Milestones of Cultural Innovation


China helps supply fentanyl, a lethal poison found in the U.S. illegal drug trade. People are dying from it.

New York State responds -
"Naloxone and fentanyl test strips orders sent to a valid New York State address.
Order Supplies
No Cost & Hassle-Free"
Worth noting, fentanyl tainted drugs include marijuana, partially decriminalized in New York.

So New York takes this action without federal help.

The milestone, most Americans living today were born after the drug war began. Until FDA style safety standards are applied to these drugs, contamination from fentanyl or xylazine will be a risk. FDA style regulations are unlikely at federal level as long as the federal drug war continues. This leaves it to the States. Tenth amendment.
Thanks t #1.
Paradoxically change has become a constant. I'll try to add to your list soon.
t #1
This topic is tougher than I thought.
How about this?

In the 1950's the rhetorical all-inclusive locus of humanity was "here on Earth".
No more.

Now we have a durable presence in orbit * (technically not on the planet) in the ISS.
The result, the "here on Earth" expression must now be expanded to "in the solar-system" or some other expanded definition.

NASA has plans to return humans to Earth's moon, reportedly preparatory to a durable occupied presence on Mars.

Is that a milestone?

* Low Earth Orbit: L.E.O.
The evangelical vote seems to factor prominently in the Iowa Republican caucus, benefiting a messianic figure like Trump.
This parallels the idea that it's wrong to vote for any Democrat, because Democrats defend women's right of choice, invoking the ostensibly Christian view against abortion.

And what does the Holy Bible have to say about abortion in general, and partial-birth abortion / post-birth abortion specifically?

According to the old testament, god created Adam & Eve, and populated the planet with incest.

After a while the omniscient, omnipotent Jehovah decided he did not like the population he created, and drowned all but the passengers of one boat. Therefore one of two things is true.

- Either the scriptural account of Noah's arc is wrong, factually false, or

- god, Jehovah not merely supports abortion, but has practiced it on planetary scale.

If not that, what?
In the 1960's police departments had "vice squad" enforcement, for addressing "crime" such as prostitution, and gambling.

It's a new millennium.
And in this newest modern age (so far), turns out prostitution is still a vice, BUT !! gambling is only a vice if government doesn't get a $piece of the $action (a $percentage of the $profit).

The following graphic is taken from


The Buffalo Sabres is an NHL ice hockey team from Northwestern New York.

The $economic-ethics of pro-sports is already clouded by such issues as:
if such professional sport teams (except the Green Bay Packers) are privately owned, why must the tax payers pay $billions to build the stadiums these teams derive their revenue in?
"It's another example of mismanagement in corporate America where we're now expected as tax payers to bail them out. They're capitalists when they make money. But they're socialists when they lose money."
Actor Tim Robins, commenting on a California commercial electric power crisis
New York State triple-dipping here? Only in this case, it's the State that's running the gambling operation, and the wealthy sports team owners that settle for a "piece of the action"?