Systemic Dysfunction? one example: the "skin in the game" antagonist


Staff member
The term is "vested interest", those groups that seek to maintain or control an existing system or activity from which they derive private benefit*.

Virtually any such status quo has its own constituency. The "skin in the game" antagonist is vested interest. This is how we end up with wealthy tobacconists swearing under oath, hand raised, that their product is not deadly.

The supreme law court of the United States of America is the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in the District of Columbia. Yet SCOTUS reportedly will not decide cases until the issue has been contested in court. Is this a symptom of systemic dysfunction? Why wait until there are powerful vested interests involved? Before then it's a hypothetical that be resolved on merit, without the full corrupting power of the "skin in the game" antagonist: vested interest.
