President Biden: State of the Union 2022 / 03 / 01


Staff member
Will Biden use the word "strong" in characterizing the state of our union, the United States of America?
Alright sear, a little satire on your part here?

Numerous sources have contrasted Putin's Ukraine invasion to WWII.
Biden may cite indications the fastest economic growth in 40 years.
But inflation may be Biden's undoing in 2024, IF Biden decides to run again. There's room for doubt that he will. If not, will Biden endorse his VP for president in 2024?

And what score will Biden get for his first SOU? Fail? -C ?
SOU broadcast begins 9PM/ET, with additional coverage beginning an hour early on PBS.
This is "an outsiders point of view". Your President has in my eye's (to some extent) proved to be a Leader. What would have happened, if he had "Roared like Putin".
He has slowly come to decisions taking I have no doubt, others opinions and then "Spoke". Putin is tried to bring back the old U.S.S.R. and is failing. He has used his invasion as to Ukraine as a threat to others, but has as we are seeing again failed.
The real problem is when it's plain that he is not going to win "reports today as to his Troup's suffering frost bite because in not being clothed in the right type of cloths and boots". The Ukraine's have taken back areas which were controlled by the Russian Army, so Putin must either concede defeat or use Chemical weapons, and if he does that well may be mean WW3.
I like diversity of views. I tried posting at a site where most everyone there supported then president Bush, the young one. It was rather dull.

The mystery now is, what will Putin do. It surely doesn't look like he would wish to pack up and go home. So what option is left to him? Escalate?
Let's hope Putin understands, if he draws NATO into it, his escapade in Ukraine is finished.
I like diversity of views. titan
I also like to "chance my arm" in so far as to "view" others opinions. It is I feel one of the problems of todays so called "modern society".

So what option is left to him? Escalate?
Let's hope Putin understands, if he draws NATO into it, his escapade in Ukraine is finished. titan

Total agree, what as I understand the situation, now his Public voice (through his voice people) are saying the plan was never taking over Ukraine within a couple of days, but using a force to stop Ukraine joining N.A.T.O. when in reality he has dropped a very large B----k and will have to find a ways of saving face. But because he has already threatened "the big one" it's balanced as to WW3.
However the West in general can't allow him to get away with what he has done.
However I do think it's about time we put pressure on China and India for seemly supporting him.
China & India each deserve consideration. There seems to be some question about whether China or India will emerge as a global leader.
Obviously if China accepts military conquest as a legitimate means to expand sovereign control of territory, it lays itself vulnerable to it. India, sometimes called the world's largest democracy, might seem to have a more civilized approach.
India, sometimes called the world's largest democracy, might seem to have a more civilized approach. titan
India is a very delicate balanced Nation, in that it has two large Religious groups who near always just below open warfare. It also receives help from the world (and the UK) and as yet is still in some minds emerging from a nation in turmoil. Whether it does rise to become a Leader remains to be seen. But, at this time when a Civilised Nation is being "Crushed" by another major power, should "me thinks" stir some sort of "feeling" yet India did abstain when the UN voted on the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. " although abstaining could have been because it gets "cheap" energy from Russia. I am minded of the term:- "you can't have your cake and eat it too".
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That UN vote tells an interesting story. Which nations sided with Russia? North Korea and a few predictable others.
India might be hit somewhat as hard Russia is affected by the sanctions if India loses its energy supply. The market might be more elastic, able to accommodate shifting demand, if the Saudis would cooperate. Reportedly Saudi Arabia is not willing to increase production, and fuel prices have skyrocketed.

Long term the West may wish to look for fossil fuel sources other than Russia, or at least tell Russia what they're willing to pay, driving down Russian profits, along with global oil prices. Totally isolating Russia could backfire.

