

Eirini and I are laughing at your attempts to trigger me, it really is childish.
still imagining that people are staring at you?
Ah, so you find triggering people's mental health issues funny as mamasin is trying to do here.

I suppose that goes well with being a loyalist terrorist apologist as well as a pro-Putin genocide in Ukraine apologist too. No doubt you cheered on the Russian tv host saying Ukie children should die.
Via PM from Borg Refinery, an accomplished, seasoned Internet troll.

"Make sure to post the whole thing" BR

My apologies b #1

CitizenVoice isn't intended as a troll forum.
I suspended BR's posting privilege here. That suspension soon to expire. I've already informed him, if I have to ban him again anytime soon, it will be permanent. A few other pseuds applied for posting privilege. I granted the applications.
It seems such mentality self-perceives self-superiority. Rather sad for such a childish personality, vulgar vocabulary and all.

If there's a problem here I'm likely to know about it. But you're all ways welcome to call attention to any neglected matter here @CV.

I care about the First Amendment. And even trolls may have a legitimate issue to address now & then. But BR is on warning. Again my apology.
No further comment from me other than: look at what people are saying about you on RN.

Nothing further to add your dishonour.
m #6
The cliche' is, even if you know you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.

m #6, what I find interesting / puzzling here is the displacement. These are people (perhaps 2 people, though it could be 1 person, two pseuds) who potentially have the attention of most of the humans and even some computers throughout the solar-system. And how do they choose to exploit this spectacular opportunity? Like this:
No further comment from me other than: look at what people are saying about you on RN.
Nothing further to add your dishonour.
No worries.
I went shopping today, bought cases of food for over-Winter in the event I'm snowed in for a while. Not quite a riveting news flash. Just a shade more interesting than trolling.
I stacked the larder in time to catch a rainbow arched over my back yard. A nice day so far, all in all.
That actually sounds nice. I too went for a walk today and it was wonderful.

Why don't you try being the nice sear, instead of the sneering guy who tries to patronise everyone on RN and it goes badly?

I liked the nice sear at first, in fact it's what attracted me to come here. We were getting along fine, then I saw what you were writing to people who I quite like elsewhere, it just went downhill from there.

BTW, your delusional insanity about being the same person can be rectified by Victor who has known Zhe for over 10 years. And just shows how out of touch you are with reality and will use anything to try and get at someone whether it's true or not.

Please ask and make yourself look an even bigger fool.
m #6
The cliche' is, even if you know you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you.

Ah, so just as with the North Korean 'mental midgets' quip where you called vulnerable refugees 'physical and mental midgets' (which by the way was disgusting, absolutely disgusting) you now see fit to mock Zhe who has mental health problems.

That says a lot about you.

BTW, if she points that out on Reality Nexus, you will get non-stop earfuls of abuse from everyone.
Ah, so just as with the North Korean 'mental midgets' quip where you called vulnerable refugees 'physical and mental midgets' (which by the way was disgusting, absolutely disgusting)
"Disgusting" is an accurate characterization. KJU may be ferociously ruthless, but recent reports I've read indicate he's not all that bright.
"you now see fit to mock Zhe who has mental health problems." BR #11
The opposite. I extended a sincere olive branch to Z shortly before I requested full permanent bans at both YAP and Mr. D's.

You and anyone else has a standing offer to quote me, and request clarification.
"That says a lot about you." B #11
"A lot" by your standards, not much in proportion to my résumé.
"BTW, if she points that out on Reality Nexus, you will get non-stop earfuls of abuse from everyone." B #11
BTW I don't care. Did you develop this proclivity for back-channel in high school. That's about where I lost contact with it.
"Disgusting" is an accurate characterization. KJU may be ferociously ruthless, but recent reports I've read indicate he's not all that bright.

The opposite. I extended a sincere olive branch to Z shortly before I requested full permanent bans at both YAP and Mr. D's.

You and anyone else has a standing offer to quote me, and request clarification.

"A lot" by your standards, not much in proportion to my résumé.

BTW I don't care. Did you develop this proclivity for back-channel in high school. That's about where I lost contact with it.

If you are happy to make amends with Zhe then I have no problem with you.

In fact, my own real problem with you was after the stuff you said to Zhe, before that I actually quite liked you.

In any case, the only real reason I came back here was because this Mamasin character (b23zombie) stalked me here, as she has done to numerous other forums. But I will leave your forum now and as you say - nothing is really gained by trolling or wasting time doing this.

