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Fact: German chocolate cake was invented in Texas​

The “German” part of German chocolate cake comes from an American man—not a European country. Specifically, it’s named after Sam German, who in 1852 created the formula for a mild dark baking chocolate bar for Baker’s Chocolate Company, which was subsequently named Baker’s German’s Sweet Chocolate. Fast-forward to June 13, 1957. The Dallas Morning Star published the recipe for the cake, invented and submitted by a reader identified as Mrs. George Clay, according to What’s Cooking America.

Whether slender noodles (in some form known as "spaghetti") first appeared in Italy, or China still unresolved.
BUT !!
Spaghetti is often made by extrusion (pushing), while the traditional Chinese process by stretching the noodle dough thinner & thinner.

Similar historic murk clouds the history of pizza, chili, among others. What's your favorite trivia story?
"The Titanic wreckage lies at a depth of about 3,800 meters (12,500 feet). At that depth, the pressure is an astonishing 380 atmospheres"

That's a compression ratio of 380 to 1.
For comparison, diesel engines don't have spark plugs, because with a compression ratio of * 18:1 the fuel vapor combusts spontaneously, no spark needed.

While elucidating, the S2 #2 article overlooks some relevant details.
"At the very moment the hull breaches, there’s an immediate equalization of pressure. The air inside the submersible, previously at a comfortable 1 atmosphere, must now contend with the 380 atmospheres outside.
The results are explosive. Literally."

Implosive, literally.
According to Boyle's Law gas volume and pressure are inversely proportional. Increase the pressure, decrease the volume.

So with a compression ratio of 380 : 1 the amount of gas in the submersible would have been compressed to below a volume the 5 human bodies could occupy.
If the interior air chamber were a cylinder 5' in diameter and 8' long, that's 157 cubic feet.
That volume of air at 1 atmosphere compressed 380 : 1 leaves a volume about 0.4 cubic feet, or a cube about 9" on each side. That's not enough room for 5 adult humans to survive comfortably.

The passengers would have been smashed not only by the wall of water bashing in to equalize the pressure, but also by the debris from the vessel.

* Diesel engines are typically constructed with compression ratios in the range 14:1 to 22:1.
iirc 2 of the 5 aboard were father & son. An account of it reported those two tickets were originally his & hers. BUT !!
The son wanted to go, so mom surrendered her ticket to him.

Proves happy endings aren't the exclusive province of houses of enviable repute.

There are parts of Africa in all four hemispheres​

For people whose education was largely focused on the Western world, it may be surprising to find out exactly how huge the continent of Africa is. For instance, it spans all four hemispheres and covers nearly 12 million square miles.

The unique geography​

Though Istanbul is considered one city, part of it sits on the continent of Europe, neighboring Greece and Bulgaria; the other part sits on the continent of Asia, neighboring Syria, Iran, and Iraq beyond Turkey’s borders. Between them runs the Bosphorus Strait, a narrow body of water that connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean Sea via the Sea of Marmara. The result is a cultural and ethnic melting pot, a cosmopolitan city with Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and modern Turkish structures—a skyline of domes and minarets in mosques, churches, and synagogues, palaces, castles, and towers.

Eat your heart out Kansas City !
iirc 2 of the 5 aboard were father & son. An account of it reported those two tickets were originally his & hers. BUT !!
The son wanted to go, so mom surrendered her ticket to him.
Initial reports said that the son didn't want to go (was terrified in fact) but that statement came from an aunt who is apparently estranged from the family.

The son's mother said something quite different. Seems the kid is a Rubik's Cube freak and was taking a cube with him. He'd already applied to the Guinness Book of Records for solving the cube at a depth of 3,800 meters and his father had taken a video camera long to record it.
the kid is a Rubik's Cube freak and was taking a cube with him. He'd already applied to the Guinness Book of Records for solving the cube at a depth of 3,800 meters and his father had taken a video camera long to record it.
When NASA's shuttle Columbia disintegrated, it showered debris over several States. IIRC included in what was retrieved, a camcorder tape. I get the impression it may have been in playable condition.
Reportedly major chunks of debris from the imploded submersible have already been retrieved. I suspect the relatively intact segments already retrieved were from a non-depressurized portion of the vessel.
his father had taken a video camera long to record it.
I suspect items not bolted or lashed down have sprinkled to the ocean floor. But if the camera is retrieved, I wouldn't assume its images are not retrievable. Not impossible to imagine the video cam captured the implosion. Worth a look.
Bermuda Onions are not from Bermuda.

Fact: German chocolate cake was invented in Texas​

The “German” part of German chocolate cake comes from an American man—not a European country. Specifically, it’s named after Sam German, who in 1852 created the formula for a mild dark baking chocolate bar for Baker’s Chocolate Company, which was subsequently named Baker’s German’s Sweet Chocolate. Fast-forward to June 13, 1957. The Dallas Morning Star published the recipe for the cake, invented and submitted by a reader identified as Mrs. George Clay, according to What’s Cooking America.

Not quite sure where that leaves Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (black forest cake).