Welcome Victor

OR !

Greetings Victor.
I got an e-mail about this, but don't see it on the main board. This ZenForo software was my choice. But I don't know all the angles yet.
Looks like this might be akin to a PM. But I don't see any flag on sear's envelope (upper right of screen).
My e-mail got me here.
Any reason you'd prefer not to post at https://citizenvoice.us/threads/welcome-victor.141/
Life is too short for skulking in the shrubbery. STAND UP!
You have much to share. Bushels are for apples, not for concealing manifold virtue.
Welcome to @CV.
Visit often. Post a lot.
Hi Sear!

Long time, no see.

I actually hopped here through someone else's link -- someone claiming to be you on YAP board (that someone being 'cognation'). Is that actually you? Are you 'cognation' on YAP?

Anyway, now that I am here, might as well.
Mr. D #3
Rah rah. It's a little like old home week at Loretta's Lounge.

I don't have an attractive excuse for the pseud "cognation". It's one of those things that when improvising in haste, slips out.

Bad form to keep it a secret. The site Victor & I reunited at is Yet Another Politics Board. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/yetanotherpoliticsboard/

Merciful Heavens Mr. D.
Did we first meet over 20 years ago @LL ?

As Groucho Marx said: Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.

Victor, I don't know all the details. But I think this board is scorchin' fast. I think it's on a server in Newark, NJ. My webmaster has the details, but he's a foul-weather friend. That's not a bad thing. He's an excellent webmaster, but we don't interact much unless there's a problem. And with him OTJ, no problem so far.

More on the way.
For now ... Hello.