Longtime NRA Chief Resigns Ahead of Corruption Trial


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I thought we had a thread on the NRA and its various issues - looks like I was wrong

Longtime NRA Chief Resigns Ahead of Corruption Trial​

Wayne LaPierre led the National Rifle Association for decades, digging in his heels as America's gun violence epidemic worsened

LONGTIME NATIONAL RIFLE Association leader Wayne LaPierre has announced that he will resign from the gun group, just days before it is scheduled to stand trial on civil corruption charges in New York.

“The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) announced today that Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre announced he is stepping down from his position as chief executive of the organization, effective January 31. Long-time NRA executive and Head of General Operations Andrew Arulanandam will become the interim CEO & EVP of the NRA,” the organization wrote in a statement on Friday.

In December, a judge ruled against the NRA’s bid to have New York Attorney General Letitia James’ probe into the organization dissolved. The trial is set to begin on Jan. 8. Among the remediations sought by James was the removal of LaPierre from his position as a chief executive of the gun group.

In 2020, James filed a lawsuit against the NRA alleging that LaPierre and other top-level executives at the organization had engaged in “illegal conduct because of ...

Guns are a game-changer. Before the gun, superior physical strength and ruthlessness decided many a contest.
The proliferation of post Industrial Revolution firearms empowers the weak against the strong, and the few against the many. BUT !!
It has done little if anything to mitigate ruthlessness. And so the carnage not merely continues, but multiplies, proliferates.
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," NRA Wayne LaPierre
There have been many, many massacres in the U.S. between Columbine and Sandy Hook EVP LaPierre. You've been at the helm of the NRA since the previous millennium.
And in all this time, all you have to offer us is a worthless slogan? Perhaps sir, your "resignation" was many years ago.


"free gun training classes"​

Good Idea? Here's the FOX News headline:

South Carolina Senate passes open carry bill with addition of free gun training classes​

The bill now returns to the House for representatives to approve amendments made in the Senate​

Elizabeth Pritchett
By Elizabeth Pritchett Fox News / Published February 2, 2024 6:37am EST

A bill passed in the South Carolina Senate on Thursday would allow gun owners to carry their weapon in public without a concealed carry permit and would provide free firearms training.
The bill was approved by a 28-15 vote after nearly two weeks of debate surrounding concerns from some lawmakers and law enforcement officials over the open carry aspect. The addition of free firearms training is what led to a compromise and ultimately ended the debate.

"Guns" are perceived as a problem in the U.S., substantially because of the shocking number of gun-related homicides in the U.S.
It's more complicated than that. Plenty of guns in Switzerland, but a fraction of the U.S. per capita firearm homicide rate.

But in the U.S. guns are considered the issue.
When The Novel Corona Virus proliferated in the U.S., renamed "COVID-19" for public safety COVID vaccine was made available for "free".

Are guns any less a threat than COVID?
Any reason we SHOULD address the COVID threat, but NOT the gun threat?

Some fear teaching martial art to our "urban youth", (a euphemism for dark-skinned children) will only make their threat to society worse. BUT:
Martial art training traditionally instills both physical skill, and mental discipline.
Though perhaps also seemingly paradoxical, making body-building equipment available in U.S. prisons might seem self-defeating of the wardens that allow it.

"Free" gun training classes is a misnomer. In this case "free" means the tax payer pays. Isn't that tantamount to punishing the victim? Shouldn't it be gun owners that pay?

But if not, is "free gun training classes" a good idea? Long overdue? Or a distraction not likely to help much?

Guns kill a lot of Americans. So do cars.
Free driving classes also a good idea? If that, what's next? Free kitchen cutlery classes? Why not chemical safety / HAZMAT training? CPR training?