Space warfare: US, China, and Russia gearing up for next frontier of armed conflict


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Space warfare: US, China, and Russia are gearing up for the next frontier of armed conflict​

China and Russia are obsessed with trying to steal insights into the US counterspace weapons platform​

As the Pentagon is gearing up for a future celestial conflict, so are our chief adversaries, China and Russia. Here’s why "Star Wars" is no longer merely a topic of science fiction. The best way to avoid space warfare is to be ready for it.

Previous generations have addressed militarizing space. Example:

The Outer Space Treaty at a Glance - Arms Control Association​

The 1967 Outer Space Treaty bans the stationing of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in outer space, prohibits military activities on celestial bodies, and ...

But it's a new millennium, new leaders, and perhaps most important, new more destructive, more capable technologies. Have terrestrial restraints followed our benevolence into orbit?

The International Space Station (ISS) Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the more distant James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), and most other artificial satellites are essentially defenseless.
The U.S., China, & perhaps others already have technology that could be used to create hunter-killer satellites. Why bother?

U.S. satellites provide an enormous wealth of information, not only on troop movements of potential adversaries, but even information as fundamental as weather forecasting.

Standards for "acts of war", of "casus belli" have been internationally recognized since the previous millennium. What has changed is the profusion, the capability, the dependence on Earth orbiting satellites for communication, intelligence gathering, etc.

How great is the danger today, and in our future. And what are our options? Does the West, EU, NATO need a space update? An attack on any space satellite-operating nation is considered an attack on all?