Scientists Are Inching Closer to Bringing Back the Woolly Mammoth: Mar 6, 2024


Staff member
Mar 6, 2024 10:12 AM

Scientists Are Inching Closer to Bringing Back the Woolly Mammoth​

De-extinction startup Colossal Biosciences claims it has found a way to reprogram elephant cells, a technical breakthrough that could lead to the return of the long-lost mammals.
Illustration of Woolly Mammoths walking through a snowy mountainous landscape

Courtesy of Colossal

De-extinction startup Colossal Biosciences wants to bring back the woolly mammoth. Well, not the woolly mammoth exactly, but an Asian elephant gene-edited to give it the fuzzy hair and layer of blubber that allowed its close relative to thrive in sub-zero environments.
To get to these so-called “functional mammoths,” Colossal’s scientists need to solve a whole bunch of challenges: making the right genetic tweaks, growing edited cells into fully formed baby functional mammoths, and finding a space where these animals can thrive.
It’s a long, uncertain road, but the startup has just announced a small breakthrough that should ease some of the way forward.

And this is being done, why? Because they can?

If successful it establishes a precedent of acceptability.
Then what ?

Neanderthal ? Then what? A minority proliferating through our culture that is genuinely inferior?
