Tucker Carlson out at Fox News


Well-known member

Tucker Carlson Is No Longer a Fox News Host

The shocking split comes a week after the network settled a defamation suit brought by Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million

FOX NEWS AND Tucker Carlson have parted ways — effective immediately.

The network announced the split in a press release on Monday. “Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” the statement read. “We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.”


“Mr. Carlson’s last program was Friday, April 21st,” the statement continued. “Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 PM/ET starting this evening as an interim show helmed by rotating Fox News personalities until a new host is named.”

Harris Faulkner announced the move on air, essentially reading ....


Fox Staffers Celebrate Tucker’s Departure: ‘Pure Joy’

"I fear management will replace him with someone who is just like him, so there probably won’t be any real change," a producer warned of the shocking split

Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News in wake of Dominion settlement

Thanks for the scoop S2.
CNBC reports the departure follows the settlement. But did the settlement cause the departure? Coincidence? - OR -
Might this be an indication the air in FOX's formerly smoke-filled room has cleared, and FOX plans a shift toward more legitimate journalism?

The Lemon news seems more of a coincidence, unless CNN was waiting for a Carlson-scale controversy to camouflage Lemon's ouster.

Still to be determined, where will the Trump / McCarthy / DeSantis / MTG crowd go from here? Not sure any of them is subtle enough to recognize the significance.
CNBC reports the departure follows the settlement. But did the settlement cause the departure? Coincidence? - OR -
Fox's actual press release says the departure was mutual but can you believe anything that Fox (or Carlson) says? The cynic in me says that Fox realized that Carlson was a big part of their problem re the Dominion lawsuit but couldn't do anything about it without giving Dominion's lawyers more ammunition.

Might this be an indication the air in FOX's formerly smoke-filled room has cleared, and FOX plans a shift toward more legitimate journalism?
You'll have to excuse me while I wipe the coffee off of my monitor.
Fox realized that Carlson was a big part of their problem re the Dominion lawsuit but couldn't do anything about it without giving Dominion's lawyers more ammunition
... until after the settlement? Meaning, this action before the settlement would have seemed an admission of guilt?
I might take tepid encouragement from that. It implies cognizance. Low bar to be sure. But in context, it's encouraging progress.
You'll have to excuse me while I wipe the coffee off of my monitor.
Spectra are defined by their termini. I hadn't intended to suggest FOX was on imminent verge of becoming the BBC (a more reputable source, a source with a reputation of dignity to uphold).
However poorly I may have phrased it, I'd like to believe $3/4 $Billion is enough to sober up FOX programmers. Disney of me perhaps, but in loving memory of Molly Ivins:
"Optimistic to the point of idiocy" Molly Ivins looked just dandy behind the wheel of her rusty old pickup truck
Not much of a link, but amusing news none the less.
The View is ABC-TV. So there's an appearance of corrosive network rivalry which I thought the networks were deliberate to avoid. Doesn't Fallon (NBC) interview stars of shows from competing networks, and vice versa?

The fig leaf of course is, it seems Carlson was a severe detriment to U.S. society / culture / politics. An antagonist. So if The View is playing the patriot card, kudos.

Brian Kilmeade Delivers Frosty Sendoff To Tucker Carlson In His Time Slot​

Kilmeade, the first to fill in for the departed Fox News prime-time star, gave him terse acknowledgment.

Fox News Viewers Aren't Happy Brian Kilmeade Is Hosting Tucker Carlson's Show Tonight​

After the Fox News host announced he'd be hosting in the recently departed Carlson's time slot, fans went into a mega-tizzy.

S2 #11
Not goin' for a cyber-finger in the eye here S2 #11, but I'm not sure HuffPo is the most objective source for news of FOX.

Seems to me the time-slot is the valuable real estate here. Carlson is likely to be gone & forgotten soon, unless a venue less vulnerable to blowback than FOX picks him up.
FOX' challenge is to find an inoffensive Carlson replacement. Barney Frank obviously not a likely candidate. Lots of pro-Trump sentiment out there. Carlson crossed the line. FOX has to split the baby, go pro-Trump, without incurring a $3/4 $Billion $penalty.

I suspect S2, in your cyber-wanderings you've encountered some posters that might fill the FOX void quite well.

What I'm left wondering: will this mean a substantial, permanent change @FOX? Or is this just appeasement gesture?

I don't mean this as satire, though it might seem so. I wonder if FOX would consider hiring Trump to fill the time slot.
I don't mean this as satire, though it might seem so. I wonder if FOX would consider hiring Trump to fill the time slot.
Joking aside, I think Fox's lawyers are smart enough to realize that Trump would end up digging himself into a hole - it would just be a matter of time until he confessed to all the crimes he's been charged with. And Fox would end up with their own legal problems as a result.
So much for his departure being "mutual"

As for Carlson, the now-ousted Fox News host only knew about his departure 10 minutes before the network made the announcement, The Wall Street Journal and The Times reported.

"I have no idea what's going on," Carlson told his staff at the time,
according to The Daily Beast.

S2 #13
Your #13 is more than enough reason to not hire Trump into that time-slot in the first place. BUT !!
I consider Trump extremely talented at evading the trouble Carlson succumbed to. Just consider some of the whoppers Trump has created.

"Just remember, what you're seeing & what you're reading is not what's happening." President Trump

"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16 www.DonaldJTrump.com

“Every day we make good in our motto: 'Promises made, promises kept.' We've kept more promises than we've even made.” U.S. President Trump 19/05/20 [per CBS LATE SHOW Stephen Colbert]

Seems to me if Trump weren't superb at getting very near the line without crossing it, or crossing it and getting away with it, he wouldn't still be scurrying about loose.
So much for his departure being "mutual"
Carlson distorted the truth, regarding his departure? Unimaginable.

Broader scale, can FOX possibly have believe there wouldn't be a day of reckoning?
S2 #17
Good idea. When handling a scorpion, use tongs.
Nice to say goodbye to that motherTucker.
And another interesting read
