Rocket surgeon MTG appears to be admitting to a federal crime on television


Well-known member

A SCIF is a sensitive compartmented information facility in United States military, national security/national defense and intelligence parlance, is an enclosed area within a building that is used to process sensitive compartmented information (SCI) types of classified information.

Removing notes about info processed there isn't legal. Talking it about, if she does, also not legal.

She may be bluffing about telling anyone since that's a blatant no-no.

She may be too slow to realize that saying you took notes and removed them is also illegal.

Don't you remember her accusing Pelosi of running the "Gazpacho Police"?
I suppose not. Doesn't mean it didn't get my attention at the time, but if so, long enough ago for me to have been blessed with limited capacity to forget matters MTG.

S2 #3
I'm classed as a "boomer" born '54. And while I'm undeniably an individual I do perceive myself as a human quantum of the sea (river) of humanity, history.
So though I have no children of my own, I sense in myself a "guilt by association" for today's voters putting into office candidates like Trump, Santos, MTG, etc.

Surely there are some names I'm not wildly proud of from my younger voting era, Strom Thurmond comes to mind.

It seems to me our elected officials are getting worse. BUT !!
They're elected officials, thus a direct reflection on the generation(s) that elected them. Nero! Where's my fiddle ?!

So what's Pelosi's "Gazpacho" excuse? Meanwhile if you'll pardon an automotive reference, looks like Finestein is running on fumes. Gerontocracy?