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  1. T

    Time doesn't exist. (sort of)

    The past can't exist in the present, by definition. The past may have existed / occurred in the past, but it's over now. It does not exist right now. The future doesn't exist. Can't. It hasn't happened yet. That leaves the present, which actually is the infinitely thin interface between past &...
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    The self-defeat of arrogant Trump-ism

    Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame By Daniel Wood, Geoff Brumfiel December 5, 2021 • …looked at deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which vaccinations widely became available. People...
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    Can a quotation brighten your day?

    "The only way to find the limits of the possible is to go beyond them to the impossible." attributed to Arthur C. Clarke on PBS Nova: Universe Revealed - Big Bang by Hakeem Oluseyi / George Mason University Art Clarke is a ding-a-ling. It would be interesting to see that debated, but we'd...
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    China: both peril & opportunity for the West. Arms race? Peaceful partner in prosperity & trade? Our actions will determine our fate.

    Some facts about China may be difficult to verify, as present day China is not merely called communist but authoritarian. The Soviet's politburo was bloated, clumsy, & the Soviet Union is no more. Conversely China's politburo is trim, wise, skillful, and China's prosperity growth seems to be...
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    Should "children", persons not yet adult, have their own representation in congress?

    You think "the worst" live in Africa, Asia, & Europe? I suspect there may be several Americans that would not wish to think of me as their spokesperson.
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    Mid-November 2021: what's up with the U.S. exec: Biden, VP Harris ?

    ‘A bold leader’: White House defends Kamala Harris after reports say she’s struggling The Guardian Exasperation and dysfunction: Inside Kamala Harris' frustrating start as vice president CNN Difficult to get a clear picture of how well Biden & Harris are working together. But considering...
  7. T

    Should "children", persons not yet adult, have their own representation in congress?

    mm #4 & #5 a) grim b) For context, to understand how what you've reported compares with the rest of the world you have me wondering about the same parameters in Africa, Asia, & Europe. But in the broader picture, humans are animals. It may be a common lapse to believe humans are...
  8. T

    NPR lists this as "Health". But isn't it really a scathing editorial smack-down against the vax averse?

    I've wondered about it mm. Low-hanging fruit? Those most susceptible to catching COVID-19 may also be among those with the most severe symptoms / disease, & attrition rate? And we're already seeing the affects of evolution at work? "Natural selection"? In this case (& for Japan's Haiki crabs)...
  9. T

    Secrets leaker Julian Assange a suicide risk? Is it worth it to bring him to "justice" in the U.S.?

    The U.S. government leaders Assange made fools of by publishing very delicate secrets understandably if not justifiably want revenge. I don't recall if betrayal by either Assange or Manning resulted in loss of life. When such secrets come through spies whose identity suddenly become known to the...
  10. T

    Should "children", persons not yet adult, have their own representation in congress?

    Mostly well-chosen examples. I'd have thought marriage at age 7 tended to be royal betrothal; marriage possibly arranged for children to help solidify an international alliance, etc., but often not formalized, consummated until years later. But I have read the minimum age for marriage can vary...
  11. T

    Should "children", persons not yet adult, have their own representation in congress?

    It is axiomatic that in a democracy the People get the government they deserve. That's premised on the notion that they have a right to vote, whether they exercise it wisely, or at all, or not. But the voting age in the U.S. used to be age 21, lowered to age 18 by President Nixon to defend...
  12. T

    "Microsoft plans to bring 3D workspaces to remote workers in 2022" Samuel Axon

    Microsoft has announced its intention to create an immersive 3D platform called "Mesh for Teams" for virtual meetings. As the name suggests, Mesh for Teams builds on the company's existing Teams collaboration platform and implements the mixed reality features of Microsoft Mesh...
  13. T

    Supreme Court to consider 2nd Amendment "right to carry" a gun. Finally, long overdue? Or an anachronism whose utility has lapsed?

    Gun violence is a prominent feature of contemporary news. There are a variety of arguments for or against. But he National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre said: "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," NRA Wayne LaPierre "Gun control is like trying to...
  14. T

    NPR lists this as "Health". But isn't it really a scathing editorial smack-down against the vax averse?

    I couldn't find a transcript. Is the axe being ground here as obvious to you? COVID is down in the U.S., but some regions are still experiencing outbreaks
  15. T

    2A: Gun Restrictions headed for Court Challenge?

    J. Michael Luttig, a conservative who used to serve on the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals. He argues that the New York law at issue can be upheld if evaluated under text, history and tradition. He said that "a constitutional right to bear arms outside the home, in public and in public places...
  16. T

    Current Events: Texas "pro-life"?

    "Bad" is subjective. If not relevant to your #13, no worries. Please pardon me if at age 67 it seems I'm promoting the aged. That's not my intention (directly). But: As a general rule, general trend humans gain knowledge & skill with age. Doesn't mean we can expect to see m/any 100 year old...
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    Current Events: Texas "pro-life"?

    "Fixed terms" surely would make the next law judge replacement cycle begin date predictable. Not clear to me how fixed judicial terms would have affected Sen. McConnell's refusal to hold hearing on M. Garland. I'm not suggesting there's no problem. Only that I'm not sure that's a solution to...
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    Current Events: Texas "pro-life"?

    Associate Justice Ginsburg was invited to retire by Democrats during the Obama [D-IL] administration so that she would be replaced by a younger AJ appointed by a Democrat (Obama). Ginsburg's reply was that she was more liberal than whomever might be found to replace her. That seemed to me to be...
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    Current Events: Texas "pro-life"?

    I'm not trying to cry wolf here, but the broader picture does raise some questions with potentially alarming answers. Let's not forget: it's not merely generations long tradition, it's also Constitutional law that POTUS fill vacancies in SCOTUS when such vacancies occur during that president's...