So you can absolutely ban me and delete my account - I request it as I've nothing further to contribute here.
If you are happy to make amends with Zhe then I have no problem with you.
I don't have the URL, but I suspect my suggestion directly to Z that we start anew, only hours later to deliberately withdraw from the site.
"In fact, my own real problem with you was after the stuff you said to Zhe, before that I actually quite liked you.
In any case, the only real reason I came back here was because this Mamasin character (b23zombie) stalked me here, as she has done to numerous other forums. But I will leave your forum now and as you say - nothing is really gained by trolling or wasting time doing this.
So you can absolutely ban me and delete my account - I request it as I've nothing further to contribute here." B #13
If I had a $dollar for every time I exercised sub-optimal judgement I'd be an even $wealthier man.

My opportunities to err here are many. But if I am to err at all, I'd prefer to err on the side of cordial free-speech, which by the way is not a synonym for cheap talk.

If you choose to no longer post here, that's your right.
But there's no need, no benefit to making a static decision in a dynamic environment. There may come a time when you'd like to be heard, on an issue important to you. We'll leave the light on for you, and Z.
Actually, you're b23zombie here to try to trigger me when you realized I was posting here. Everyone who knows you or me at all knows that. You're a troll and nothing but a troll. That's why you're banned on sight at YAP and RN (you may claim you left RN on your own, but I dare you to try to post there and see if you are banned).

Eirini and I are laughing at your attempts to trigger me, it really is childish.
i feel sorry for you, zhe. but i won't put up with your bullshit either. I DON'T LIE, but your boyfriend does, and you know it. i wish you only the best, once you realize that.
This would be the 2nd forum in 6 months that Mamasin has stalked me to, BTW.
i came here because i saw on RN that cognation, who victor said on YAP was YOU, was actually an old boardmate, sear. by the time i got here, you were in the process of getting yourself banned, which amused me, and was a lovely birthday present, albeit unintended, lol!
If you are happy to make amends with Zhe then I have no problem with you.

In fact, my own real problem with you was after the stuff you said to Zhe, before that I actually quite liked you.

In any case, the only real reason I came back here was because this Mamasin character (b23zombie) stalked me here, as she has done to numerous other forums. But I will leave your forum now and as you say - nothing is really gained by trolling or wasting time doing this.

So you can absolutely ban me and delete my account - I request it as I've nothing further to contribute here.
tata, eirini!
This would be the 2nd forum in 6 months that Mamasin has stalked me to, BTW.
i came here because i saw on RN that cognation, who victor said on YAP was YOU, was actually an old boardmate, sear. by the time i got here, you were in the process of getting yourself banned, which amused me, and was a lovely birthday present, albeit unintended, lol!
Seems a little too soap-operatic for me. My apology to the regulars. If you knew the details you'd thank me for sparing you the details. BUT! "Curiosity killed the cat.", a 9-shooter I imagine. The first two posts in this thread are the locus.
tata, eirini!
"tata, eirini!" sounds a little like a scrumptious Greek seaside delicacy, or a buxom exotic dancer.

b #17
Please tell me you have a "current event" that's more than two point five milliamperes.

i saw on RN that cognation, who victor said on YAP was YOU
Oh yea.
If I had an inflated ego I'd have mentioned that to BR as a compliment. I may have an inflated ego, but never over 32 PSI, so no.
I hope you're not insulted BR, Victor mistaking me for you. Outa my hands either way.
more than 2.5 maps? how about BR using PMs on 2 other boards to troll people? or would you prefer to leave him in the dust, and talk about real current events? i can't remember if you're an ebayer or not, but they're shutting down the ebay soapbox as of the 16th!
more than 2.5 maps? how about BR using PMs on 2 other boards to troll people? or would you prefer to leave him in the dust, and talk about real current events? i can't remember if you're an ebayer or not, but they're shutting down the ebay soapbox as of the 16th!
"more than 2.5 maps?" b #19
"how about BR using PMs on 2 other boards to troll people" b
I don't endorse it.
Normalcy is not a single point on a spectrum. Normalcy is a fluid band on a spectrum, the bounds of which vary greatly with context.
"or would you prefer to leave him in the dust, and talk about real current events?" b
"I love you Mom!" is protected by our First Amendment. But such speech is rarely challenged. The speech in most need of protection includes that which constitutes valid critical analysis of a corrupt government administration, such as a presidential administration party to bloody insurrection.

The 18th Century metaphor of ascending a literal soap-box and addressing the dozen neighbors within hearing range on matters of passion or conscience is charming, but dismally anachronistic.
It's a new millennium.
I'm passionate about the 21st Century "soap-box" upgrade. And if there's enough bandwidth, public support / interest to support a specialty topic such as culinary, needle & thread, etc, we'll find a home for it here.
"i can't remember if you're an ebayer or not, but they're shutting down the ebay soapbox as of the 16th!" b
This is the very first I've learned of it. If you'd like to tell the disenfranchised there they have a home here, you and they are welcome.