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  1. W

    Will Russia's military invasion of Ukraine include a nuclear disaster?

    mark, you're right that history books written in the West seem to downplay Russia's contribution to the Allied effort during World War Rampage However we should also remember, before the main War in Europe started, Russia and Germany were sort of Allies and did carve up Europe. Then when...
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    Will Russia's military invasion of Ukraine include a nuclear disaster?

    Doesn't change my attitude about Putin, who has a wound between his lips that desperately needs an entire box of tampons. Rampage I quote the post of Rampage because it seems to fit the bill. However I view what has happened in the Ukraine as a "action from the past". Having survived the...
  3. W

    Hi Sear, hope all is well. Sear, I do hope my "postings" don't put other off? Kind regards Wolf

    Hi Sear, hope all is well. Sear, I do hope my "postings" don't put other off? Kind regards Wolf
  4. W

    BBC: Turkey supports Finland and Sweden NATO bid

    Yes a good piece of news, but as posted it will cause Moscow i.e. Putin to possibly "lose his cool" (if he has any left) and as posted "switch" too Nuclear weapons in his slowly depleting mind. I think we now have to face a reality that the War now being fought in Ukraine could spread...
  5. W

    Capital punishment.

    And depressing the rest of the world sits back and watches. Sear But, this is more or less what happened in the late 30's. When our then Prime Minster went to Belin to "negotiated" with Hitler he did so with "openness and the knowledge of the U.S." and came back with a signed Paper which he...
  6. W

    Capital punishment.

    This conspicuous lack of Western urgency is not mirrored by the People of Ukraine. Sear I think that statement in many ways "sums up the situation. IMHO what is happening, and again happened back in the late 30's is simple the populations of countries like Germany and France and their Leaders...
  7. W

    Capital punishment.

    Excellent post Sear. My view, if some may say is "extreme" is born about by "living over the years I have lived and seeing the tings I have". Plus I have seen many things change over the period I have lived. I am as have posted "sorting out boxes packed from moving", and yesterday came across a...
  8. W

    Capital punishment.

    So, and lets be clear, we are all under the influence of a power that "we cannot see, we cannot directly approach, and cannot hear directly"?. Sorry I just cannot understand that reasoning. There a number of so called "Religions " in this world of ours, and each one has a doctoring that those...
  9. W

    NASA probably won't need Russia to send more astronauts to the ISS

    I read this, this morning and gathering from what has been written, it is my belief that the West has "vastly" under rated Putin. The result of what we will see is Russia emerging as a power not to be ever under rated. Has Putin miscalculated the devastating effects severe economic sanctions...
  10. W

    Capital punishment.

    IMHO both you Sear and Mm are right in different ways. But surely it would perhaps better to hugely invest in the Police and Law enforcement agency's so that when someone kills for reasons of gain or revenge, they are caught and given if not a" Termination sentence" one that will take away...
  11. W

    Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee, historic 70 year reign

    I was going to say that at least the US president is elected by the people rather than inheriting the position by accident of birth. etc. Mark my words. I totally agree with that statement , and although the present Queen has done a good job, the next in line is a total fool. He has little or no...
  12. W

    Capital punishment.

    telegraph, telephone, & tell a woman. Sear By far the quickest if not accurate I wonder at times whether "Man" has forgotten that "actions speak louder then words". If for the sake of argument anyone proved to have "Killed" someone (accept in self defence) and was after being duly found guilty...
  13. W

    Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee, historic 70 year reign

    I think what we should really see, is she is a symbol. No one can live as she has lived (and before as her Father) lived with the "Press just ready for any slip in their image" and still really understand the pressure the Royal family has been and is still under. But she still IMHO stands as a...
  14. W

    Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) blocked bipartisan Ukraine aid. Who is right?

    Things, as the say, "have moved" and now Ukraine needs more of advanced Armaments then ever before. The fact that the Ukrainian Army's have been " a right Royal pain" in Putin rear-end, shows that a will to win, is still a major plus, but they still need the "Superior" arms to finally either...
  15. W

    Capital punishment.

    Perhaps it's just a withered old man's observation, but it seems to me we're not only in a leadership drought, but that we're about due for a new & capable leader to appear. Sear OH, how your words echo my thoughts Sear. And yes Mark mywords what we are seeing today is not in any way "unique" to...
  16. W

    Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee, historic 70 year reign

    "what has she done that impresses you so much?" mark Part of it may be personal. She's been queen all my life. I appreciate her commitment, to Chaz chagrin it seems. Rampage I think that answers very much what a number of people who have "lived" through her Monarchy feel. We held a street...
  17. W

    When tanks roll, currencies stampede. How deep into your pocket can Vlad Putin reach ?

    You present Putin here as victim. Sear Not as a Victim, as such, more he has as posted "deluded himself". IMHO he has become so convenience that over a period of time Western Europe has become dependent on the Energy he has provided at very reasonable rates, they have not seen him slowly make...
  18. W

    Capital punishment.

    If we look at "the todays World" it appears Criminals seem to be winning. Here in the UK we have "gangs of youngsters" seemly to be able inflect harm and misery at will. It's almost as though we are seeing "wild Animals" roam at will, not caring who they harm or attack. IMHO unless a new form...
  19. W

    When tanks roll, currencies stampede. How deep into your pocket can Vlad Putin reach ?

    News today, the EU has Banned 2/3 Russia of imported oil . However when it comes into force, remains to be seen. Further Germany is still inputting Russia Gas which is est. the cost of which is termed at Billions of Marks a day. What does very much annoy me is that it seems only "Yesterday" we...
  20. W

    Capital punishment.

    the Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference ."Sear There are times when one has to accept "Superiority", I bow, my memory is fading so can only remember parts, you have just...