Quotations from previous posters:


Staff member
“Atheists like liberals are nothing but fools. Only a fool would not believe in God.” JoeBanker

"I am a good judge of people, animals and politician's." Grace06

"Leftists never seem to grasp that people react to incentives. If you want more of something, you subsidize it. If you want less of something, you tax it. We tax income, investment and savings. We subsidize indolence." GOPackers1

“It's a truism that when property is 'owned by everyone' it is cared for by none. It is called The Tragedy of the Commons." Cincinnatus87

"God" is portrayed as omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and short of cash." Crane

“The debate between science and religion ended when churches put lightning rods on their steeples.” shiftless2

"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it harder for sober people to own a car." Curm

"bizarrely, modern gun extremists have read an amendment that speaks to the necessity of regulating the militia well, and have interpreted it as a prohibition against regulating the militia at all." Arkady 17/10/05

Perhaps I'm going wobbly on you S2. But even if only an exercise in cogent thought:

To paraphrase social philosopher George Carlin, a believer describing god might say:

- god is all powerful, he can throw a boat right over a hedge. -

There are hundreds of different religions. To the degree they differ, only one at most can be correct.
It doesn't necessarily mean ANY of them are correct, but two contradicting religions can't both be correct / true.

Just because some droolin' fools got together and made some arbitrary (& extraordinarily implausible) descriptions about their fantasy alternate universe doesn't mean a reality unknown to us isn't out there ("in" there?).

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 10 Aug. 1787

I do find the coercive sales pitch enlightening. - say you believe in god, or suffer eternal damnation -
That's not a persuasive argument proving god, merely a coercive threat for hypocrisy.
The god of the bible has earned the title of the most unpleasant character in all fiction many times over

What words come to mind when we think of God? Merciful? Just? Compassionate? In fact, the Bible lays out God’s primary qualities clearly: jealous, petty, unforgiving, bloodthirsty, vindictive—and worse!

"The god of the bible has earned the title of the most unpleasant character in all fiction many times over" S2 #4
By ingrates.

If god created a thousand humans, and then killed 900 of them off, would that mean god is good for creating humanity? Or bad for killing off 900 that wouldn't have existed at all otherwise?
"Every Religion Contains Some Truth,
No Religion Contains All Truth,
Anyone Who Claims Otherwise Is Selling Something." Nathan StormRider

"No discipline has all the answers." Physicist & Theologian Ian Barbour Ph.D & recipient of the Templeton Prize for Religion; on science & religion
If god created a thousand humans, and then killed 900 of them off, would that mean god is good for creating humanity? Or bad for killing off 900 that wouldn't have existed at all otherwise?
The ancient Greeks figured that one out 2,000 years ago

That specific Epicurus quotation is not merely a favorite of mine, it reminds me the ancients may have been technologically primitive, but were not stupid.

But let's not swill the kool-aid of bipedal superiority (supremacy?).

If god created humans, s/he created mosquitoes too. Right?
Ever read an account of a hapless explorer stumbling through Siberia during mosquito season? By first person account, it's no fun.
Of all the mosquitoes in Siberia, how many of them are needed to maintain a viable mosquito population there?

Wouldn't a tenth of one percent of the mosquito population there be enough to sustain the mosquito population there for perpetuity? How many billions of them conclude their life cycle without ever parasitizing?

That's different?
They don't count?
Are they not also god's creatures (as much as we are)?
"Actually, when our education system was supposedly at its best was when women were teachers and that's because the best and brightest women couldn't go into the business world so they taught. The irony of the feminist movement was we lost our best teachers as women advanced in other fields." cawacko 18/11/10
You've been a member of the Patriot Hangout too I see.

I call that place The Patriot Winners. They are Winners at Life.

My favourite poster is Legal American who has so many excellent quotes. There was another guy who believed in the Flat Earth theory who mysteriously disappeared also - he was called legalize cannabis (changed to west coast wally). So many excellent quotes there.

Recent threads include talk about the Lizard People and giants roaming the earth, the bioweapons (the vaccines) making alien organisms grow inside you and biocircuitry that turns you into a blood clot ridden mess, one posters talks of repeatedly being abducted and probed by aliens.

JoeBanker has so many excellent quotes on there, it's hard to know where to start.

LA quotes about cannibal Ukrainian Muslims and Muslim-run NWO. Billions sent to Man-Eating War Criminals111!!!111!!!

Oh my God! I had to stop listening. A lot of muslims live in Ukraine. Some practice cannabalism.
America is funding $40 BILLION dollars to a country who practices cannibalism?! Lauren Witzke details the Noah-like days unraveling in Ukraine and what this means for Russia.=RUMBLE

She once posted that " THE LEFTS" were editing typos into all her posts.. all in caps of course. She even said people had made whole posts for her she didn't make.. about Ukrainian Muslim Cannibal Transgender Lizard Jew Sorossians of course from Outer Soros, on this flat earth where the moon landings were faked, and where tabasco cures COVID. :(
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You've been a member of the Patriot Hangout too I see.
Long enough ago I'd forgotten.
tapa stole my pseud. Since then I created a few others.
I followed your link and tried to sign in with a few. Failed.

