Capital punishment.

Grace06's favourites: sear. That made me near reach for the Jack Daniels. Oh how we used to have fun and closeness I do still miss that wonderous Lady. As for reach the bottle and sitting together and enjoying, you my Sear, have no idea as to at this moment in time, I would if possible "sprout wings and fly".
There'll never be another Grace06. But thanks to the compound miracles of the Internet etc, we can enjoy the pleasure of her company, without ever actually having met her.

"There must be more than just a few excellent reasons for everybody to feel this way." Grace06

“... I always thought the pretzel story had a Jack Daniels story to go with it ..." Grace06
Grace said that one when the news broke of U.S. president Bush (younger) passing out after eating a pretzel.

"Oh woe is everything!" grace06

Miss you Graceums.
I "concur" with your post and thoughts as to Grace. We (Grace and I) used e-mail each other (always very nice comments as to you). I used to think her as a Sister, in which case could post freely about situations that occurred during her Earth Life, now I just talk to myself hoping she will be listening.
The crowd is gathering up there W #43. COVID has helped collect a few more. Imagine the festival when we join them.
The crowd is gathering up there W #43. COVID has helped collect a few more. Imagine the festival when we join them. Sear
Would it be "presumptuous of me to say "CAN'T WAIT".
Would it be "presumptuous ...
I think we can rule out immortality.
So that leaves destination: up, or down.

It may be presumptuous in anyone's case. But I believe in your case, "up" is where you'll land. No rush. Little known fact: even on holidays the Pearly Gates are attended 24/7. No need to worry about timing your arrival. I'm sure you'll be as welcome there as you are welcome here.
There is an expression I use when am "enlightened" "Gods Teeth".
Now not in anyway wishing to give an impression that I am ready for the "dare I say" Next adventure "but.

Where ever I wonder, where ever I stay, the loneliness will leave me, it will not go away.
Peace of mind is what I long for, a place to lay my head, so all my worry's will leave me,
and I sleep soundly in my Bed.
I will rest one day, my Loneliness will come to an end,

when the last words are said about me, and along the last road I do trend:)
W #47
I'm a disciple of Dr. Joy Browne.
She cautions against correcting delusions of her patients, IF:
- that delusion is doing more good than harm in that patient, and
- Browne can't offer a more benevolent replacement.

I'm not a doctor. BUT !
You are a long-tenured cyber-friend. And it is "eternity" that's ostensibly at issue here. SO:
in the form of a suggestion:
Beware of the pitfall of the will-o'-the-wisp.

We're all aware of the dreary downside of this segment of our journey.
But it may be the most tragic mistake of all to disappreciate this life, expecting relief only in the next. Expectations of the next is one issue. But forfeiting scarce joy in this one, a blunder of the most epic proportion.

Perhaps one of the following may be useful:

- Dance like no one is watching.
Sing like no one is listening.
Love like you've never been hurt
and live like it's heaven on Earth. Mark Twain / SilverLupin

- Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody is watching -
attributed to Satchel Paige, Baseball player

- Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

will-o'-the-wisp (wĭl′ə-thə-wĭsp)
A delusive or misleading hope.

[From Will, nickname for William.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
- Dance like no one is watching.
Sing like no one is listening.
Love like you've never been hurt
and live like it's heaven on Earth. Mark Twain / SilverLupin

- Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody is watching -
attributed to Satchel Paige, Baseball player Sear

Both I have I have printed and will (when I get space on the wall), will be mounted Excellent
The one I quoted was something I wrote many years ago, due in part to "Family's" and the way they sometimes just don't think of the harm they do.
W #49

You may have just proved what a sensible guy you are. Taken literally the Twain / Paige formulae don't mean much, except to those that only sing in the shower when nobody's home, and for affection keep a goldfish in a small bowl on the coffee table.
And if not taken literally, that means interpretation. And once interpretation is involved one might presume to leverage that guidance to rob a bank, or make an insulting crank telephone call to one's own mother. - Mommy! Your son's an income pooh ! click -

W, even if your appreciation for your own stability lapses now or then, rest assured, it's better than the other thing.

The flogging will continue until the morale improves. sign in George Will’s office

In any case, an insight from Dr. Joy Browne can be useful. "Ideas are not for believing. Ideas are for using."

Not sure you remember her. I've not read a post from StarrDusting in years. She was an inspirational gal, battling back the affects of a crippling nerve disorder. Here's an insight she posted:

"The goal of life is not to arrive at the grave safely and well maintained,
but rather to skid in at full throttle coming to a screeching halt shouting
"Holy S**T, WHAT A RIDE!" StarrDusting

Perhaps Captain Jacques Yves Cousteau said it most plainly: "Love life." Useful insights all.
"The goal of life is not to arrive at the grave safely and well maintained,
but rather to skid in at full throttle coming to a screeching halt shouting
"Holy S**T, WHAT A RIDE!" StarrDusting Sear

Again my friend and fellow poster, a quote I shall print and again Hang when space appears.
I wonder if you agree, I place on your board a new Thread heading "Dealing with and looking back at the past".
Also an apology to others who post on this Excellent Board. There are times, when answering any posting, that I drift back.
The main reason is age and remembering what life and times have meant to me.
“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”
― Bill Hicks
“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.” mark mywords
I like that. As one grows old, there are times when realisation "rears up". One reflects on the past, and try's in moments of heighten awareness, one might, just might, have made a difference. But above all IMHO one must learn to :-
"Accept what we cannot change,
Change what we cannot accept
And have the wisdom to know the difference."
mm #52
I don't mean to seem the sourpuss this holiday weekend (Memorial Day / US), but the affects of hallucinogens can be temporary. The affects of nuclear war are more durable.

"Accept what we cannot change,
Change what we cannot accept
And have the wisdom to know the difference." W #53

the Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference."

the Senility Prayer
God grant me the ability to leave the persons I do not like,
the good fortune to re-encounter those I do,
and the eyesight to know the difference.

The geriatric prayer is simpler still: "The next time I find Jello, I hope it's the red kind." [The flavor is "cherry". The color is red.]
the Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference ."Sear

There are times when one has to accept "Superiority", I bow, my memory is fading so can only remember parts, you have just filled the gap, thank you. It could also be I have had a "Large couple" of Jack Daniels I rest my case.
If we look at "the todays World" it appears Criminals seem to be winning. Here in the UK we have "gangs of youngsters" seemly to be able inflect harm and misery at will. It's almost as though we are seeing "wild Animals" roam at will, not caring who they harm or attack.
IMHO unless a new form of "Punishment" is forcefully imposed" it's going to be "every man for themselves".
I'm not recommending it. In fact I recommend against it. But in the previous millennium Stan Kubrick released a movie titled A Clockwork Orange. It's about the scenario you describe, but decades in the future, thus, about now, & about in or near London (iirc).
It's deeply disturbing. But it addresses the question: what should (can) society do with energetic, youthful sociopaths?
News to me mm #58, perhaps to W #56 as well.

Gangs of course not unique to the U.K.

The two gang structures recognized as such (meaning excluding the Republican party) I'm aware of causing much trouble are those in urban centers, and in our prisons.
Problem is these gangs, Bloods & Crips for notorious examples, provide leadership and a sense of belonging.

We don't have to nuke the gang leaders. We can instead provide more constructive alternatives, including education. Tell prospective gang members what their choices are, and provide choices better than gang membership. That alone won't eliminate gangs. But it might help shrink them down to more manageable proportion.

Perhaps it's just a withered old man's observation, but it seems to me we're not only in a leadership drought, but that we're about due for a new & capable leader to appear. I can't provide specific details, because my comment is based on timing, and statistics, not ideological merit.