Over 3 years ago Russia invaded Ukraine.
On the third anniversary of that invasion, President Trump accused Ukraine of starting the War, though did not explain how such thing is possible given the undisputed geographic realities / occupations.
Associated Press corroborates:
By LAURIE KELLMAN / Updated 3:24 PM GMT-5, February 26, 2025
The billionaire owner of The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, narrowed the topics covered by its opinion section Wednesday to defending personal liberties and the free market, a pivot away from its traditional broad focus and prompting the news outlet’s opinion editor to resign.
Bezos, who also is the founder and largest individual shareholder of Amazon, said on X that “viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.”
The move was received by some as an indication that Bezos is making decisions for the storied news outlet with an eye toward avoiding retaliation by President Donald Trump. Bezos, though, cast the change as a modernization from the days when newspapers offered opinions on a broad range of topics. Now, he said, “the internet does that job.”
To clarify WaPo owner / $Billionaire Bezos' position:
The Washington Post newspaper will no longer be presenting an objective standard of editorial opinion, as that more conventional, traditional standard of objective journalism might be available elsewhere.
From the
article above:
"... with an eye toward avoiding retaliation by President Donald Trump."
It is no exaggeration to acknowledge a paradigm shift in journalism can threaten humanity. This goes far beyond how many IRS employees Musk fires.
Trump's message when reported with full factual accuracy is alarming enough.
Sway U.S. media to the Trump slant, and we're in uncharted territory, terra incognita.
The headline of this thread:
News Media: The Fourth Estate, The Printing Press, The Display Screen ... > "Info. War" ? Centralized Control Of The Messages
The centralized controller in this case is a convicted felon, a notorious, prolific liar, crony capitalist, oligarch. Our republic is in great jeopardy.
On the third anniversary of that invasion, President Trump accused Ukraine of starting the War, though did not explain how such thing is possible given the undisputed geographic realities / occupations.
Jeff Bezos announces big change to Washington Post opinion page, top editor steps down, Opinions editor David Shipley also stepping down
By Hanna Panreck Fox News / February 26, 2025 11:37am EST
Jeff Bezos announces big change to Washington Post opinion page, top editor steps down
Jeff Bezos announced some major changes to the Washington Post's opinion page on Wednesday following fallout at the paper due to his decision to not endorse a candidate in the election.

By LAURIE KELLMAN / Updated 3:24 PM GMT-5, February 26, 2025
The billionaire owner of The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, narrowed the topics covered by its opinion section Wednesday to defending personal liberties and the free market, a pivot away from its traditional broad focus and prompting the news outlet’s opinion editor to resign.
Bezos, who also is the founder and largest individual shareholder of Amazon, said on X that “viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.”
The move was received by some as an indication that Bezos is making decisions for the storied news outlet with an eye toward avoiding retaliation by President Donald Trump. Bezos, though, cast the change as a modernization from the days when newspapers offered opinions on a broad range of topics. Now, he said, “the internet does that job.”
To clarify WaPo owner / $Billionaire Bezos' position:
The Washington Post newspaper will no longer be presenting an objective standard of editorial opinion, as that more conventional, traditional standard of objective journalism might be available elsewhere.
From the

"... with an eye toward avoiding retaliation by President Donald Trump."
It is no exaggeration to acknowledge a paradigm shift in journalism can threaten humanity. This goes far beyond how many IRS employees Musk fires.
Trump's message when reported with full factual accuracy is alarming enough.
Sway U.S. media to the Trump slant, and we're in uncharted territory, terra incognita.
The headline of this thread:
News Media: The Fourth Estate, The Printing Press, The Display Screen ... > "Info. War" ? Centralized Control Of The Messages
The centralized controller in this case is a convicted felon, a notorious, prolific liar, crony capitalist, oligarch. Our republic is in great jeopardy.