1970s Belfast

mark mywords

Active member


The netting around the building (police station) to defend against RPG attack - note police man with rifle facing camera
Above armoured personnel carrier in city center

Not far from where my wife lived - the army later took over the house after her family left due to gun and bomb attacks on the house

Local youth pose beside bombed out shopping mall

young child oblivious to soldier taking cover behind sand bags

Army taking a break beside loyalist barricade
Wow, striking pictures.
Took the words right out of my mouth.

Mr. D's a big boy. He can speak for himself.
I don't know the dates of each of the pics. None the less they seem to tell a story within a time-span.

Doesn't improve my outlook on Russia in Ukraine (or Crimea).
I don't know the dates of each of the pics.
They are all from the 1970s most are pre 1975

It puzzles me why someone who rightly opposed frankly evil British occupation of Norn Iron
and from what do you derive that erroneous assumption?

as for your link
John Oliver Weir was a complex man (I knew him before he ran away to South Africa) but i wouldnt necessarily believe a word that came out of him

John was born in the Republic of Ireland his mother was a catholic and him joining the RUC (northern Irish police) was "unusual" but once within the RUC he aligned himself with some very unsavoury characters from within and without the ranks, McCaughey (who I didnt know) Mitchell and Armstrong (who I knew) and another cop who hung around with Mitchell and Armstrong (I cant remember his name I dont think that I ever spoke with him but it was Mc something or other)
They were certainly bad people but they were extreme outliers, to put it into context (and certainly not to excuse their actions) suppose day in day out Black people were killing your work colleagues eventually you might be tempted to get even illegally.

Bomb damage in residential street Belfast


Remains of large department store after bomb and subsequent fire

aftermath of a large bomb in a busy bus station object on the ground is a skin of person blown off the body by the blast
there were 22 bombs in a small area of the city centre that day many had warnings some did not

2:10 pm (Smithfield bus station)A car bomb exploded in an enclosed yard at Smithfield bus station,
2:16 pm (Brookvale Hotel)A bomb (estimated at 50 pounds (23 kg) of explosive) exploded at the Brookvale Hotel on Brookvale Avenue.
2:23 pm (Railway station, York Road)A bomb (estimated at 30 pounds (14 kg) of explosive) exploded in a suitcase on the platform, ] The station had not been fully cleared and there were some injuries.
2:40 pm (Ulster Bank, Limestone Road)A car bomb (estimated at 50 pounds (23 kg) of explosive) exploded outside the Ulster Bank on Limestone Road. The area had not been cleared and several people were seriously injured.
2:45 pm (Crumlin Road)A car bomb exploded at the Star Taxis depot on Crumlin Road. Nearby were the houses of the Crumlin Road Prison warders and the prison itself. Some sources say that there were two bombs and that both exploded
2:48 pm (Railway station, Great Victoria Street)A van bomb exploded in the station's bus yard.
2:52 pm (Railway station, Botanic Avenue)A car bomb (estimated at 50 pounds (23 kg) of explosive) exploded outside the station.
2:55 pm (Queen Elizabeth Bridge)A car bomb (estimated at 160 pounds (73 kg) of explosive) exploded on the Queen Elizabeth Bridge.
2:57 pm (Gas Department Offices, Ormeau Avenue)A car bomb (estimated at 50 pounds (23 kg) of explosive)
2:59 pm (Garmoyle Street)A parcel bomb, which had been planted by armed men, exploded at the premises of John Irwin seed merchants.
3:02 pm (Oxford Street bus station)A car bomb exploded at the Ulsterbus station on Oxford Street, one of the busiest bus stations in Northern Ireland, killing six and injuring almost forty.
3:02 pm (Liverpool ferry terminus, Donegall Quay)A car bomb (estimated at 50 pounds (23 kg) of explosive)
3:04 pm (M2 motorway bridge, Bellevue)A car bomb (estimated at 30 pounds (14 kg) of explosive) partially exploded on a road bridge over the M2 motorway
3:05 pm (Filling station, Upper Lisburn Road)A car bomb exploded at Creighton's filling station, setting the petrol pumps ablaze
3:05 pm (Electrical substation, Salisbury Avenue)A car bomb exploded at an electrical substation at the junction of Salisbury Avenue and Hughenden Avenue.
3:05 pm (Railway bridge, Finaghy Road North)A lorry bomb exploded on a road bridge over the railway line at Finaghy Road North.
3:09 pm (Railway bridge, Windsor Park)A bomb (estimated at 30 pounds (14 kg) of explosive)[ exploded on a bridge over the railway line near Windsor Park football grounds.
3:12 pm (Eastwood's Garage, Donegall Street)A car bomb (estimated at 150 pounds (68 kg) of explosive)
3:15 pm (Stewartstown Road)A bomb, thought to have been abandoned on the Stewartstown Road, exploded but caused no serious injuries.
3:15 pm (Cavehill Road)A car bomb (estimated at 50 pounds (23 kg) of explosive) exploded outside a row of single storey shops near the top of Cavehill Road, north Belfast.
3:30 pm (Grosvenor Road)A bomb (estimated at 50 pounds (23 kg) of explosive) exploded at the Northern Ireland Carriers depot on Grosvenor Road.
Two other bombs were defused: one on the Albert Bridge and one on a road bridge over the Sydenham bypass.[13]

SAME DAY different town
In Derry, a 300lb van bomb exploded at Waterloo Place, near the city's RUC headquarters. It blasted the six-storey Embassy Court building and dislodged a British Army observation post on the roof.
IRA bomb de-railed ten wagons of a goods train near Portadown.There were three other large car bombs that exploded in Derry city, however unlike in Belfast the Derry bombings did not cause a single injury.[23]

Aftermath of the Oxford Street bomb showing the remains of one of the victims being shovelled into a bag


John Oliver Weir the source of At one point MI5 tried to get Loyalist Paramilitary Terrorists to shoot up a school - to MURDER innocent children.
Ahh, so you are an apologist for Loyalist Terrorism as well as a Putin genocide denier.

