NPR lists this as "Health". But isn't it really a scathing editorial smack-down against the vax averse?

The vaccine doesnt seem to stop you getting the Delta variant which has become the most common strain it does however prevent you from getting really sick from it.
Numbers of infected ARE up but the rate at which people are dying or requiring intensive therapy is down I read somewhere that about 70% of those who are dying are unvaccinated and most of the rest were already so sick with something else that their grip on life was tenuous. very very few vaccinated people who are otherwise healthy are now dying of covid

The other day (Friday I think) USA reported 91000 new cases but only 983 deaths - wind the clock back 12 months and 200 000 new infections was the norm with 2500 deaths)
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I've wondered about it mm.
Low-hanging fruit? Those most susceptible to catching COVID-19 may also be among those with the most severe symptoms / disease, & attrition rate? And we're already seeing the affects of evolution at work?
"Natural selection"? In this case (& for Japan's Haiki crabs) it's artificial selection. Vaccine technology has empowered individuals to influence their own fitness to survive the pandemic. What a miracle! Survival is a choice!

"There is no pleasure worth foregoing just for an extra 3 years in the geriatric ward." John Mortimer