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    new car plates for Tennessee

    The culture in Tennessee is different from that North of the Mason-Dixon line. "Them's fightin' words" the rhetorical prelude to a brawl. Perhaps Southerners just don't think themselves articulate enough to make their point persuasively with their hands in their pockets. This license plate...
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    Is President Trump headed for Prison?

    Scheduled for today, the last January 6 insurrection hearings before the November elections. The hearings have been canceled due to Hurricane Ian. So much for the rigors of government work. The hearings were scheduled for Washington DC. Ian hasn't yet reached Florida's Gulf coast.
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    Elizabeth circling the drain

    "Patriotism: the last refuge of a scoundrel." It appears racists and others rally around such symbols as the U.S. flag not to endorse what it officially stands for, but to attempt to falsely acquire, steal the legitimacy such symbols betoken, to elevate their disreputable cause. Mark mentions...
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    Anthropogenic Planetary Climate Crisis: the existential collective action challenge to the survival of humanity -formerly- Climate Change: deny this?

    #FOXBusiness #HurricaneIan Hurricane Ian tracker: Storm barrels towards Florida | 9/27/22 Look out Florida. Follow this global warming trend and Florida has some serious long term problems. It's not practical to build a dike sheath to protect the peninsula. However there are some things that...
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    Will Russia's military invasion of Ukraine include a nuclear disaster?

    Oran, your clash may be in conflating the two unions. You're right of course about the economic diversity among the 50 States of the US union. Each State has an economy. But it's not chiefly an economic union, more geographic than economic. The national economy works it out. The cost of living...
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    Texas Judge Says HIV Drug Mandate Violates Religious Freedom

    Bloomberg covered this story. Dallas News, NPR, CBS, BBC, and others. It's not getting the level of attention it seems to deserve. I'm not sure how much of a factor it is, political hot potato in Texas? Too hot to handle? The path to correction is clear but uncertain. Wouldn't surprise me if...
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    new car plates for Tennessee

    The public shaming Hawthorne / The Scarlet Letter style is obvious. And this may invite petty vandalism across Tennessee. There's also a risk of mob violence when the Saturday night crowd in the biker bar parking lot clashes with the despised minority. Crime stats may register the...
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    Sasquatch at the Amarillo Zoo ?

    Reactions to unexplained phenomena mirror the culture. In the bible they were metal shields. In the space age they're flying saucers. George Carlin said we created god "in our own image & likeness", a Genesis allusion. Does this explain why so many of our boogeymen are humanoid? Anxiety...
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    Human Rights: from god? From Nature? How can we be sure? Does it matter?

    What a pastoral mental image! mark mywords, your lively descriptions, worth the price of admission. Keep em coming.
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    Elizabeth circling the drain

    At this point I'm curious about King Charles. He has some big shoes to fill. If he tries to duplicate / replace her by mirroring results, he's likely to fail. But if Charles seizes it as an opportunity to leverage his meager station to successful utilitarian results, Mummy may not overshadow...
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    For Fun: Exercise For The Mind, Concepts, Insights, ...

    As an object's velocity approaches the speed of light (sol) it shrinks in length, and grows more massive (like getting heavier). * In the following scenario, when both ladder & garage are at equal rest, the ladder is too long to fit in the garage. Approaching sol an object's dimension along the...
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    Human Rights: from god? From Nature? How can we be sure? Does it matter?

    Mark, that was more interesting, concise than anything I've seen on TV about it, though I haven't seen much TV lately. "Andrew was a pilot during the Falklands war" mark Didn't Prince Charles pilot a helicopter in or near combat during the Falklands war?
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    Will Russia's military invasion of Ukraine include a nuclear disaster?

    "And this prospect would worry Russia how? The reactor is in Ukraine, the land which would be contaminated would be in Ukraine and the vast majority of the people killed would be Ukrainian." mark It's a complex cost to benefit analysis. A variety of criteria may be considered: global public...
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    Digital Dollar: White House punts on 'digital dollar' but announces interagency research group

    White House punts on 'digital dollar' but announces interagency research group The White House punted on whether it was ready to support the creation of a digital dollar, which would have allowed the United States to further adapt to the evolving crypto industry and help strengthen the dollar's...
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    September Eleven

    anniversary twenty one
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    Anthropogenic Planetary Climate Crisis: the existential collective action challenge to the survival of humanity -formerly- Climate Change: deny this?

    The climate change evidence is rapidly piling up. One of the more concerning aspects of what the climatologists warned, it seems many of their dire predictions were actually under-stated. It's worse than they said. Brutal heat wave shatters all-time records, threatens power outages across...
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    Bye Bye Boris

    The impression I get from your link mark is that this specific Boris Johnson critic is more style than substance. The same argument without the clenched fists and repeated emphatic knee flexures would merely be political antagonism. I'm somewhat relieved that the U.S. isn't the only nation with...
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    Texas Judge Says HIV Drug Mandate Violates Religious Freedom

    Texas Judge Says HIV Drug Mandate Violates Religious Freedom Bloomberg It's not practical for a civilized country to function properly if individuals acquire a legal right to discriminate, even if premised on their own religious freedom. The Liberty right is a reciprocal right. Neither party's...
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    United States Constitution, New York, & some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation

    Looks unstable to me Rampage. Didn't this change result from a court ruling? What I've read leaves the impression rather than settling the matter, there are more law suits in progress, some with potential to establish yet more binding precedent.
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    National student test scores plummet, pandemic blamed. - Topic question: why?

    National student test scores plummet, pandemic blamed. Thursday September 1, 2022 11:00 am EdSource staff National test results released on Thursday showed the pandemic’s devastating effects on American schoolchildren, with 9-year-olds’ math...