Bye Bye Boris


July 7, 2022, 3:26 AM -05 / Updated July 7, 2022, 9:13 AM -05 / By Alexander Smith, Rhoda Kwan and Mahalia Dobson
LONDON — Scandal-ridden British Prime Minister Boris Johnson capitulated to mounting pressure to step down Thursday, announcing his decision after days of high-profile government resignations and calls from fellow Conservative Party members to quit.

British prime ministers are not directly elected by voters and instead are chosen to lead their party. As such, Johnson needs the support of fellow Conservative Party members to stay in power.

He survived a vote of confidence by his party last month in which a bruising 41% of its lawmakers voted to oust him. That followed the scandal dubbed “partygate,” which saw Johnson fined by police and slammed by an investigator’s report over lockdown-breaching parties he and his aides held during the Covid pandemic.

Who will replace Johnson?
I haven't kept up with it O #3.

I'm not striving to be bashful. I'm genuinely ignorant of the issues, & the candidate positions here.

CERTAINLY I wish our brethren the best. But any comment I might attempt to make on it would be an ignorant intrusion.

Perhaps Rampage can share an update with us.
The U.K. & the U.S. are separated by a common language.
attributed to Sir Winston Churchill
Reuters reports Liz Truss will become Britain's next prime minister after winning a leadership race for the governing Conservative Party, vowing to press ahead with promised tax cuts and action to tackle a deepening energy and cost of living crisis.
The impression I get from your link mark is that this specific Boris Johnson critic is more style than substance. The same argument without the clenched fists and repeated emphatic knee flexures would merely be political antagonism.

I'm somewhat relieved that the U.S. isn't the only nation with substantially groundless political opposition. "Misery loves company"?
Boris would be an improvement right now, she seems intent on taking the country down with her as fast as possible and the scandals seem to grow daily and exponentially. I've never seen such a roundly disliked PM who has messed things up in such spectacular fashion, in such a short space of time.

She's even more unpopular than Jeremy Corbyn was as leader of the opposition, which is a frankly incredible feat, I wouldn't be surprised if they stab her in the front in unison very shortly, but then I expected something like this would happen and the Tories would implode, so in a way it's a good result she became PM, at least for a while - as it allows Starmer to take charge, when the election is finally called.

That said, Starmer won't make a good PM at all.
this is so totally not an accusation. It's just that even a stumbling drunk can usually muster an opinion.
I sincerely care about the wonderful Peoples of the U.K., and wish well their fortunes. But honestly, I'm stuck in a Margaret Thatcher rut here. I can't even spell these names correctly. It'll take me a year to stop calling him "Prince" Charles.
So I'm warming the bench on the sidelines not out of disinterest, only out of pure ignorance. Carrion.
That said, Starmer won't make a good PM at all.

Starmer has all of the appeal and charm of a cold fish supper, but if not him then who?
who among that complete shower of mediocrity would you have as PM?
I liked Corbin, Im not sure that he would have made a good PM (fairly sure that he would not)
Starmer has all of the appeal and charm of a cold fish supper, but if not him then who?
who among that complete shower of mediocrity would you have as PM?
I liked Corbin, Im not sure that he would have made a good PM (fairly sure that he would not)

Your post literally appeared as I was posting a reply.

I agree with mostly everything you post. I voted for Corbyn also and liked some of what he stood for, but then there was plenty that made him bad in my eyes.

IMHO, and from what I read, he presided over a bit of a do nothing spree at Islington council while kids were abused. My Mum was one of them btw.

For that alone it's hard to forgive.
Your opinion is always welcome sear, we are no bastion of intelligence ourselves in the United Fiefdom.

Apparently, a lot of UK kids think kidneys are in the brain and don't know what planet they live on.

I include myself among them. :)
Starmer was called a "friend of rapists" by women's organisations, which is probably a bit harsh as he had limited oversight over that as DPP, nonetheless he must have some culpability for not doing enough but then neither has any subsequent ones with rape cases being ridiculous wrt prosecution rates.

Nonetheless, Starmer has a lot of answer for wrt courting Modi, ignoring Kashmiri Muslims' rights and other things he has engaged in in his party, including expelling Corbynites and internal sabotage of Corbyn's campaign (not that I'm defending Corbyn - some of what he has done has been inexcusable - espec recently wrt his stances on Ukraine - but so is sabotaging the party from within to let the Tories win).

I dunno what to think really. I guess it would be nice to have someone like Dennis Skinner who really stands up for people's rights and who is both very outspoken and intelligent at the helm of the party, honestly he was a great guy, the commons misses him sorely.
"a lot of UK kids think kidneys are in the brain" O #14
I swear I'm not holding out on you guys. I don't know from Starmer, or DPP (though I know what PP is, don't like it). BUT !!
Inspired by my reckless free-association & your posting the name of a vital human organ:

"I hate when people tell me to smile.
You can't be happy all the time. You'll ruin your liver.
Sometimes you've got to put the bottle down, like when you're signaling a lane change." Bonnie McFarlane

'tsall I got
Nonetheless, Starmer has a lot of answer for wrt courting Modi, ignoring Kashmiri Muslims' rights and other things he has engaged in in his party, including expelling Corbynites and internal sabotage of Corbyn's campaign (not that I'm defending Corbyn - some of what he has done has been inexcusable

Starmer is a zionist (he is goyim but his wife is a Jew)

I guess it would be nice to have someone like Dennis Skinner who really stands up for people's rights and who is both very outspoken and intelligent at the helm of the party, honestly he was a great guy, the commons misses him sorely.
John Smith the greatest PM we never had

For sear
Starmer is the current leader of the UK Labour Party

In his former role he has been a senior lawyer (Queens Council) and DPP (director of public prosecutions) who was in charge of leading criminal prosecutions a role now largely taken over by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
Starmer is a zionist (he is goyim but his wife is a Jew)

John Smith the greatest PM we never had

For sear
Starmer is the current leader of the UK Labour Party

In his former role he has been a senior lawyer (Queens Council) and DPP (director of public prosecutions) who was in charge of leading criminal prosecutions a role now largely taken over by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
Would have assumed you didn't like Smith as he was very centrist?