Biden doesn't seem to be that flashy a guy. The U.S. has had worse presidents.
Totally isolating Russia could backfire.titan
Or it could make them "toe the line". Russia and it's leaders have always tried to be "supreme", in that their leaders are always unsure as how their own population would react, thus always keeping them on a sort "short lease".
Biden doesn't seem to be that flashy a guy. The U.S. has had worse presidents. titan
Very much agree, one never knows the "strength of a leader" until an enemy appears, and threatens.
Gaining some rational control of Russia is undeniably appealing. Sadly, at least with Putin, I gather such dream is a will-o'-the-wisp.
Putin's comfort level is Cold War estrangement. Even though in absolute terms he has less power, it imparts to Putin & prior Soviet leaders a feeling of greater power. Germany didn't hail Angela Merkel as "dear leader" (though they should have). In North Korea they're forced to participate in lavish pageantry, and reportedly call their leader (regardless of which member of the Kim dynasty) "dear leader". I guess that's what Milton was trying to tell us in Paradise Lost. For dictators, better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.
"one never knows the "strength of a leader" until an enemy appears, and threatens." W #9
“Adversity doesn’t test your character, it reveals it.” U.S. President Bush (the elder) And then there's titan's sig-line.
Gaining some rational control of Russia is undeniably appealing. Sadly, at least with Putin, I gather such dream is a will-o'-the-wisp. Sear
It is seemly to starting to bear fruit. As I have posted previously my thoughts are Putin has planned the War in Ukraine thinking he (and his army) would sweep the Ukraine's away, A near fatal assumption. But he relied on those round him who were what we call "yes men and women". He is now trying to find a way to reverse his Adventure but it will not be safe or easy, because when people like Putin gather those that he thought were "honest" he has now found to his cost they were but "Butterfly's" and are starting to just "flutter away".
As for your President, he has started to re-cover himself and as stated at a Meeting with other Leaders yesterday "If Putin, uses Chemical weapons the result will be very Tough for him" or words to that effect. IMHO he is gaining respect and dare I post "Toughness"
Between the inherent inaccuracy of news, compounded by the further unreliability of news from war zones, neither Ukraine nor the West may know how much of Putin's easing off is the hopelessness of his military strategy (can we call it that?). Or maybe the sanctions pressure exerted on Russia's oligarchs has united them to leaning on Putin to return things to their opulent normal.
No need to be deliberately depressing. But Russia's nukes include H-bombs. If Putin becomes suicidally despondent it would be easy to imagine triggering a sequence of events that could terminate the human race.
Those on the ISS might survive it for a short while, until their food runs out. Not impossible that Putin ends humanity.

Though it is technically unofficial, the U.S. nuclear missile launch command sequence does include humans that may disobey an order. That might be helpful if a U.S. president tried to initiate a first strike. But experts seem to think a preemptive nuclear strike is impossible, because of the nuclear triad. Humanity is in great peril.
Though it is technically unofficial, the U.S. nuclear missile launch command sequence does include humans that may disobey an order. Rampage
I just wonder if (the Being forbid) that could happen. After all each and every person who has the "Button" in front and was ordered to press, they would wake up and realise the devastation it would cause.
Though it is technically unofficial, the U.S. nuclear missile launch command sequence does include humans that may disobey an order. Rampage
I just wonder if (the Being forbid) that could happen. After all each and every person who has the "Button" in front and was ordered to press, they would wake up and realise the devastation it would cause.
I think by "unofficial" R #12 may mean not officially permitted to change either a launch or "go" code to a "no go" code command to his subordinates whose fingers are on "the button". By U.S. law, a presidential command to launch a nuclear attack (preemptive or not) is not to be questioned by those in the chain of launch command. BUT !!
I saw an interview with a senior U.S. military high ranking officer. On interview he said if President Trump issues a nuclear launch command, do not pass on that command until it first comes to me. I'm not sure why that would be newsworthy, unless that's a deviation from normal protocol.
"After all each and every person who has the "Button" in front and was ordered to press, they would wake up and realise the devastation it would cause." W #13
There's merit to that, but it's a horrifyingly flimsy "Plan A", and it doesn't qualify on its own as a "Plan B". I think I already posted this; worth a reprise in this context.

"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind." JFK
After all each and every person who has the "Button" in front and was ordered to press, they would wake up and realise the devastation it would cause.
There may be some question about whether there would be enough human survivors to have 3 human generations more.
The first time around human and proto-human populations existed in family, clan, village, town, city hierarchy.
After most of the world's atomic weapons are detonated around the world, even if the planet's population was the same as it was 4,000 years ago, the population of nuclear holocaust survivors might be spread so sparsely there might not be enough genetic diversity, from inbreeding.
Or the radiation and other affects could just kill us all off outright.

