Capital punishment.

It's strange, as I have posted before I don't believe in any "Man made Religions" because I see them as simple led by a member of the 3% who believe they are leaders.
However I do believe in a Being but that's another story.
Back on the "ridding the world of Killers", When I have read of a person being capable of abusing and then taking the life of a child, there is no reason why that person should remain on this earth. So I think we have distinguish between a persons who takes life as act of mindless self (forgive the word) Pleasure, and those that through accident of defence take a life.
Your number #21 summons the following quotations to mind:

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." sometimes attributed to Seneca the Younger (c.3 BCE - CE 65)

- Trust those that seek the truth, distrust those that claim to have found it. - paraphrase of words attributed to the Buddha

I've probably posted each of these a dozen times over the decades. But your insights reminded me of them yet once again.
"However I do believe in a Being but that's another story." W #21
The metaphysical "steamer" I'm left having to step over is that many that lived & died before you and me got there first. They have defined "god" in their own terms.
And so it might seem like we (you and I) are the ones on the fringe, gratuitously questioning what they have already established. That's what the Buddha reference above is about.

Eskimo: 'If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?'
Priest: 'No, not if you did not know.'
Eskimo: 'Then why did you tell me?'
Annie Dillard

What they may not know I know is, them being chronologically first does not necessarily make them factually more accurate.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

It's more complicated than this, but as a simple logical reality:
perhaps there's a god, perhaps not. But independent of that:
it may well benefit us as individuals not so much to pick one or another established religions, as to reason through the process. It at very least may be a very important and therapeutic form of mental exercise.
And one of the interesting things about this particular form of exercise is, it naturally seems to default to the right amount, within many individuals. Those that need it less may naturally tend to do it less.
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." sometimes attributed to Seneca the Younger (c.3 BCE - CE 65) Sear
That Sear will be copied and hung on my wall. An excellent quote and what's more or less fulfils my view. More later builders about to start to "rip up my Hall flour" due to a leak in the Central heating
"rip up my Hall flour" W #23
I'm groping for a mental image here, but can't pass the obstacle of being able to imagine how the walls are built.
The earlier plaster design was thin wood slats, over which plaster was troweled smooth.
The newer design, Sheetrock, or plaster board. I a little bit hope neither is involved in any demolition in your case.

Meanwhile, a shade more supernatural wisdom from the ancients:

“Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god?” ― Epicurus (341-270BC)
Sear, your posting of quotes is becoming a " watch words of Sanity"
As for my floor problems, top part of the floor gone now we find "crossing fingers" the problem could simple be a "replacement of Heating system" which although costly is not as bad as we first thought. As I have posted we moved back from "Beautiful Wales" to Essex, due to family. However if I am lucky in the next draw of the Lottery, I will say no more in case my wife views my posts, and if so I shall be made ready for Head to be removed.
uuuugghhh !
I've had my share of demolition projects. The worst is bashing stuff to pieces while you're living there.

Bummer about having to replace a heating system. I don't know what the climate is like where you are. But if you get more than a few uncomfortably hot & or humid days a year, you might want to consider upgrading to the kind of system that both heats in Winter & cools in Summer.
In Southern New York we get hazy, hot, & humid days, ideal for air conditioning. Air conditioners not only cool the air, but remove humidity.

There's a variety of options. But when I have to make such decision, I try to include as many options as available. That helps avoid getting the wrong thing, when something much better is available.

Enjoy the demolition dust. Why go outdoors for carcinogens when you can get them in the discomfort of your own renovation-ravaged home?
uuuugghhh !
I've had my share of demolition projects. The worst is bashing stuff to pieces while you're living there.

Bummer about having to replace a heating system. I don't know what the climate is like where you are. But if you get more than a few uncomfortably hot & or humid days a year, you might want to consider upgrading to the kind of system that both heats in Winter & cools in Summer.
In Southern New York we get hazy, hot, & humid days, ideal for air conditioning. Air conditioners not only cool the air, but remove humidity.

