Trump said of McConnell (R-KY) "He has a DEATH WISH." Is Trump trying to make Senator McConnell (R) a marked man?


Staff member
Former President Donald Trump on Friday night directly ridiculed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, saying on his social media platform that the Kentucky Republican had a “death wish” for supporting “Democrat sponsored bills.”
Trump’s broadside at McConnell and mockery of Chao came hours after Congress approved and President Joe Biden signed a stopgap funding bill to avert a federal government shutdown. The bill cleared the Senate on a 72-25 vote Thursday and the House on a 230-201 vote Friday.
In addition to money to keep government agencies afloat, the short-term funding measure provides around $12 billion for Ukraine, and it includes funding for disaster relief. The measure funds the government through December 16.

“Is McConnell approving all of these Trillions of Dollars worth of Democrat sponsored Bills, without even the slightest bit of negotiation, because he hates Donald J. Trump, and he knows I am strongly opposed to them, or is he doing it because he believes in the Fake and Highly Destructive Green New Deal, and is willing to take the Country down with him?” Trump wrote. “In any event, either reason is unacceptable. He has a DEATH WISH. Must immediately seek help and advise from his China loving wife, Coco Chow!”

Trump may not have directly ordered McConnell's execution. Are we to pretend the suggestion is coincidental? Trump wrote: "all of these Trillions of Dollars worth of Democrat sponsored Bills, without even the slightest bit of negotiation". Are either of those true? "without even the slightest bit of negotiation".
Trump says that about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)? Biden's been in office for almost two years. What does CBO have to say about Trump's characterization?
More to the point Trump is condemning McConnell not on any substantive point of defective legislation, only that it's "Democrat sponsored Bills". The Democrats are in power. Who else would bring legislation to the floor than the party in power. How many times has Senator McConnell (R) said: "Elections have consequences" when things were favorable for McConnell? Has Trump switched to anarchy? Funding government, or any federal legislation introduced in accordance with congressional rule applicable when Republicans could have made issue of them.

Trump may not want to shut congress down. But even if this is intended merely as a rhetorical flourish, isn't it true Republicans would be passing legislation similar to the bills passed into law, apart from those candidate Biden promised before the election? If not, then the Republicans would have shut government down?

guilt by association​

The attribution of guilt to individuals because of the people or organizations with which they associate, rather than because of any crime that they have committed.
He made the gun finger motion at Comey as he was praising him, at some point in the past too.

He's pretty sick and probablyh as ordered hits on people.
James Comey is an impressive guy. For starters, his 6' 8" tall. He was a U.S. attorney, and was also Director of the FBI.
"He's pretty sick and probablyh as ordered hits on people." O #2
You've reminded me of Trump campaigning when a heckler in the audience created a commotion. Trump suggested that the crowd rough the heckler up, and that Trump would pay their legal bills. For the record Trump is famous for not paying his debts.
Those chickens are coming home to roost. There are more than one serious charge pending on Trump. But Trump has been stiffing his associates, business partners for so long, and the charges pending against Trump so serious, Trump is having a difficult time finding any lawyer that will take his case.

We know Trump lies.
I've wondered whether Trump believes the lies he tells, or whether Trump has a basic grasp of reality, but is so indifferent to his own reputation that he lies with little if any self-censorship.
"I will build a great, great wall on our Southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words." Republican primary presidential candidate Donald J. Trump 15/06/16
Worth noting, private fund-raising for this wall has been linked to fraudulent expenditure, there was a yacht, ... other details.
Also worth noting, despite all the fraud reported about Trump, and though Trump's supporters are a minority of the U.S. population, among Trump's supporters there is a zealous contingent that are wildly, fanatically committed to Trump to this day.