Trump supporters tease 'Plan C' to 'reinstate' him to office after Supreme Court denies them again


Well-known member
Some children are known to covet immoderately. Such desire can be overwhelming, and practically insatiable.
Trump fanaticism shares many similarities with these imprudent, immature desires. BUT !!

Sentient entities weary from irrational Republican ravings may find a glimmer of hope here:

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) dismissed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) call for a “national divorce” that would separate the blue states from the red ones.
“You know, I think Abraham Lincoln dealt with that kind of insanity,” Romney said on Tuesday, according to Deseret News. “We’re not going to divide the country. It’s united we stand, divided we fall.”

The New York Times

Donald Trump’s 2024 Campaign, in His Own Menacing Words​

Ian Prasad Philbrick and Lyna Bentahar Tue, December 5, 2023 at 8:13 AM EST· 17 min read

As he campaigns for another term in the White House, Donald Trump sounds like no other presidential candidate in U.S. history.
He has made baldly anti-democratic statements, praising autocratic leaders such as China’s Xi Jinping and continuing to claim that the 2020 election was stolen. “I don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now,” Trump said.
He has threatened to use the power of the presidency against his political opponents, including President Joe Biden and Biden’s family. Trump frequently insults his opponents in personal terms, calling them “vermin,” as well as “thugs,” “horrible people,” “fascists,” “Marxists,” “sick people.”
He has made dozens of false or misleading statements. He has advocated violence, suggesting that an Army general who clashed with him deserved the death penalty and that shoplifters should be shot. And he describes U.S. politics in apocalyptic terms, calling the 2024 election “our final battle” and describing himself as his supporters’ “retribution.”
