Recent Shooter - Killers Not Yet 21 Years Old. Set Minimum Gun Age To 21?


One reason offered for opposing increasing the minimum age requirement from 18 to 21 is that it would deny the Constitution's Second Amendment right to citizens age 19 or 20.
But does the Constitution say Constitutional rights can be denied, blocked from citizens that are 17 years old?

There are familiar emotion based arguments on both sides of this debate.

Does either side have the advantage of logical or legal validity?

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Business Insider
When the US constitution was written it only granted the right to vote to men (and free white men at that!) what is a more fundamental right in a free society than the right to vote?
The voting age was only reduced to 18 in 1971 (26 Amendment) it seems strange that prior to 1920 women couldnt vote and no one worried about the unconstitutionality of the situation and prior to 1971 no one under 21 could vote (lower in states) and no one worried unduly about the constitution.
At what age does the US constitution grant full rights?
you cant be a representative until you are 25
you cannot buy of consume alcohol until you are 21
you cannot be a juror until you are 18
you cannot sign a contract until you are 18
you can be tried as an adult at 14
you can be held criminally responsible at 11 in federal court
you can be held criminally liable at 6 or 7 state court
you can marry at any age you like!
so when do Americans attain full rights?
As the U.S. War in Vietnam progressed it drew more widespread protest. Among the objections:
- our young men were subject at age 18 to military conscription into a War they opposed. At age 18 they were old enough to die for their country, but not old enough to vote against it. Toward the end of the War the age for voting and drinking dropped from 21 to 18.

mm #2,
I don't recall the word "adult" appearing in the Constitution. Even those advocating original intent have little to say about denying 13 year old children access to drivers license.

I understand there are different age standards for different measures of adulthood. A numerical purist can ridicule that. I'm not sure it's as bad as the alternative.

"If I hate freedom, as Bush says, why wouldn't I attack Sweden, which is a freer country?" Usama bin Laden [source, ABC-TV news 10/04]