Talk about voting against your own best interests


Well-known member

Tom Maggliozzi said a redneck's famous last words: "Hey Fellas! Watch THIS !!"

I also note the sharp gradient between Nevada and California. I don't know how many A-bomb tests we did out there ... White Sands, New Mexico, etc.

It might help to see a financial / economic overlay, to examine the $economic correlation. Problem is, post hoc ergo propter hoc. The question then would be, does the poverty cause the shorter life-span? Or are the poor attracted to locations where cost of living is low, but that simultaneously means where public safety is also a lower priority?
Thanks S2,
I guess I'll stay in New York a while longer.

One of the ironies I've read of the "red" State vs "blue" State divide is the "red" States tend to be more resentful of federal taxation, yet are net beneficiaries of it, meaning while "red" States pay federal taxes, they receive $more in federal benefits than they pay for.
The irony if any is, that $shortfall is made up by mostly "blue" States, that don't seem to whine as much about taxation.
"Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die. ... People want the public services. We can't have the public services without some level of taxation."
United States House of Representatives Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank