Should "children", persons not yet adult, have their own representation in congress?


It is axiomatic that in a democracy the People get the government they deserve. That's premised on the notion that they have a right to vote, whether they exercise it wisely, or at all, or not.

But the voting age in the U.S. used to be age 21, lowered to age 18 by President Nixon to defend against critics of Nixon's Vietnam War that citizens ages 18, 19, or 20, were old enough to be conscripted to fight in the War but not old enough to vote against it. Makes sense.

But 14 year old citizens have more to risk to anthropogenic climate change (ACC) aka "global warming" than their elders do. ACC might make it rough going for the grandparents of these pre-voters (non-voters). But ACC is potentially catastrophic, or even cataclysmic.

The U.S. was Founded on the premise of having a vote for their political representatives. Our 12 year olds have no such vote.

Surely pre-teens may lack the guile to avoid being duped by unscrupulous candidates making extraordinary claims & campaign promises.

So should these otherwise non-voters have access to a pool of candidates, perhaps chiefly retirees, candidates who have already accomplished enough in life, now more interesting in their own reputation than temptation.

Property crimes such as vandalism may be disproportionately perpetrated by youthful offenders, minors. Could that in part be because their society has disenfranchised them?

If this age-group were welcomed earlier, might the benefits be manifold?
The US is a bit odd when it comes to what rights you have by age you can marry at 7 (with parental or judicial consent - but this never seems to be a problem) but in most states you have to be 18 to have sex.
At 12 you have few of the rights of an adult but if you do something seriously criminal in kost states you can expect to be tried and sentenced as if you were adult
At 17 you cannot enter into a contract or be a juror or vote or buy a glass of beer but you can (in most states) own and carry a gun without supervision.
Mostly well-chosen examples.
I'd have thought marriage at age 7 tended to be royal betrothal; marriage possibly arranged for children to help solidify an international alliance, etc., but often not formalized, consummated until years later.
But I have read the minimum age for marriage can vary from one State to another.

I believe it was disparity that lead President Nixon to reduce the voting age from 21 to 18, and suspend U.S. military conscription. Nixon's critics rightly complained citizens were old enough to be conscripted for a War they vehemently opposed, but not old enough to vote against it.

In context of many of these social ills, the civil rights progress made by Blacks since ~1950 in the U.S. seems quite encouraging. MLK followed Gandhi's inspiration. Both leaders accomplished much without firing a shot.

Your mention of "glass of beer" has me wondering when the minimum drinking age was first established. Part of the reason I wonder, within the past decade or so (perhaps still), where marijuana was illegal but tobacco legal, per capita tobacco use was in decline compared to marijuana. This has been cited as evidence Drug War is counterproductive.

I'd have thought marriage at age 7 tended to be royal betrothal; marriage possibly arranged for children to help solidify an international alliance, etc., but often not formalized, consummated until years later.

Unfortunately no, every year many thousands of American children (below age 14) get married in America its hard to be too precise about the numbers because many states dont keep records but since 2000 estimates are between 200 000 and 250 000 (in total).
between 2000-2010 there were three Tennessee 10-year-old girls who married men aged 24, 25, and 31, respectively, in 2001. With the youngest boy to marry being an 11-year-old, who married a 27-year-old woman in Tennessee in 2006.

But I have read the minimum age for marriage can vary from one State to another.
Some states dont have a minimum age for marriage although if a child is getting married she (it is almost always a she) will need either parental consent or judicial consent neither of which seems to be a problem
dated 2018 and slightly out of date has a couple of states have introduced laws prohibiting marriage below age 18

• Child marriage is legal in all 50 states [no longer the case]
• 207,468 minors (aged under 18) were married in the US between 2000 and 2015
25 states, including California, Nevada, Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, have no minimum age for someone to marry
• In the rest, the minimum marriage age is 18 — but exceptions in each of these states allow those younger than 18 to marry with parental consent and/or judicial approval
• Three 10-year-old girls were married to men aged, 24, 25 and 31 in Tennessee in 2001
• A 14-year-old girl married a 74-year-old man in Alabama, according to official state statistics
• In New Jersey alone, 3500 children were married between 1995 and 2012

mm #4 & #5

a) grim
b) For context, to understand how what you've reported compares with the rest of the world you have me wondering about the same parameters in Africa, Asia, & Europe.

But in the broader picture, humans are animals. It may be a common lapse to believe humans are fundamentally different. Not as different as some may wish to think.

I offer this murky glimpse:
we know marrying a 14 year old girl to a 74 year old man is fundamentally wrong. Therefore we know the fact that it happens means whatever it is that motivates it has superior (prevailing) influence. What might that be? $Money? Social influence? Political power?
Difficult to imagine any of that would justify it. In any case it may at least help explain it.
For context, to understand how what you've reported compares with the rest of the world you have me wondering about the same parameters in Africa, Asia, & Europe.

Why do Americans insist on being compared with the worst and not the best?
In Europe Estonia allows marriage at 15 everywhere else its 16+ (with parental consent)
(Andorra it is 14 but Andorra is a micro state with a tiny population and only a couple of hundred marriages per year)