Cops behaving badly ...


Well-known member
There have been so many reports of this sort of thing it deserves its own thread

First a question - how many people were involved in covering this up?


If FOX news has taught us anything, it's that the media-consuming public is powerfully influenced by their news source. Some among them seem to sincerely believe President Biden stole the election, illegally cheating President Trump of his 2nd term.

As you know S2 #1 though persuasive, alarming, is an anecdote. So your #1 leaves me wondering what the more objective statistical panorama is.
We already know the system is biased against Blacks, and other minorities. The question post #1 raises: is it an exceedingly rare exception? Or is such tragic, needless injustice quite commonplace across the nation?
If there aren't enough resources to provide each policeman a body-cam, police command could simply warn his patrolmen, any policeman receiving a plausible accusation of police brutality will be required to wear one of the police body-cams available. Shouldn't every COP wear one when interacting with the public?
"Politics makes strange bedfellows."

It may be a rare area of agreement. If there is a lack of supply of police body cams, perhaps civil rights groups such as BLM should loan or grant the funds to make them available.
S2 #4,
Indeed. Having them is of no use of they're not operating them.

R #5,
What a team! The police, and the NAACP !

Wichita Eagle

Christmastime hospital-room raid busts dying man for using marijuana extract | Opinion

If you're like me, you might question whether raiding a dying man's hospital room to bust him for possession of marijuana extracts is the best use of police time. But this Christmas season, it happened in Hays.


"At the crux of this particular matter is a rather innocent act of journalism. While visiting family in Arizona for the Thanksgiving holiday, Rabouin, who is Black, attempted to interview passersby on a sidewalk outside a Chase branch for an ongoing story about savings accounts, he told the Phoenix affiliate. Representatives from the bank approached him and asked what he was doing and Rabouin said he identified himself as a journalist.

Rabouin said he was never asked to leave, but an officer soon arrived on the scene. Rabouin said he volunteered to simply stop reporting from the scene, but video captured by a bystander shows the responding officer handcuff him, put him in the back of a police vehicle, and even threaten to shove him in if he did not comply.

The video shows Rabouin repeatedly identified himself as a reporter for The Journal, but the officer did not appear to care. The bystander who began recording the incident was also threatened with arrest."

It will continue until enforceable law enables the victims of such police excess to inflict a penalty sufficient to coerce police command to apply effective pressure on their patrol subordinates to not do this.

English translation:
It will never end. We're lucky Rabouin survived.
And from Hawaii

Four former correctional officers in Hawaii were given prison sentences ranging from one to 12 years for beating an inmate in 2015, breaking his jaw, nose and eye socket, and trying to cover up the abuse, the Justice Department said.

They are protected by their fraternities who wield too much power.

No, Defund the Police was not the answer, but neither is covering it all up and trying to pretend nothing is wrong.

All officers should be fired and re-hired with full vetting carried out on their entire lives, no facet should be left unchecked. Anything untowards at all - anything that shows they aren't above reproach means they should be booted out the force.

I don't approve of union busting at all, but cop fraternities are the ONLY thing I'd make an exception for.
S2 #13


Pretty good. Looking forward to the weekend. Hawauu ?

No, Defund the Police was not the answer, but neither is covering it all up and trying to pretend nothing is wrong.
"Hobson's choice"

They are protected by their fraternities who wield too much power.
In the U.S. the slang term "blue wall of silence" refers to policemen supporting fellow policemen even after wrong-doing. It's not that 100% of the police population in the U.S. is pure evil incarnate.
Each COP knows, they may have to rely on anyone else in their unit for backup, if / when the spit hits the fan. So for their own protection they have perverse incentive to ... "Thanks for asking me commander, but I was completing an entry in the patrol report at the time, I missed the entire incident ... ."
The U.S. can & has abandoned cars on the moon. BUT !! We can't even get our own police to obey the law. - zounds ! -

Hob·son's choice (hŏbsənz)
A choice between what is available and nothing; a lack of an alternative.

[After Thomas Hobson (1544?-1630), English keeper of a livery stable, from his requirement that customers take either the horse nearest the stable door or none.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
What is a law abiding citizen's recourse? If a squad of police feel like murdering another innocent citizen today, what are the options of that targeted citizen?
Fighting in Atlanta yesterday because the police murdered an environmental activist a few days prior.

They laughably claimed the guy they shot had a handgun and shot at officers - so a vegan/eco/lefty green protester.... shot a police officer? They suspiciously have no camera footage of it LOL.

You can't make this NONSENSE up.

Georgia police seem as corrupt as it gets. And now they are demonising the protesters and saying the small handful of rioters speak for all the protesters... when they are protesting needless police brutality.