There's a variety of options. But when I have to make such decision, I try to include as many options as available. That helps avoid getting the wrong thing, when something much better is available.

Enjoy the demolition dust. Why go outdoors for carcinogens when you can get them in the discomfort of your own renovation-ravaged home?
Well I went to the Quack (Doctors) today for just a check, and found I have shrunk by near 4inches came as a real surprise but I am told it happens as you age, but if that's the case what happens if I live another 5 yrs will I need "elevated shoes".
But we are slowly getting warmer here. It's strange because when we lived in Wales during the winter months we had 4 to 6 inches of snow, now just gets warmer.
As for the home "improvements" well we are waiting for a Plumber to call check.
Yeah, the shrinkage deal. Men our age might look a bit odd in stiletto heels. But cowboy boots have high heels, just a more macho style.
On the global warming deal, some home renovations may deserve consideration of resale value. But I find it fatiguing to even consider me changing addresses. There's no more comfortable rut than the one we're in.

On heating: I finally got some heat directly on (in) the floor. It provides a nice uniform heat, as particularly in some older homes (potentially not insulated to modern specifications) cold air can puddle, leaving feet to go cold. The poor man's solution: the ottoman.

ot·to·man (ŏtə-mən.
1. b. An upholstered low seat or cushioned footstool.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
They used to do this decades ago by laying Copper pipe, and then pouring concrete over it. That way running hot water through the Copper from the boiler heats the entire room from the floor up, very comfortable. BUT !!
The concrete was corrosive to the Copper, so they used to have to go back with jackhammers and rip it all out.
More recently they replaced the Copper with a plastic material called pex. I'm not sure what the standard is today.
This move will be my 7th over the last 60 odd years. And yes it is and has been sometimes difficult to adjust. But this will be my last. When I lived in Wales we bought an old Farm house with about 4 acres. Over the 25 yrs I live there we made it into a very delightful Home The Mountain behind was call in English "Mountain of Angels".
I still miss that home. Don't know if I ever told you, I had my D.N.A. checked while in Wales. 20% Scottish,15% Walsh, 9% German, 6% Swedish, the balance Northern Europe and English. A little different as to my Birth place which was London with all my known Kin coming from surrounding areas. So may be I am a good part Viking.
"This move will be my 7th over the last 60 odd years." W #29
Moving household is traumatic.
"And yes it is and has been sometimes difficult to adjust. But this will be my last." W
I've had my current address since the previous millennium.
I lived here a decade before I began to integrate into the community. Instead of confessing that, I flaunted my status as a loner, much easier that way.
"When I lived in Wales we bought an old Farm house with about 4 acres. Over the 25 yrs I live there we made it into a very delightful Home The Mountain behind was call in English "Mountain of Angels"." W
I think I've seen some pics. Looked like paradise to me. I imagine it was difficult to leave.
"So may be I am a good part Viking." W #29
Do you rape, pillage, and conquer more than most other people you know? [just kiddin']
mm #31
I'm not sure efficiency and dysfunction are synonyms. Matter of fact, while no one here seems to be advocating for haste, it may be that rather than dragging appeals out for decades, that a more efficient system might also improve justice for all. "Justice delayed is justice denied"?

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Happy Mother's Day
"Life is what happens while you're making plans." Nice to see you back Wolf.
I hope the guys that ripped up your house left it in better shape than when they started.
Thank you titan, my age, sometimes makes "operating" a new system a "touch difficult". Plus being as they say "lead up the garden path" by those you employ to make things "work at a touch" have (as they will in time find out) P-----me off.
Plus at this time we are having "major" (hope the powers does the business) improvements done to our new home.
"... at this time we are having "major" (hope the powers does the business) improvements done to our new home." W #35
Holy cow Mr. W.
I'd imagined that work might have been finished by now. Perhaps that was T #34's impression as well.

