The North Korea / Taiwan Swap Gambit with China: Worth Consideration?


Staff member
No need for a detailed battle plan. The rough outline:

North Korea is a danger to the U.S., to South Korea, and even to China.

China aspires to take Taiwan. China is already allied with North Korea, now a nuclear totalitarian State.

- One scenario:
Bomb / leaflet Pyongyang, North Korea informing dictator Kim Jong Un's military commanders if they use nuclear weapons it will be suicide, for there will be nuclear retaliation. BUT !

If North Korea holds KJU palace coup style, sovereignty borders can be redrawn, dividing North Korea between China and South Korea.

One common sense approach to dividing North Korea between South Korea and China:
- Have South Korea draw up a border proposal for China to review, and
- have China draw up a border proposal for South Korea to review.
- If these two parties can agree on either proposal, the official borders will be redrawn with the agreed upon configuration.
- If not, a binding coin toss, to arbitrarily pick which of the two proposals is implemented.

BUT !!

In exchange for this consideration China must surrender, abandon all territorial conquest plans or aspirations for Taiwan.

- One less malevolent nuclear power on the planet to worry about.
- Potential escalating clash / war over Taiwan is averted.
- Regional stability enhanced.

Good idea?
Bad idea?

Got a better idea?
Why not have Taiwan join NATO? Beijing's intentions for Taiwan are known. Would mainland China risk a war with NATO?
R #2
Not clear to me whether Taiwan would accept NATO membership. There is some question about why U.S. policy ambiguity was abandoned by Biden, declaring the U.S. would defend Taiwan.
That Biden commitment may not bind subsequent administrations. But for now ... .

Mainland China's Pacific coast opens to South Korea, Japan, Philippines, and Taiwan. China's already trying to work around that by manufacturing islands by dredging.

Seems like time to get territorial diplomacy in high gear.