That may be so grim a scenario that the junior officers who actually turn the keys that launch the missiles may not really understand the full scale consequence of their actions. Firing such nukes may not be merely suicidal but potentially genocidal, the end of the human race. During the cold war there was a dozen times planetary overkill. Some arsenals have been reduced, but human life continuing after Earth's nuclear arsenals are empty? Let's hope we never find out.
After most of the world's atomic weapons are detonated around the world, even if the planet's population was the same as it was 4,000 years ago, the population of nuclear holocaust survivors might be spread so sparsely there might not be enough genetic diversity, from inbreeding. Rampage
A very fair assumption. But I "speculate", because in the Past years more people have been able to "see" the world and commutate with others, I just wonder if that "Human" spirit that is in most of us will prevail".
I watched a very interesting program last night about "Georgia" which gained independence in 1991 with the fall of the U.S.S.R. It had a similar occurrence as now Ukraine has in that Russia tried to invade and set up Russian led government in two areas. At that time when President Bush was your leader, Georgia wanted to join N.A.T.O. with the Ukraine but, and I find this striking, Germany was against both joining at the time. A compromise was reached where upon Germany agree they could join in the future, which Russia used to continue to try to "get round".
Angela Ripen, then while she was in power, "cosied up to Russia" and formed a close relationship. So what we are seeing today with invasion of Ukraine is a total lack by the then Chancellor of Germany and the West, to understand the Dangers of forming any relationship with in this case Russia i.e. Putin because he was and still is a form of "a Single minded mental unbalance person".
The Soviets (Russia) telegraphed their mindset through Kremlin policy through much of the Cold War.
Anyone watching would have understood any former Soviet satellite cozying up to the West in a military alliance was likely to be deliberately misinterpreted by the Kremlin as a threat to Russia, though the current state of Ukraine tells the true story about which side the aggressor is.

Perhaps among the most horrifying things about the ongoing carnage in Ukraine is, it appears the aging Vlad Putin chose this course out of his own personal nostalgia.
Ironically, Vladdy didn't think it through. Perhaps someone should have reminded Putin, the Soviets lost the Cold War.
Perhaps among the most horrifying things about the ongoing carnage in Ukraine is, it appears the aging Vlad Putin chose this course out of his own personal nostalgia.
Ironically, Vladdy didn't think it through. Perhaps someone should have reminded Putin, the Soviets lost the Cold War. Sear.
That last line IMHO sums up the situation. "A sort of personal vendetta" As to your point "didn't see it through" because he is and has been "possessed with not only his personal standing but Russian History" his mind has been clouded. When he worked out what would happen when he invaded, two things he totally got wrong. The first has been the determination of the Ukrainian people to resist, the second his closed mind as to how some would in the world react.
The War has been going on for a number of weeks where as his calculations were "over in a few days", which would give him time to set up "Popular Government" (in his way of thinking) and so "forestall any major reaction by the World", allowing he had Germany in his pocket and France coming up to elections for the President. I think that this War and the on going reaction from the World "those that were totally against, and those as we see who are "Luke warm as to sanctions", has and will bring about a total rethink as to alliance's, more so in Europe. France is in a couple of weeks choosing a new President. The result last Sunday was a real eye opener due to Le Penn coming so close to the sitting President. Le Penn is or was far right, but has "softened her stand" and the sitting President has been shown to be a "rear-end" person by again trying to influence Putin.
"he second his closed mind as to how some would in the world react." W #18
"Closed mind" flatters him. I observe the same evidence, but draw just a slightly different explanation from it.

I've gotten enough news reports about Putin to believe Vlad ("cold war") Putin simply does not understand economics
at all.

Such anecdotes as:
- shortly after "The Wall" fell Putin was reported to have gone inside a food store where the price of a loaf of bread was in Putin's opinion too high. Of course even by then the post-Soviet food price had been set by market forces: production cost + shipping + marketing costs + profit above break-even = retail price
But Putin left orders that tomorrow the price of a loaf of bread would be lower, oblivious to economic fundamentals.

- When Mitt Romney ran the Winter Olympics in Utah they turned a profit. When Putin hosted the Winter Olympics in Socci it cost Russia an estimated $20 $Billion $Dollars.

So when Biden threatens Putin: don't invade Ukraine or we'll impose sanctions, Biden might as well have been beeping in Martian. Putin simply did not get it. Whether the lightbulb over Putin's head has begun to glow a little, too soon to say. But at Putin's age, full economic enlightenment at this late stage of Putin's game may be too late to matter much.
I tand to accept your view Sear, but. It appears that "the Penny has not dropped" in his mind, because both Finland and Sweden are now voting to join N.A.T.O. with in a few weeks, even though Putin has "Warned them against". As I posted as to a new alliance as to Allies, Germany and France are not being seen as "close to the rest of Europe", which will see changes in the Future. As the Ukraine well Putin might try other means to "quash" the resistance, if he does use Chemical or other weapon's
it could bring those in Europe and the U.S. into Battle.