U.S. President Biden vs the U.S. Federal War on Marijuana ... the rest is up to congress


Staff member
Biden has announced a pardon for those convicted of violation of federal marijuana possession.
It's been a long time coming. The States have circumvented the U.S. federal marijuana war, many States decriminalizing recreational possession, and most States decriminalizing medical marijuana.

It's a Founding principle of the United States of America that Liberty is a:
- Creator endowed
- Constitutionally enshrined
- Inalienable right of individual U.S. citizens, inalienable meaning not to be separated, given away, or taken away.

Liberty means the right and power to think, act, and express ones self in the manner of ones own choosing, provided that exercise does not infringe or usurp the Liberty of another or others.
"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion." Thomas Jefferson
I know Biden's Republican critics thrill to lambasting Biden as a "liberal". But on this issue among others, Biden is more conservative than his Republican critics, hordes of pseudo-cons among them.

It may surprise some to know I, sear, oppose this, not because I'm liberal.
I oppose this marijuana move by Biden, because it's near certain to add yet more longevity to the U.S. federal Drug War on all the other drugs on the fed's Drug War list. And Drug War is fundamentally wrong, wrong headed, for precisely the reason Jefferson makes clear, above.

None the less, marijuana is a wildly popular drug, and wresting the $proceeds of its illicit commerce from the black-marketeers is a substantial positive step.

Let's see what Pelosi and McConnell do about it.

Biden to pardon all convicted of federal marijuana possession

Los Angeles Times2 hours ago

Biden pardons thousands of people with federal convictions for marijuana possession

CBS News2 hours ago

Biden pardons all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization

CNN3 hours ago

Cannabis stocks surge as Biden overhauls U.S. marijuana policy

Reuters4 hours agoOpinion

Biden pardoning all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession

Fox News5 hours ago
Reportedly Biden invited State governors to mirror this executive pardon authority in their States.
a) It's of interest from the human rights perspective, to see if they'll do the right thing and help put an end to this war of martial oppression of the People. It's not a "war against drugs", it's a War on the People of the United States of America. But
b) it'll also be interesting to see if the State governors, the CEO of their respective States, will subordinate the unalienable right of Liberty to partisan loyalty, ignore Biden's invitation, and continue their State's War against the People.

What's more important? Citizenship? Or partisanship? Not sure? Ask a Republican.
S2 #3
I'm baffled, sincerely.
Federal Democrats may be at the dawn of Drug War re-enlightenment.
But how the %$#@ can these cowardly, treacherous politicians possibly get (re)elected on campaign promises to inflict martial oppression against those that voted for them ?!
Oppression on what?
- Self-medicating mental depression with marijuana.
- Obtaining OB/GYN services at a local hospital.
- Marrying the love of your life, no matter what his name is.

Any such public official party to that should be ASHAMED ! B U T ! !

So should any voter that votes for them.

It's axiomatic that humans act in their own enlightened self-interest. So much for axiom.
To many of them still believe that "Reefer Madness" is real (BTW, if you've never seen it you can find the entirety on Youtube - it's a hoot).
s2 #6,
I've seen brief segments. I doubt I've seen it start to finish.
You've got me wondering about any similar feature made about demon rum, during the roaring '20's (Prohibition).

The devil looks really buff.