Long past time to step off the disaster relief / recovery treadmill?


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Is anthropogenic climate change about to nudge U.S. toward topological sanity?

The Cost of Insuring Expensive Waterfront Homes Is About to Skyrocket​

New federal flood insurance rates that better reflect the real risks of climate change are coming. For some homeowners, premiums will rise sharply.

The flood risk across much of America is far greater than government estimates show, data suggests. (From June 2020)​

The U.S. has been at it for centuries.
By now we know where the wild-fire risks, the avalanche risks, the tornado risks, the hurricane risks, and the flood risks are most severe.
Surely it can be a powerful joy to have a second home on a beach that seems safe most of the time.

How many times should rebuilding such a retreat be accepted before common sense intervenes, and restricts insurance for such properties?