What Personal Benefits Accrue to Posting Members of CitizenVoice.us ?


Staff member
Welcome to CitizenVoice.us

This Internet domain was created to provide third millennium upgrade to the obsolete village square / soapbox metaphor.

Human culture is evolving, but it always has. What has changed in the third millennium is the rate of change has increased exponentially.
In the 18th Century (the U.S. Founding) citizens met at the village square. Issues of community importance could be introduced and discussed, debated among neighbors.

But our neighbors aren't bartering corn for wool at the village square. In the new millennium they're gliding by in the climate-controlled comfort of their SUV's, traveling farther faster to buy globalized merchandise at the shopping mall.
So we can bring our "soap box" to the shopping mall too, and address issues of importance there. Right?

Wrong, in many cases.
Our First Amendment right to free speech applies at the village square, government property, the People's property, "public" property.
But many shopping malls are private property. Free Speech is subject to the restrictions the shopping mall owners wish to impose.

Technology and CitizenVoice.us to the rescue.
From your computer, from whatever Internet device you prefer to access CitizenVoice.us, you can address the global village.

We've left our governance to the experts. How do you think they're doing? On Easter Sunday 2023 the U.S. federal debt is over $31 $Trillion $dollars. Your share of that? ~$100K

Our policy makers might dismiss us as amateurs. But the cliché is:
the Titanic was built and run by experts, professionals. Noah's Arc was built and run by amateurs.

So welcome amateurs and policy makers alike. CitizenVoice.us is a forum for sharing ideas, to warn, inquire, inform, persuade.

The primary rule here is The Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. *

Youthful minds have made historic innovations in human understanding, at age where creativity can peak.

But wisdom is associated with age. Both are welcome here.

Senior's social skills atrophied by years of pandemic isolation may need exercise. Communication can improve with practice.
A dynamic current events discussion / debate environment can not only help to keep typing fingers limber, dexterous. It can help keep us engaged with our accelerating news cycles. A more informed voter is a more valued voter.

CitizenVoice.us can be a forum for both learning and teaching, sharing insights, persuasion.
Insomniacs for example may enjoy this forum open around the clock. Instead of laying awake at 2:AM, read a few posts. See what your neighbors, your cyber-friends are thinking.
Join them. Critique them. Challenge them, as they will challenge you.

The human body will atrophy without exercise. The human mind is much the same. Enjoy your exercise here. Hone your communication skills.
If you make a persuasive argument you may change a few minds. And if you change a few minds, you may change a few votes. And if Bush v. Gore taught us anything, we learned that for a few vote difference GWB would have lost Florida, and the Y2K election. So what?


President Gore would not have sent thousands of innocent U.S. citizens to Iraq to die for nothing.

Welcome adults.
Enjoy your mental exercise here.
Inform your countrymen. Persuade us. Learn. Teach. Entertain.
"Love life." Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau
* "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." KJV Matthew 7:12 (the Golden Rule)