Timeless Wisdom from Holy Scripture: Holy Bible, Holy Qur'an & ...


Staff member
Many a rational mind dismiss much, most, or all holy scripture out of contempt for unlikely disclosures such as the 6 day creation, a talking serpent, or a pregnant virgin.
But it is a cliché error to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We can simultaneously ignore mythopoeic absurdity, and still benefit from ageless wisdom. KJV is a great big book. Not all of it is true. Not all of it is false.

In context of recent record stock market $highs in our consumerist culture Tim6 might seem like capitalist sacrilege.

1 Timothy 6:10​

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” King James Version (KJV)


Laymen have misquoted: ... money is the root of all evil. 'tisn't

Mark Twain offered a personalized if satirical update: "The lack of money is the root of all evil."

I can't entirely dismiss Tim6, or variants. But it's not the most powerful scriptural message. Perhaps the following is closer to that.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
"The Golden Rule", inspired by Mathew 7:12

This is an important lessons equally appropriate in kindergarten, and grad school.
While it is a concise lesson in behavioral philosophy, it can be further condensed to a single word: "karma".

KJV offers a similar message in agricultural metaphor:

For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7 (you reap what you sow)

Perhaps militant atheism is fueled by contempt for those that try to manipulate others with exploitive or oppressive agenda, falsely premised on holy scripture.

"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." sometimes attributed to Seneca the Younger * (c.3 BCE - CE 65)

Be vigilant. Proceed with caution, but proceed. For a closed mind is an empty mind.

"I'm closed minded because I'm right." N. Thomas

* I know this quote is commonly attributed to Seneca, but it is mistakenly attributed to him. How do I know this? In Volume 1 of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", written by Edward Gibbon, he writes, "“The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as equally useful. And thus toleration produced not only mutual indulgence, but even religious concord." makingsense Administrator Rob W. Case https://makingsense.proboards.com/thread/720/young-boys-search-god

Now it's your turn. What's the best holy scripture has to offer? And the worst? Is there a lesson fundamental to human culture that holy scripture lacks? Like what?
In addition to the legitimate merit of timeless biblical wisdom there may even be multiple benefits to the conspicuous supernatural myths of holy scripture.


I'm no fan of lying, and may be additionally sensitized to it in this Trump era.
But the Santa Claus myth hints at this fiction. A morbidly obese man (Santa) couldn't fit down the chimney with a sack of Christmas gifts. Surely not to nearly a hundred million American homes, in 12 hours. That's less than one thousandth of a second per household (per chimney), without adding any travel time from one chimney to the next.

It may be a bare knuckles method of warning / educating children about the dangers of naïvety. Surely in the 3rd millennium it's knowledge adults need. Whether Santa is the best way to teach the lesson, if not that way, what way?

In similar way, might scriptural subtext of fantastic stories not benefit those that can "read between the lines"?
I took the quiz.


It's a familiar problem.
Those with a religious agenda can obscure the truth.
It's a 5 question quiz. I got 80%.

Several years ago I attended a Jehovah's Witness kingdom hall event.
I don't know how much variation there is from one JW congregation to another.
But the one I attended was heavily scripted, conspicuously not a candid, objective inquiry. But:
it seemed to me to be presented as something it was not.

And therefore what? Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians? That specific congregation isn't?
"The tragedy of religion is that it languishes if unorganized, and it suffers corruption if it is organized, and when badly corrupted it has demonstrated a fierce ability to do harm." author Will Durant
"Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to ones self-esteem."
"Pride and vanity can thus be greater obstacle to learning than stupidity." psychiatrist Thomas Szasz MD
" ... make the most of every opportunity." Colossians 4:5

It's 4/20. ;)

Time to celebrate, amid the Trump rubble?

Champagne for our real friends!
And real pain for our sham friends! 🥂
Trump = Antichrist: #6
"Today marks 1,200 days since the attack on the U.S. capitol. It has lead to the largest criminal probe and prosecution in U.S. history, which is still ongoing." CBS-TV Weekend News 24/04/20
It may seem paradoxical to some that any ego as outsized as D.J. Trump's, would so literally adhere to the adage: - No publicity is bad publicity. -

Affixing his name to a gambling casino, a Manhattan skyscraper, hosting a reality TV series, and even serving a 4 year term as U.S. president simply isn't enough for Trump. He wants more.
"Children would rather be praised than punished. But they'd rather be punished than ignored." psychologist Joy Browne