I don't have much help to offer on new computer OS.
I was computing for many blissful years with MS Windows 7. Problem was there were fundamental limits on that OS, including it couldn't even operate the hardware on a newer computer. I tried APPLE (Unix), I tried Linux. But for an OS that actually enables me to do the computing I do, my one remaining option was to switch to MS Win10. Problem is, I finally made that switch right around the time Microsoft released Windows 11. - bummer -

I keep getting upgrade threats from Microsoft. So far I've battled them back successfully. Yet here we are. I consider it an undeniable reality, Microsoft's deliberate self-sabotage is an absolute scourge across the Windows landscape.

Recently, perhaps a few weeks ago I bought a new Win10 computer. One of the first modifications I made to it: I downloaded some software that got it to run more like an MS Win7 machine. In the background it's still Win10. It can operate a computer with 6 TB HDD and 64 GB RAM. (Win7 Home Premium, not so much)
But with this download improvement if I want to work with the individual hard drives (HDD) one needn't be a rocket surgeon to display them on the monitor.

I'm not being coy. Not sure if the mod. I did to mine would help resolve the issue/s you're dealing with. I've already lost the URL I used. But if anyone wants me to re-invent that wheel, post a request and I'll try to retrace my cyber-steps.
It has become in my "view" over some many years, that there is a "growth" of people who have become a sort of "Human Life savers". What I am trying to understand is where as we live in a Democratic society, sharing that Democratically giving right, of choice, would it not serve a purpose by giving the people a vote as to bring back Capital Punishment? P.S. I DUCK
In context of promoting good I think of democracy as good.
In context of multiplying evil I think of democracy as a supreme peril.
Some U.S. Founders called democracy "mob rule", their reason for founding a Constitutional republic.

Doesn't take much imagination to understand there's something ghastly about capital punishment.
But how less ghastly is lifetime incarceration?
It seems humanity will be struggling with these issues for the foreseeable future.

Is "DUCK" an acronym?

ac·ro·nym (ăkrə-nĭm′)
1. A word formed by combining the initial letters of a multipart name, such as NATO from North Atlantic Treaty Organization or by combining the initial letters or parts of a series of words, such as radar from radio detecting and ranging.
2. Usage Problem An initialism.

[ACR(O)- + -ONYM.]

ac′ro·nymic, a·crony·mous (ə-krŏnə-məs) adj.

Usage Note: In strict usage, the term acronym refers to a word made from the initial letters or parts of other words, such as sonar from so(und) na(vigation and) r(anging). The distinguishing feature of an acronym is that it is pronounced as if it were a single word, in the manner of NATO and NASA. Acronyms are often distinguished from initialisms like FBI and NIH, whose individual letters are pronounced as separate syllables. While observing this distinction has some virtue in precision, it may be lost on many people, for whom the term acronym refers to both kinds of abbreviations.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2022 by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
Quick reply, will enlarge later, My use of the word Duck in this content was simple a sort of humous response as to my post. Sear your a great deal more "Educated then I". Again implying a "shot of Humour" P.S. you have no images I could have posted
" P.S. you have no images I could have posted " W #39
Try the round icon in the icon string atop the text entry box. :)
XenForo has it broken down to: Smilies, People, Nature, Food, Activity, Travel, Objects, Symbols, Flags.

But I confess, I still use a few from Ezboard / Yuku / Tapatalk, such as one of Grace06's favorites:

"Sear your a great deal more "Educated then I"." W

If we could polish off a bottle of Jack together we might both bust a gut over that one.

One of my secrets: h t t p s://
I rarely open my Internet browser without dedicating a tab to either AHD, or the gold standard of English language dictionaries, the OED: h t t p s://

Please pardon the spaces in each URL. The text editor boinks them up without the spaces.

Bear in mind, I've been at the current events administrator bidness since the previous millennium, inspired by some of the best, including Loretta, Talisen, Penny, Warlady, Grace06, & others. Even a midget seems tall when standing on the shoulders of giants.