Current Events: Texas "pro-life"?

Hello R. Welcome to @CV.
You're asking the right questions. Not impossible the ruling could chase women into dark alleys for unhygienic solutions, & artificially increased attrition rate. The Republicans seem to perceive that as improvement.


Thursday night Stephen Colbert again commented on the FOX Christmas tree fire.
"That is in no way a metaphor for FOX News. That would be a dumpster fire."

Furthermore, Abortion ban states have seen 65K pregnancies from rape, study estimates

"how it's going: More than 26K rape-related pregnancies estimated after Texas outlawed abortions, new study says" S2 #22
And what is the anti-choicer's answer to this?

The Rogers cartoon inspired me to realize:
- Central & South Americans are fleeing Northward, INto Texas for personal benefit. Meanwhile
- Texans are fleeing Northward for personal survival, so for example not to die from pregnancy complications.

Therefore, South is where the problems are, North is where the solutions are? Brace yourselves for an onslaught Canada.