Texas Judge Says HIV Drug Mandate Violates Religious Freedom



Texas Judge Says HIV Drug Mandate Violates Religious Freedom


It's not practical for a civilized country to function properly if individuals acquire a legal right to discriminate, even if premised on their own religious freedom.
The Liberty right is a reciprocal right. Neither party's Liberty right is absolute.

Logic as well as pragmatism necessitates that while we must protect the individual from both lone criminals, and society, that we must also not commit the reciprocal excess, and allow an individual to impose on society.

The word "utilitarian" does not appear in the United States Constitution. Yet the U.S. has unmistakable utilitarian roots.
If the appeals of this ruling do not distinguish between a citizen's private right to practice their own religion in their own way privately, and a meddlesome citizen imposing the practice of his religion on others, then the injustice and impracticality of this Texas judge's ruling may become enshrined in U.S. law for the foreseeable future.
O #2
Clearly it is at very least a startling notion. Problem is, "reductio ad absurdum". Follow it to logical conclusion, and there really doesn't seem to be another more sensible perspective.

SCOTUS also ruled (stare decisis) that $money is $speech. Momma said it isn't. Momma's right.
Momma's wrong.

The United States Constitution's First Amendment [Art. #1 Bill of Rights, aka "1A"] can be misunderstood my laymen. An adoring daughter of a man who seamlessly manifests near divine perfection in goodness, kindness, and constructive energies and skill has a 1A right to confess her love of her father. BUT !!
Such speech rarely if ever requires protection.
What 1A protects (within dismally casual limits) includes phenomenally hostile, insulting speech, and other speech if not directly destructive, at least corrosive.
Thus we must be most careful when we establish exemptions from 1A protection; exemptions that would almost surely eventually penalize & ravage those that instituted them. This is but one reason political success is such a volatile risk.

"I can't imagine anything more awful than polygamy." Mormon Mitt Romney

"Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. ... playing the members of the American public for suckers. He gets a free ride to the White House. And all we get is a lousy hat." Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney: “the thrilla who's vanilla, the Salt Lake beef-cake, the stormin' mormon” Colbert 18/06/27
"Corporations are people too... only in America." Oran 22/09/16
"America has changed greatly, there was a time, not so very long ago that people were property, now the wheel has turned so much that property is now a "person"" mark mywords 22/09/18
You guys get a "gold star" for that one.
Bloomberg covered this story. Dallas News, NPR, CBS, BBC, and others. It's not getting the level of attention it seems to deserve.
I'm not sure how much of a factor it is, political hot potato in Texas? Too hot to handle? The path to correction is clear but uncertain.
Wouldn't surprise me if there's more mess from this emboldened court, if the prescription drug, and judge issue aren't made an example.