Refuge From Irrational Horde Media Bombardment? try Freedom From Religion Foundation


If the irrational jabber from Speaker McCarthy, Leader McConnell, and Trump, weighs heavily on you, try a simple refuge for simple rational thought, the Freedom From Religion Foundation,

Ron Reagan, son of the president, promotes FFRF. This site won't change the world. But it confirms that the whole world has not gone crazy.
No question.

And I like their regular weekly posts of some of the totally insane emails they receive. I do have to say that, on a standalone basis, those emails are truly hilarious. Unfortunately they're representative of too large a percentage of the US populace and, reading between the lines, violence, or at least threats of violence, isn't always far below the surface.
"... on a standalone basis, those emails are truly hilarious. Unfortunately they're representative of too large a percentage of the US populace and ... " S2
Early on I'd dismissed it as a mostly harmless prank. 4 years of the Trump administration ended by an violent insurrection, it's neither prank nor harmless.

Thanks t #1,
I've bookmarked it.