What's the real story here? French court rejects appeal to extradite Ukrainian billionaire Zhevago


Staff member
Reuters 23/11/10

KYIV, Nov 10 (Reuters) - A French court rejected an appeal from the Ukrainian government and ruled that Ukrainian billionaire Kostyantyn Zhevago should not be extradited over accusations of embezzlement, a court spokesperson said on Friday.

Zhevago, who controls London-listed iron pellet producer Ferrexpo (FXPO.L), was arrested at a French ski resort in December 2022 at the request of Ukraine, which wants him for alleged embezzlement involving a now-collapsed bank.

France seems to have sided with Ukraine, against Russia in the ongoing war.
And France is considered by some to share common Western values.

Why then has France denied the extradition? Could it be as simple as France wanting the embezzled wealth spent in France? Or ... ?