Who doesn't like an Iron Lung?

I tried the link in #1, nope.

It's difficult to imagine how one would actually respond, but I suspect if I had to decide:
- iron lung, or
- die
I'd find that 2nd option more appealing. btw, that's quite a grim pic in #2. I don't see any power cords, but believe there must be one for each cylinder. ghastly
#1 was a link to a Twitter thread re this

Trump vows to cut federal funds for schools with vaccine mandates

It's become a standard line in Donald Trump's stump speech: He intends to deny federal funds to any school, at any level, "that has a vaccine mandate."

The more the Republican Party politicized the pandemic, the more the public confronted unwelcome consequences. On Capitol Hill and across multiple states, for example, a variety of GOP officials began condemning vaccine mandates — not just related to Covid, but all vaccines.

For Donald Trump, whose rhetoric about vaccines has long been dreadful, simply condemning vaccine mandates isn’t enough. As the former president reminded the public at a rally in Virginia over the weekend, the likely GOP nominee intends to go considerably further if ....

"#1 was a link to a Twitter thread re this" #4
"Donald Trump" #4
panda01.JPG I doubt the Donald is all that personally committed to these issues.
Seems to me Trump is pandering, seeking the power of the presidency not to accomplish political objectives, but to be in charge.

I'm not sure there's any explanation better than "mass hysteria" for Trump's continuing electoral popularity.