Let me guess, Slobodan MIlosevic was a saint too?

Good lord, you really do make me sick.

You just downplayed our intel services trying to get folks to shoot up a school.
Ahh, so you are an apologist for Loyalist Terrorism

from where do you get that idea - because its certainly not from anything I have said

deaths associated with terrorism in NI 1969 to 2001 listed by group responsible

Republican terrorists 2,058
Loyalist terrorists 1,027
British forces (including police) 363
bear in mind that at least some of those killed by British forces needed to be killed

The RUC killed 55 people (56 if you include one by the B specials) and lost 285 (including retired and former members)
You just downplayed our intel services trying to get folks to shoot up a school.

I didnt do any such thing I simply mistrust the word of a convicted terrorist and psychopath

Weir (and his motley crew) needed no external encouragement to kill any one although quite how it would serve the British spooks to have school children killed I will leave you to think about
Alright m #11
You see we've got a troll. Our first?
No need to lower yourself to his game if you don't wish to.
"Are you satan in disguise?" #8
Trolls troll for a reason. I'm looking for an underlying agenda here. Sometimes, Ockham's Razor:
"Children would rather be praised than punished. But they'd rather be punished than ignored." psychologist Joy Browne
I suspect trolls are attempting to compensate for some deficiency in their lives. The method of attack outlines that.

Who said child psychology is only for children?
I didnt do any such thing I simply mistrust the word of a convicted terrorist and psychopath

Weir (and his motley crew) needed no external encouragement to kill any one although quite how it would serve the British spooks to have school children killed I will leave you to think about
Outright denial of facts.

You are downplaying our intel services trying to get people to shoot up a school and that is sick.

And somehow that is trolling in sear's peon-sized little brain.
Alright m #11
You see we've got a troll. Our first?

Other than yourself you mean?

No need to lower yourself to his game if you don't wish to.

Trolls troll for a reason. I'm looking for an underlying agenda here. Sometimes, Ockham's Razor:

I suspect trolls are attempting to compensate for some deficiency in their lives. The method of attack outlines that.

Who said child psychology is only for children?

It's for you. You are being called one on several forums.

And you already know who I am as you approved my username change. Why are you lying about not knowing who I am?

You should look to yourself before attempting to confront others.
Ah, so you've never heard that phrase before, well I'm not surprised, yet many people use it regardless. So what were you saying again?
And that's the only meaning of the word is it?

In any case, arguing dictionary definitions is your best defence of your sickening arguments in support of shooting up a school arranged by our intel services? And of the RUC colluding with loyalist terrorist paramilitaries?

You downplayed the deaths of civilians committed by loyalists and RUC; you employed whataboutery to try and say "but look at what the IRA did!".

Now you're trying to divert from that topic again with some idiotic word semantics debate, to try and discredit me; to distract from me pointing out your very real apologism for RUC crimes, collusion - and loyalist paramilitary terrorism.


Does winning points on the internet make you feel better?

My argument comes from a aplce of sincerity whereas yours comes from a place of trying to shut down the truth. I can't imagine how someone could ever downplay something as horrendous as the crimes committed over there in support of British colonialism.

That said, you have sear fighting on your side now, also downplaying same terrorism and awful things, from the same guy who said north korean refugees were "mental and physical midgets", because vulnerable refugees are looked down upon by him.

That should say plenty and perhaps I should have got a sense from that post, what people here are really like.

In any case, sear is welcome to his little fiefdom and the way he's going he'll soon get himself banned from the other places. I will make sure not to read a word he writes.

Good luck with the Putin and loyalist terrorism apologia.
In any case, arguing dictionary definitions is your best defence of your sickening arguments in support of shooting up a school arranged by our intel services? And of the RUC colluding with loyalist terrorist paramilitaries?

was ANY school shot up?
you are believing the word of a convicted terrorist
have you ANY evidence of any such plot other than the word of a discredited terrorist?

You downplayed the deaths of civilians committed by loyalists and RUC;
I did not such thing but you cannot really compare the HIGHLY REGRETABLE killings of 30 likely innocent people** with the 2000+ killings by republican terrorists

** some of these 30 although not terrorists at the time they were shot/killed they were none the less killed at least arguably justifiably (eg Steven Colwell who was shot whilst speeding through a police check point).

It is very very easy to claim collusion it is almost impossible to disprove (you cannot prove that something didnt happen)

I would be fairly confident that it did happen, I dont believe that it was a policy or an organised thing but it wasnt just the police colluding with Loyalist terrorists every one was at it the DVLA (DMV for Americans) were passing addresses on to terrorists as were the tax office and civil service offices if you are in the business of killing people knowing where they live and what car they drive is valuable information and that information was widely traded.

There was a prison officer killed because some secretary in the civil service passed his details to the IRA