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    Uvalde - the followup

    Shiftless, they're opportunists. They know the issues that energize their base.
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    Irish Road Safety Ads - or - The Lost Art of Traumatising kids (warning, some are brutal)

    "Driver's Ed" available in many U.S. high schools. Providing informational video may traumatize young drivers. Not providing it terrorizes, victimizes the public.
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    sear, Musk's dictatorial management style is unpopular with many he employs. He's been reckless at Twitter, blindly firing many including a few key employees. His survey asking if he should step down. So far Musk's agenda seems anti-left, anti-Democratic party.
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    Election 2024

    Shiftless, the drift in Trump's standards may seem typical to his followers. Considering the $5,000,000 verdict against Trump, and the long prison sentences for his proud boys, Trump's actions may be desperation. Or age. There's much concern over Biden's age. But there's less than a presidential...
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    sear, under cover of free speech Musk may try to use his new platform to help advance his own M.A.G.A. agenda.
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    Daylight for twitter fans? Twitter users are individuals. Musk bought them as a corporate commodity. Can Yaccarino bridge that gap? Musk paid over $44,000,000,000 for 330,000,000 monthly Twitter users. Over $133 for each Twitter user. "The medium is the message?"
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    Education in America

    Shiftless, politicians will continue this madness as long as they're rewarded at the polls for it.
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    Election 2024

    Clever like a Fox? Trump may still get some publicity, he is a former president, and the current Republican front-runner. Trump is getting even more free publicity, more attention by doctoring his own campaign material? What can the fourth estate do? Not report, or report. The media are falling...
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    Russia is a member of the U.N. Security Council. Why?

    The U.S. based United Nations is western-friendly. During the Cold War the Soviets needed coaxing to join the U.N. Permanent Security Council membership may have helped. The following article was written over a year ago. The Security Council was established by the 1945 UN Charter and...
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    FOX Corp and the Murdoch's to face $1.6bn law suit over FOX false claims of Biden election

    Any media market of sufficient proportion to put Trump in office, and welcome lies from Fox may not go quietly. Trump leads the Republican presidential field for 2024. Fox might reform. But with a profit motive that powerful, more likely Fox will count this settlement a part of the cost of doing...
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    Is it too late to prevent North Korea from being a persistent if not permanent WMD threat ?

    Nuclear weapons: Why South Koreans want the bomb by Jean Mackenzie South Korea previously flirted with the idea of developing nuclear weapons in the 1970s, when it ran a secret programme. But when the United States found out, it issued an ultimatum: Seoul could carry on, or have the US defend...
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    Russian Reparations In Ukraine

    U.S. wants to use Russia's frozen assets to rebuild Ukraine Olha Hlushchenko — Friday, 14 April 2023, 02:30 The United States is considering using frozen Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine's destroyed infrastructure. Source: Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for...
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    Wealth Distribution - Systemic Dysfunction With Prospects Only For Band-Aid Remedies

    Private opulence, public squalor: How the U.S. helps the rich and hurts the poor March 21, 202312:45 PM ET Heard on Fresh Air An unhoused individual sleeps under an American flag blanket...
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    H E A D L I N E S : 2 0 2 2 & 2 0 2 3

    Ford has issued a recall related to its production halt of the F-150 Lightning over battery issues discovered during production. But the recall will only affect 18 vehicles which slipped through the cracks during its stop-shipment order...
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    What to call this thread?

    You may be arguing the wrong element. Your point was, it's not whether they are "normal" or not, but whether they are natural, not re-engineered. For purpose of fairness that's a useful standard. But whatever standard is eventually chosen it should be universally applied.
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    Cops behaving badly ...

    If the first responders are not adequately trained, are they to blame? The chief of police deserves some scrutiny for deploying a competent police force.
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    Quotable Quotes

    The revenue change will reveal whether the "restored funding" was cost effective.
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    Refuge From Irrational Horde Media Bombardment? try Freedom From Religion Foundation

    If the irrational jabber from Speaker McCarthy, Leader McConnell, and Trump, weighs heavily on you, try a simple refuge for simple rational thought, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Ron Reagan, son of the president, promotes FFRF. This site won't change the world. But it...