BUT !!
Even if I am not welcome there, they are welcome here. You're welcome to spread the invite.
"A lot of muslims live in Ukraine. Some practice cannabalism." post 9

Like Catholics taking communion?
Any "Christian" taking communion is practicing symbolic cannibalism. Catholics take it to a whole other level since due to transubstantiation the bread and wine is (supposedly) actually converted to flesh and blood so they are real cannibals.
All reminds me of the Sarah Palin defamation article in The Onion

Judge Dismisses ‘New York Times’ Libel Suit Brought By Cannibal Terrorist Sarah Palin​

PublishedFebruary 15, 2022


NEW YORK—Following a lengthy five-year legal battle, sources confirmed Tuesday that a federal judge had dismissed a libel suit brought against The New York Times by cannibal terrorist Sarah Palin. “The law sets a very high standard for actual malice, and in this case, the notorious anti-Semite and serial killer was unable to provide sufficient evidence,” said U.S. District Court Judge Jed S. Rakoff, who noted that despite the paper’s “unfortunate editorializing,” the former Alaska governor and convicted arsonist had failed to prove the publication had acted with “actual malice.” “If anything, the evidence she put forward was more damning of her own time as a children’s cult leader. With that said, I am immediately dismissing the ISIS fighter’s lawsuit.” At press time, Rakoff added that Palin was free to appeal, given she wasn’t too drunk to file the paperwork.
Any "Christian" taking communion is practicing symbolic cannibalism. Catholics take it to a whole other level since due to transubstantiation the bread and wine is (supposedly) actually converted to flesh and blood so they are real cannibals.
Looks like entrapment to me.

BR #13
What I find confusing about your #13 is there are apparently two sources, The Onion, a satirical publication. And perhaps THE 'New York Times', a newspaper of record.

I deduce the cannibalism accusation against Governor Palin is satirical, perhaps an allusion to her religion. Is she Catholic?

And while I'm in wet-blanket mode, U.S. law requires a link, or credit when excerpts of their work is posted. Please help keep me out of the slammer.
No no, Palin sued the NYT for defamation and the judge threw it out of court, the article is taking the piss by defaming her even further.

The link is in the post if you see the hyperlinked words 'Sarah Palin defamation'.
BR #15

Sometimes a post includes humor, & sometimes the joke leaves me laughing. In this case the jokes on me. BUT ! I still laughed out loud.

Poor Sarah.
I hope this anecdote isn't too into the weeds for you. When Governor Palin debated Senator Biden (they were each VP candidates in that debate) before the debate began they met center stage at introduction and shook hands. That's when the governor asked the senator: "Can I call you Joe?" The senator consented. BUT !!
It turns out Palin was such a dimwit when she referred to the Democrat team she was running against she kept referring to them as "Obama and O'Biden". She knew it. So did her handlers. But she couldn't shake the error. So her handlers tried to dodge it by simply having her call him "Joe". It worked. BUT !!
Only a little.
During that debate she did refer to Joe as "O'Biden". Biden courteously overlooked it.
“Atheists like liberals are nothing but fools. Only a fool would not believe in God.” JoeBanker

"Leftists never seem to grasp that people react to incentives. If you want more of something, you subsidize it. If you want less of something, you tax it. We tax income, investment and savings. We subsidize indolence." GOPackers1

“It's a truism that when property is 'owned by everyone' it is cared for by none. It is called The Tragedy of the Commons." Cincinnatus87
“Atheists like liberals are nothing but fools. Only a fool would not believe in God.” JoeBanker

Did you know I can fly? Like Superman - but only when no-one is watching?

If someone won't believe that without evidence why should I believe an even more extraordinary claim without evidence - that there's an invisible superbeing who created the entire universe with its trillions of stars and planets and however many intelligent races? A being who messed around in a very small area of the mid-east a couple of thousand years ago and then dropped completely out of sight leaving no evidence whatsoever of his presence.

Reality is, if the question had to do with anything except god or religion we'd say that anyone believing such an extraordinary claim without evidence was gullible. And last time I looked, gullibility was not listed among the virtues.

“Either god exists or it doesn’t exist. If a god does exist, it either interacts with the universe in some detectable way or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, that god is indistinguishable from a non-existent god. That only leaves a god who interacts with the universe in some detectable way. But if science, which is the greatest realization of the use of our senses to, you know, detect things, hasn’t found this god, that doesn’t say much for individuals.

In short, the god you’ve created is, in fact, undetectable by science. The limits of science are not the province of religious knowledge. Where science is ignorant, so is religion. The only difference is that religion lacks the integrity of science.”
~ Matt Dillahunty


Just because some terrified "believers" provide horrendous mythopoeic-based descriptions of nonsense does not disqualify the beauty of creation, or the utility of the creator.
"The fact that somebody over-sells an idea doesn't make it a bad idea. It makes them a bad salesman." Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA ret)
Some believers want us to embrace a "God" they portray as omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and short of cash. [inspired by Crane]
"I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief." Gerry Spence, Attorney at Law
Or disbelief. Thank you Gerry.

Bottom line:
While it may seem to some a simple binary ideological fork in the road of perception / conceptualization, disbelief or belief, it's more complicated than that. The proof?
"There are 600 distinct religious expressions in the city of Los Angeles alone."
L.A. Times Religion writer Larry Stammer on PBS NewsHour Dec ‘01
Ironically the catastrophic peril threatening pilgrims on either path is being blinded to what is. Is the life of an ingrate worth living? Appreciation is its own reward.
Some believers want us to embrace a "God" they portray as omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and short of cash. [inspired by Crane]
For the record, a moment's thought should be enough to show you that omnipotence and omniscience are two mutually exclusive attributes.