The Republican Activist Supreme Court of the United States of America


The following is excerpted from:

"Congress has yet to enact comprehensive climate legislation, so if the Biden administration wants to set America on track for net zero carbon emissions by 2050 it will have to rely on executive orders and regulations. According to a landmark ruling by the US Supreme Court in 2007 CO2 is an air pollutant that the Environmental Protection Agency must regulate. But so far EPA efforts to actually curb the large amounts of global warming gases from power plants have gotten snarled in litigation. And just the other day a more conservative Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could tie the hands of the EPA, even though those rules don’t even exist." ...

"So, Pat, I'm confused. Conservatives have said for a long time that judges shouldn't be activists. But to what extent is this so-called conservative Supreme Court changing along those lines?"

"Oh, right. I mean, they're reaching out for cases that in the past, the Supreme Court would never take. The big kahuna case on the calendar of the Supreme Court this year, the West Virginia versus EPA case involving regulation of greenhouse gases from power plants, for example, there is no rule on the books right now regulating these emissions. So the Supreme Court has taken review of an abstract question of what is EPA's authority to regulate these plants before the Biden administration has even adopted a rule! It's the very definition of an activist court."

Source: Living On Earth

Is the Roberts court genuinely "activist"? And even if so, is that bad, if they promote conservatism?
R #1
You paint a grim picture Rampage. BUT !!
It may be even more grim than you suggest.

The Republicans tried to circumvent the outcome of a U.S. presidential election.
The SCOTUS they've packed may be trying to disenable the U.S. federal government from reasonable if not essential environmental regulation.

President Reagan is reported to have said the environment is too important to be a partisan issue.
It seems today's Republican party doesn't find that particularly worthy.

And astounding though it may seem, Republicans are still trying to limit ballot access, and use other inappropriate means to bias election outcomes in their favor.
Isn't it interesting that Republicans turn to manipulating the electoral process, instead of designing a Republican party agenda that voters will actually prefer, & vote for?

There is nothing less at stake here than the United States of America, the United States Constitution, and the welfare of the People that depend on that Constitution.

Our Founders warned us the greatest dangers the good People of the U.S. may face are dangers from within. Putin may be grabbing the headlines right now. But Trump / McConnell / Roberts may be the more severe peril.