The Rittenhouse defense only works for white supremacists.


Well-known member

DOUBLE STANDARD: This journalist just got more prison time than any insurrectionist thus far​

ANew York Judge has sentenced a journalist to 20 years in prison for stabbing two members of the far-right nationalist group The Proud Boys during a simultaneous rally held in Albany on the day of the Capitol riot.

According to acting NY Supreme Court Justice Roger McDonough, the attack was politically motivated, and “toxicity in the body politic,” spurred the incident.

Judge McDonough concluded that defendant Alexander Contompasis went to the knock-off “Stop the Steal” rally “ready, willing, and able,” to engage in violence with the insurrectionists.

“That’s exactly what the defendant did. He violently, brutally stabbed political opponents of his – one of whom he eviscerated,” McDonough said to the Contompasis, who was seated next to his defense attorney Jasper Mills.

“This wasn’t just a simple stab or an accidental stab or a ‘poke’ as the defendant attempted to describe it in his testimony. These were violent knife attacks,” Mills added.

What the judge conveniently leaves out is the existence of the Proud Boys, to begin with.

Multiple members of the right-wing militia are awaiting trial for seditious conspiracy, including its former leader Enrique Tarrio.

A Justice Department investigation and a congressional probe into events leading up to the violent attack have revealed a detailed plan of violence and disruption on the day the electoral count was ...

S2 #1,
The Jan. 6 Capitol extravaganza has been referred to in the press as "the most extensively investigated crime in U.S. history". Reportedly government investigators have fashioned a continuum, an unbroken time-line, a chronological mosaic composed of cell-phone video and other evidence to reveal second by second progression of what appears to be the single most serious threat to the United States Constitution since John Hancock.

One of two things is true here S2.
Either it's as bad as it looks. OR !
There's more to this story, whether it be personal judicial bias, or extenuating circumstance not disclosed here. BUT !!

As presented, it smells like Boston harbor at low tide. P. U. !
["]These were violent knife attacks,” Mills added.
I suspect semantic infiltration here. "Attacks" is a key word. Were they "attacks" (meaning offensive)? Or was it potentially lethal force properly used to defend against potentially lethal attacks (meaning defensive)? Check the criminal histories of the primaries.

"Proud Boys" #3
"Peace Keepers" Reagan's name for his pet MIRV ICBM
It feels like an expletive-laden rant at Rittenhaus is appropriate here but it would get me banished for a period again, suffice to say, the fasct that Rittenhouse is lionised as a hero is SICK.
A Conroe brewery says it’s been inundated with harassment and some threats after announcing Friday that it would no longer allow a “rally against censorship” featuring Kyle Rittenhouse to be held there later this month.

“It’s been kind of a s---storm,” Southern Star Brewery CEO Dave Fougeron said in a Saturday morning interview. “But now I’m more certain than ever that I made the right decision.”

Fougeron also said that he was not aware until a few days ago that the event’s “special guest” was Rittenhouse. And he disputed claims – including those from Rittenhouse and others – that the cancellation came after pressure from a “woke mob” or distributors such as H-E-B.

Rather, he said, it was primarily concerns from local patrons that led to the decision. Fougeron described himself as apolitical, and said his brewery, which produces well-known local craft beers such as Bombshell Blonde, strives to be a place that’s welcoming to all. [..]

BOMBSHELLED: Judge denies mistrial as Proud Boys evidence of guilt piles up​

S2 #7
From the linked article: "... but Judge Timothy Kelly disagreed, pointing out ...

How did Judge Timothy Kelly join our judiciary? Appointed by Democrat or Republican? If Kelly was appointed by a Democrat, there's not much news here. If Kelly was appointed by a Republican it may be a glimmer of hope, that at least in this one (but important) case, it is not partisanship trumping citizenship. BUT !!
Even in that latter case, we'll need a whole lot more of that before we can breathe easy about insurrection.

BR #8
It may seem traitorous, or at least treacherous of me. I have some small sympathy for commercial enterprise that simply wants to:
a) sustain itself, &
b) avoid needless controversy.
Certainly there is an expression: "No publicity is bad publicity." BUT !! An aphorism perhaps, but not a truism.

