SpaceX will be required to take ... 75 actions to mitigate environmental impacts before it receives a launch license


Staff member
SpaceX will be required to take more than 75 actions to mitigate environmental impacts before the company can receive a launch license

Among the requirements, SpaceX will coordinate with a “qualified biologist” on lighting inspections to minimize the impact on sea turtles,
operate an employee shuttle between the city of Brownsville and the facility,
and perform quarterly cleanups of the local Boca Chica Beach.

The company will also contribute to local education and preservation efforts — including preparing a historical context report of the events of the Mexican War and the Civil War that took place in the area
as well as replacing missing ornaments on a local historical marker.
The company will also make annual contributions of $5,000 each to organizations that protect ocelots and endangered birds of prey, as well as a state recreational fishing program.

What does cleaning the local beach have to do with starships?

Is this an example of government over-reach? Government opportunism? Soak the rich?
Or instead, a practical way to fund local priorities?