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Welcome to citizenvoice.us

What do you think your cyber-neighbors should know? Tell us now. Inform us. Persuade us. cizenvoice.us

Welcome to citizenvoice.us

What do you think your cyber-neighbors should know? Tell us now. Inform us. Persuade us. cizenvoice.us

Many years ago I was also a member of a board that Sear ran. I very pleased to now again post to a board that Sear again is posting too. Wolf aka John
Welcome to cv.
You may have caught me in a "senior moment" W.
It surely has been years, if not decades. What I'm trying to recall is the site where we first cyber-met. The Round Table had several iteration. Talisen founded and designed it, & then graciously handed it over to me while it was hosted by Ezboard.
Ahh, the good ol' days.

I cyber-met Grace06 at Loretta's Lounge. Did you join us there as well?

In any case W, please count yourself a welcome charter member here @cv. Visit often. Post a lot.
Welcome to cv.
You may have caught me in a "senior moment" W.
It surely has been years, if not decades. What I'm trying to recall is the site where we first cyber-met. The Round Table had several iteration. Talisen founded and designed it, & then graciously handed it over to me while it was hosted by Ezboard.
Ahh, the good ol' days.

I cyber-met Grace06 at Loretta's Lounge. Did you join us there as well?

In any case W, please count yourself a welcome charter member here @cv. Visit often. Post a lot.
Welcome to cv.
You may have caught me in a "senior moment" W.
It surely has been years, if not decades. What I'm trying to recall is the site where we first cyber-met. The Round Table had several iteration. Talisen founded and designed it, & then graciously handed it over to me while it was hosted by Ezboard.
Ahh, the good ol' days.

I cyber-met Grace06 at Loretta's Lounge. Did you join us there as well?

In any case W, please count yourself a welcome charter member here @cv. Visit often. Post a lot.
Hi Sear, it was the" Round Table" you also posted a message which I have kept, when my Daughter passed on.
Regards Wolf
Kudos to Talisen for introducing The Round Table. I liked it until tapatalk "redesigned" it. I preferred Talisen's conservative design: dark non-flashy color scheme, no flashy graphics on the main page, etc.

CitizenVoice? Not sure you'll notice. My webmaster chose a server in New Jersey to base CitizenVoice. It's a lightning quick server, and the distance the electricity has to travel when I post is shorter than if the server were in Atlanta, or Albuquerque.
Next time you "enter" a post, see how long it takes. Not long I hope.

W #5
It's not easy to get through a satisfactory life without trauma. But there are some traumas we're just not well equipped to live with.
Obviously the natural order is for parents to predecease their offspring.
It is a cruel burden when that fundamental natural order is upset. Shakespeare said - 'tis better to have loved & lost than to never have loved at all -
'tis better to have loved & lost than to never have loved at all -
But, the question must be, by losing, do you gain understanding.
"by losing, do you gain understanding" W #7
When I was very young Mom served a special dinner including lighted candles. I was young enough to not know about flame, stuck my finger in, & felt the pain. I suppose that could be called gaining understanding.

To have "up" there must be "down". To have "hot" there must be "cold". I suppose to have "life" there must be "death". It doesn't soften the blow. But it may in some limited way hint of a broader (cosmic) range.
If we could ask her there in the great beyond, if given the choice to either die when she did, or never to have lived at all?

"What I learned in Zen was that all the higher spiritual truths resolve into paradox." Leo Volont
W #9
I'm the wrong guy to ask. I'm just barely proficient with XenForo. Perhaps Good Sam will happen by. But you might have better luck w/ youtube, though I don't know how to work that either.
To have "up" there must be "down". To have "hot" there must be "cold". I suppose to have "life" there must be "death". Sear
As I have aged, I have come to understanding as to"what happens after the last breath". Not that in any way sure of "what next", but have tried more so in my later years to "repay" . In that I mean making sure in my case that my wife is safe and cared for after the Viking Ship "calls for me to join". So I "up rooted" and journeyed back to Essex and the family, from Wales where strangely enough had found my roots. So now I have no concern or fear of the Viking call.
I'm a zealous advocate for getting one's own affairs in order, and keeping them in order. Easier said than done.
I'm a zealous advocate for getting one's own affairs in order, and keeping them in order. Easier said than done. Sear
I do very much agree. Planning is a forward, to a settled life. But as always:-
"if you can risk your winnings on one turn of Pitch and toss",etc.etc. comes to mind.
"Never place at risk more than you can afford to lose." Seems like a ghastly scenario to be bleeding to death at roadside, and as the cold and thirst & injuries escalate their painful toll, the frustration of knowing you've left important things undone, and that now you'll NEVER do them.
...............the frustration of knowing you've left important things undone, and that now you'll NEVER do them .Sear
A very sobering thought, but also not being able to determine your demise means ;-
To change one's life start immediately.
Do it flamboyantly no exceptions. William James.
Very sensible Bill J.
I've read a few others since we started this game.

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

"The goal of life is not to arrive at the grave safely and well maintained,
but rather to skid in at full throttle coming to a screeching halt shouting
"Holy S**T, WHAT A RIDE!" StarrDusting

Problem is, for too many such wisdom often gets neglected.

“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau

Not clear to me Mr. W which "song" Hank Dave refers to here.
"The goal of life is not to arrive at the grave safely and well maintained,
but rather to skid in at full throttle coming to a screeching halt shouting
"Holy S**T, WHAT A RIDE!" StarrDusting

This one I have pinned up and Hope dare I say Hope it will be uttered, at my demise.
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“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” Henry David Thoreau.
That I am firmly convinced, will not happen to me.
More, ;-
The only way to discover the limits of the possible,
is go beyond them to the impossible Arthur C. Clarke
Rah Rah Art Clarke. I saw his / Stan Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey as an impressionable teenager. That movie might not fly in 2022. IIRC there are extended scenes with little or no soundtrack, depicting "Dave" in space retrieving the corpse of his fellow astronaut. It's an interesting way to cinematically depict the vacuum of space. But unless the cinema locates the theatre in a Faraday cage (to block cell-phone signals) I doubt that movie would work well in a cinema today.

Not sure if you remember StarrDusting. iirc you two may have shared at least one forum in years past.
Interesting gal. I forget the name of her affliction. It's where the body's own immune system attacks itself, with severe neurological consequences.

She referred to her husband as "the grouch in the garage". I deduce he might have slipped some on the "in sickness & in health" part of his marital vow. But she was a dauntless gal, an inspiration.
Yes Space Odyssey was one to watch, but Chicago P.D. has to be one of my all time Favourites. With Voight being a character one can only hope to equal, well at least I do.
Off now to watch more, Sear when you get to a point in life when the body starts to question the mind, as in "rear-end rest" I have to obey. But think that it's rather fantastic that you and I many miles apart, can converse with ease. Keep well be posting ASAP Wolf