Anthropogenic Planetary Climate Crisis: the existential collective action challenge to the survival of humanity -formerly- Climate Change: deny this?

Tag team heckling?
Believe it or not, I'm not deliberately trying to be wrong. A weak education and age related geranium in the cranium have a synergistic affect.
sear, your high school diploma is showing.

Nah, sear is extremely intelligent, your post is rather rude and not in keeping with the spirit of this place and its cordial atmosphere (so far).

Kind of disappointed to see this to be honest. One of the reasons I like this forum is because it's fight-free.

Same for cowardly and snide remarks on here.. but as they say, Winning the Internet Is Important. It only reflects on the maker(s) of such remarks.
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The U.S. is no less dependent on national defense than before global warming. What sets this apart is it's in addition to the other perils we're already familiar with. We turn to Uncle Sam to prevent nuclear war, there isn't much individuals can do for that. Climate change is different. We need all the help we can get, including our own individual contributions. That can include dumping the gas guzzler, and either replacing it with a less polluting gasoline or diesel powered vehicle, or running an electric powered vehicle. We should remember, well meaning consumers may think they're sparing the environment by buying and driving a Toyota Prius. But if the electricity that charges the Prius is generated by burning coal, that Prius can pollute more per mile than a comparable gasoline powered car.

Heads up. Danger is everywhere. Panic won't help. Enjoy life. Be aware. Be responsible.

It's not about panic, it's about the lives of millions of Pakistanis and others who are in grave peril when they reach 40c+ temps at 100% humidity and the body can no longer cool itself.

Would you tell those guys not to panic? What about Sudanese or Libyans in some of the hottest climes on the planet? Telling people who are in those situations not to panic could be problematic.

As one who believes in the saying "all for one and one for all" we have a responsibility and duty to them - to some of the poorest on earth - not to contribute to the climate, lest we end up causing irreparable harm to millions of people around the world. We are not doing enough and it is simply not good enough as things are.
Necessity is the mother of invention:

(..) Entrepreneurs in the Venezuelan city of Maracaibo have created affordable battery- and solar-powered vehicles adapted from golf carts and inspired by drag racing to overcome the country’s chronic fuel shortages and power outages.

Venezuela was one of the world’s largest oil producers just a decade ago but the Opec nation’s oil sector has collapsed due to economic mismanagement and rampant corruption. Queues of cars routinely wait for hours at petrol stations which sometimes run dry.
Venezuela has dirt-cheap fuel, so why is driving nearly impossible?

“As an oil-producing state we never imagined that we could have gas shortages,” says Augusto Pradelli, 61, who designed a battery-powered car. “It used to be free, but now it’s either unavailable or crazy expensive.”

Oil is particularly scarce in the north-western state of Zulia where the price of a litre of gas exceeded $4 during the pandemic. Venezuela’s monthly minimum wage is $28.

Drawing on experience from his hobby of building drag cars, Pradelli started the experiment by hacking away at a humble golf cart.

“It was heavy, it was slow and it was cumbersome. The only interesting thing was that it had an electric battery – and that didn’t last long,” Pradelli says.

As with drag cars, the first step was to make the cart’s boxy body as lightweight and aerodynamic as possible by removing material. Recycled materials like sheet metal from fridges were used to develop a body with less drag, an anti-roll bar was fitted to make it more manoeuvrable, and most importantly, the sluggish golf cart’s batteries and motors were souped up.

The electric carts now reach speeds of up to 40km an hour and can travel 60-100km with up to four passengers on a six-hour charge. (..)

There's a lot of innovative stuff going on in Venezuela, despite their awful economic situation and frankly evil government trying to inhibit progress at every point.
- yikes -

O #22

You're a gem of a guy to try to snuff out the wildfire while it's still on the match. My most sincere appreciation.
"When the picture doesn't make any sense, a piece of the puzzle is missing." Joy Brown PhD

"Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to ones self-esteem." "Pride and vanity can thus be greater obstacle to learning than stupidity." Thomas Szasz MD

I'd like to believe I'm entitled to your characterization of my intelligence. The fact is such thing tends to lay on a spectrum, thus it's relative. Compared to what.
Whatever my acumen mm long ago left me in his dust. BUT !!
Because of the wise if biting lesson Szasz offers above, I'm sincerely grateful to mm for his patience & generosity in trying to drag me up to speed, a thankless task.
I'd hoped my "geranium in the cranium" self-diagnosis would be the tip-off, it's all good-natured here.

But I must also add, at some sites, policing civility is left to Mods. & Admins.
As you already know (as you've demonstrated) when the entire cyber-community rallys to the effort, it can help maintain a tranquil refuge on the infotainment superhighway. My sincere thanks to you all.

Time for some comic relief about it?
This graphic is of front & back of some business cards I printed up to help promote this site. So far, not much help.
You may notice the squiggly red lines. They're spell-check highlights. When I drew up the card design the software spell-checker flagged those character strings.
I somehow hoped / believed / assumed the printer would understand that, and tidy it up before printing.

- nope -

I still get a chuckle about it.


Anyway, what happens is, spend a half hour discussing what has to offer, and it establishes a rapport not always present in cyber-friendships.
What surely must have looked like a sharp elbow to my ribs, was more a gentle tease.

BUT !!

I sincerely appreciate your direct intervention contributing to the cordial atmosphere I'm hoping to nurture & flourish here.

Have a rootin' tootin' Columbus Day, a celebration big enough to span an ocean or two.