Supreme Court of The United States (SCOTUS) declines to hear fetal personhood case



Supreme Court declines to hear fetal personhood case By Ariane de Vogue and Devan Cole, CNN

Published 11:02 AM EDT, Tue October 11, 2022

(CNN)- The Supreme Court declined on Tuesday to wade into the so-called fetal personhood debate, deciding not to take up a case out of Rhode Island over whether fetuses should have constitutional rights.
A Catholic group and two pregnant women wanted to sue on behalf of the women’s unborn fetuses, but the Rhode Island Supreme Court – citing Roe v. Wade – said in May that they didn’t have the legal right to bring the case.
The challengers urged the Supreme Court to step in and take the case after it overturned Roe in June. But the court declined to do so without comment.

The five W's of journalism plus H:
- what
- who
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- how
- why

In SCOTUS' recent Dobbs decision overturning the long-standing Roe v. Wade precedent, both Republican SCOTUS appointees, and the broader GOP seem to have gotten much more than they bargained for.

Was backlash from Dobbs an influence in SCOTUS' refusal to review this personhood case?

journalist Rex Smith: 3 rules for journalists:​
#1: seek the truth and report it fully
#2: act independently (avoid the appearance of impropriety)
#3: minimize harm
t #1
I honestly can't answer the topic question. BUT !!
I certainly would like it if SCOTUS simmers down, and stops trying to convert SCOTUS into a socio/moral-legal politburo.

Personally, while undeniably an extremely radical step, because McConnell used extra-Constitutional means to block Obama's appointment of Merick Garland, which subsequently resulted in Republicans gaining 5:4 control, I'd enthusiastically support Biden appointing 2 additional SCOTUS justices, to give the court a 6:5 Democrat majority, and smack down Dobbs (thereby restoring Roe). I suppose that's about as "nuclear" as a president's judge appointments can get. But I think Dobbs was wholesale Republican treachery through and through, literally starting at the appointment hearings of more than one of the 5:4 Republicans. Biden! Wake up! Get a pear!