U.S. Spending Priorities - let's go back to the moon, and take the $deficit up with US !


Staff member
The United States federal government is over $$ 22 $$ Trillion $$ Dollars in $$debt. That's almost a $quarter $Million in debt for every U.S. tax payer.

Republicans are strident, tenacious advocates for "tax cuts". BUT !! Republicans are comfortable enough with the government services they receive, they just don't want to pay for them.
True fiscal conservatives may or may not support tax cuts. But fiscal conservatives value balanced budgets, more than one way to get there:
- increase / raise taxes
- cut spending

"When your outgo
exceeds your income
the upshot will be
your downfall."
Paul Harvey

What U.S. President GWB called "tax cuts" were not. They were merely tax deferrals, reducing taxation for current tax payers, leaving the unpaid tax balance to be paid by future tax payers.

Economically there may be some justification for deficit spending.
President Eisenhower supported construction of an InterState highway system in the U.S., inspired by Adolf Hitler's autobahn ("Reichsautobahnen") highway system in Germany.
It might have seemed a bottomless money pit to some, critics and advocates alike acknowledging the $Billions it would cost. BUT !!

"... the American Highway Users Alliance estimates that this project has produced more than $6 in economic benefit for every $1 of construction expense."

That's commonly referred to as "R.O.I." or "return on investment".

Where is the R.O.I. for moon spending $93 $Billion ?

Is NASA's new SLS moon rocket worth the cost? - Space.com
According to the report (opens in new tab), NASA will end up spending a total of $93 billion on the Artemis program between 2012 and 2025, and ...

How much longer are we going to continue to spend the grandkid's money on such nonsense as space adventures, skyrocketing our $22 $Trillion U.S. federal debt?
"Eisenhower's long-standing interest in an efficient road network had early roots. As a young lieutenant colonel, Ike took part in a transcontinental military convoy from Washington, D.C., to San Francisco. It took the convoy two months to cross the country, averaging less than 60 miles per day. Nine of the convoy's trucks were destroyed by poor road conditions."

The benefit of the U.S. interState highway network is more than just a kindness to military vehicles. By making trucking farm produce to market more efficient, the food on U.S. dining tables is both fresher, and lower cost. Should congress impose on itself an R.O.I. test for future spending legislation?

Senator Paul (R-KY) isn't the only one to criticize U.S. assistance to Ukraine. I've read their sending support "to Ukraine makes no sense" claims / assertions.

Evidently they don't understand that if Russia is not expelled from Ukraine, Russia is quite likely to continue its invasion & conquest regime.

Russia grabbed Crimea and received a slap on the wrist. So Russia continued on to the rest of Ukraine.

And Senator Paul (R-KY) doesn't understand that military support to Ukraine is U.S. national defense?

Who tied your tie Rand?
"And the total spending on Ukraine is roughly one and a half days of the US military budget." S2 #4
"A million here, a million there; pretty soon you're talking real money." Everett Dirksen
I'm not acknowledging the orders of magnitude increase because I think you don't know. It's for clarity. We're orders of $magnitude over Dirksen's $millions.

This source says we're between $26 & $33 $trillion in debt. https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/debt-to-the-penny/debt-to-the-penny
Makes sense to not splash money around foolishly. But Russia's War over Crimea & Ukraine presents the West / NATO with a choice: autocracy or democracy. The best time to extinguish a wildfire is while it's still on the match.

The Ukrainians are doing the heavy lifting here. Whining from the U.S. about it embarrasses the whiners.
"First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me." pastor Martin Niemöller