Russia Hastens Global Warming


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Germany Pushes for G-7 Reversal on Fossil Fuels in Climate Blow​

  • Europe faces energy fallout from Russia’s war in Ukraine
  • Pledge to end public financing of such fuels came recently
The Jaenschwalde lignite coal-fired power plant in Peitz, Germany.

The Jaenschwalde lignite coal-fired power plant in Peitz, Germany. Photographer: Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg
By Alberto Nardelli, Chiara Albanese, and Jess Shankleman June 25, 2022 at 3:20 AM GMT-5

Germany is pushing for Group of Seven nations to walk back a commitment that would halt the financing of overseas fossil fuel projects by the end of the year, according to people familiar with the matter. That would be a major reversal on tackling climate change as Russia’s war in Ukraine upends access to energy supplies.

Germany is in a difficult situation.
Germany has become dependent on Russia for energy supply.
That supply, that relationship is now precarious.

It's not practical for Germany to simply shut down. So Germany needs an alternate fuel supply. Germany isn't particularly windy, so wind turbines won't solve this problem. Germany isn't all that sunny, so photo-voltaics aren't the answer either.
Problem is, we were already off target for meeting modest atmospheric Carbon goals.

Now what?
Record heat in Europe, record drought out West, Western Europe preparing to adjust if Russia's fuel supply is interrupted. Humanity is at risk. Favorable outcome seems to growing increasingly unlikely.