The CEO of Conroe may have his own agenda, his own preferences. I doubt he'd forfeit it all to nudge the Rittenhouse issue in his direction. Winning the battle and losing the war?

AWW! Poor murdering ass bag Kyle Rittenhouse is being sued by the estate of the man he killed, complains that lawsuits make it 'harder for me to move on with my life'​


Murderer Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed two people in what became a flashpoint self-defense case, is being sued by the estate of one of the men he killed in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020.

The estate of Joseph Rosenbaum filed a lawsuit on August 25 against Rittenhouse, along with several police officers and personnel whom the suit accuses of negligence, wrongful death, and 13 other claims, Texas Scorecard first reported.

Rosenbaum, who was 36 years old and struggling with mental health issues, encountered Rittenhouse on August 25, 2020, amid civil unrest following a police shooting of Jacob Blake. He chased Rittenhouse, who ultimately shot Rosenbaum four times, killing him.

Murderer Rittenhouse, who did not live in the state of Wisconsin and was only 17 at the time, traveled there during the civil unrest. He was armed with a rifle that his friend bought on his behalf.

"Tragically, Joseph Rosenbaum died when Defendant Rittenhouse shot him," the lawsuit says, demanding compensatory damages.

The murderer Rittenhouse shot two more people there, killing a man named John Huber and injuring another, Gaige Grosskreutz. In a contentious criminal case in 2021, Murderer Rittenhouse was acquitted of all five charges related to the shootings after his attorneys argued he fired in self-defense.

Prior to this latest lawsuit, Huber's father and Grosskreutz each filed civil suits against Rittenhouse, according to Newsweek.

"If they take me down, they will take the rest of us down with them," Rittenhouse, who has become a right-wing hero for gun rights, said at the time, per Newsweek. "These lawsuits are making it harder and harder for me to move on with my life," The Murderer Rittenhouse told Texas Scorecard. "It is extremely difficult to go outside without fear of being harassed or assaulted because of the lies spread in these lawsuits. No one should have to continue to defend the fact that they acted in self defense." It was not immediately clear if Rittenhouse had retained an attorney for the latest lawsuit. His attorney in a separate civil suit did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.


Couple things here: He's breaking my fucking heart with this whiny bullshit. He plainly murdered people and got off basically because the judge in the case has a mental problem, and was / is a tRump Lovin' MAGAt of serious proportions. Kyle can kiss my old wrinkled ass, he's a fucking murderer.
Kyle Rittenhouse Flees Stage After Getting Heckled At University Of Memphis

A controversial American public figure known for infamous shootings stormed off stage after failing to answer questions about racism at an event at a university in Tennessee, USA. A viral video showed him eventually leaving without addressing questions about race-baiting comments, prompting cheers from protesters.

Kyle Rittenhouse abruptly exited the stage after facing protesters’ jeers during an event about the Second Amendment at the University of Memphis on Wednesday (March 20).

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of ...

"Couple things here: He's breaking my * heart ... . He plainly murdered people and got off basically because the judge in the case has a mental problem, and was / is a tRump Lovin' MAGAt of serious proportions. Kyle can kiss my ... ". #11
One of the benefits to broader society of fiction such as The Sorcerer's Apprentice (whether in poem or animation form) is the cautionary tale.

Seems to me the Republicans are not listening, and sow the seed of their own demise, risking of course taking the rest of us along with them.

Perhaps that's a persuasive argument for teaching fundamental ethics in U.S. government ("public") schools. Little wonder the Republicans would oppose it.

Port arms Kyle !
"Newsweek is gay" Rittenhouse #13
"Never try to reason with a drunk or a fool." psychologist Joy Browne

"One bullet in the hands of a mentally unstable person or a convicted felon is one too many. Six bullets in the hands of a mother protecting her twin nine year olds may not be enough." U.S. Sen.Lindsey Graham (R-SC) [source: NBC-TV News 13/01/30]

see the problem ? WWJD ?