Legal Marijuana Still Faces High Hurdles in New York


Staff member
Alright. Can't the editor weed out bad head line puns like this?

Legal Marijuana Still Faces High Hurdles in New York​

The cannabis industry has shifted from calling it a “black market” to a “grey market” — but either way New York’s underground trade poses a stark threat to the licensed recreational market that’s supposed to kick off this year. It was the main challenge discussed on the sidelines of last week’s conference, where optimism about the state’s plan to use licensing to lift up former convicts and encourage mom-and-pop shops seems to have been replaced by concerns about whether New Yorkers will even want to buy licensed weed.

“You’re sowing the seeds of destruction for the people you want to lift up,” said Mitchell Baruchowitz, managing partner of cannabis investment firm Merida Capital Partners, referring to the way New York has let the grey market proliferate. Repairing the harm from the disproportionate arrests of Black and Brown people for marijuana possession in the past is a worthy goal, he said. But if it slows down what should be the main goal of building a functional legal market, he added, the illicit market can grow, which increases the risk that the legal market will fail. If that happens, there won’t be any profits to help those harmed in the past, he said.

Arch-conservative William F. Buckley Jr., a long-tenured Drug War opponent, observed for economic and practical reasons, for government to end black markets, the legal commerce must $under-cut the black-market. Not merely under-price it, but with a retail price advantage large enough to simply eliminate any viable profit motive to operate an unlicensed / illegal supply chain.
Is New York anywhere close to this?

Care to bowl us over with a pot joke? Or have they all been snuffed out? If you can't tell one on your own, joint efforts are acceptable.
The state government set a goal of opening dispensaries by the end of the year that’ll allow New Yorkers to legally purchase cannabis. Hochul told the editorial board of Advance Media, owner of Syracuse Post-Standard, the state would open 20 dispensaries by the end of the year, with another 20 openings each month after.
Her plan is propped up by a $200 million loan fund to help people who have been negatively affected by weed-related convictions open their retail shops, with the first 150 licenses reserved for those with past records.
But players participating in the process warn the timetable may be unrealistic.
“We were really hoping for retail stores to be open on or around the time that cultivators were harvesting, it seemed like the best case scenario. But we’re really just not sure where these first retail stores are supposed to be,” said Dan Livingston, the executive director of the Cannabis Association of New York, a trade association.

$Profitable drug commerce is capable of being an $cash infusion to other categories of crime. Part of the justification for ending the Drug War is to pull the plug on the huge revenue stream black-market commerce provides "organized crime".
Have States ahead of NY in this legalized commerce succeeded in shutting the illegal drug dealers down? Will New York?

This seems a persuasive argument for conservatism.
Government has been struggling to run a doobie doobie doo operation for years.
The private sector is on it like white on fresh snow.[/B][/B]
The NY State capital Albany is dragging its feet. Commerce has filled the vacuum.
Since New York state has not yet issued licenses to sell marijuana (cannabis containing the psychoactive compound THC), such operations are a violation of the law. The Kensington Road shop is one of perhaps thousands of similar unlicensed sellers that have popped up across the state since possession of marijuana became legal in April 2021.
The shop is operating in what has for the last year-and-half been the illegal “gray market” of selling recreational marijuana. In effect, the shops selling marijuana now are like convenience markets that attempt to sell beer without first getting a state liquor license.
One sign on the Kensington Road shop reads “Free Gifts with Appt!,” an apparent reference to the common, but still illegal, practice of “gifting” weed with the purchase of another item. A T-shirt hanging in one window and several inside the door read “Smoke Easy.”
Bad enough that what is legal in NY and many other States is illegal by federal law.
It's a year and a half, and Albany still hasn't issued its first dispensary license. Are the black-marketeers paying off public officials under the table to continue the black-market for as long as possible? Or is this simple incompetence? 18 months of incompetence?
t #4,
Looks like that one's in Syracuse. It seems they'll just park a van by the roadside, display a sign with a marijuana leaf cluster on it, and make money. I'm surprised there's enough demand to support all this. I knew pot was popular. I just didn't realize how much so.

I know what you mean about Albany incompetence. The younger Governor Cuomo wanted to end the war on marijuana at least a year earlier than it actually happened. Not sure what the delay is now. Albany's losing money.
s #5
Almost a year later I suspect New York State's administration may be fueling rather than eliminating the black market for marijuana. Possession is now legal in New York, for small quantity.
I haven't corroborated this, but the one marijuana retail outlet in Syracuse, Flynnstoned, requires photo ID. Reportedly Flynnstoned not only requires the photo ID, but scans the ID. Is that the protocol at liquor stores, or QuickieMart when buying cigarettes?
Reason for concern or caution, but where's the harm?
Rumor is this identification information is being forwarded to the New York offices where guns are registered. Again, not corroborated, but the rumor warns, if the marijuana purchaser is also a licensed gun owner, that license may be revoked.

- The gun license is issued within the State.
- The drug is declared legal within the State.
And yet ...

I don't know what the per ounce price difference (if any) is between black market and State licensed sources.
There are obvious risks with black market commerce, including fentanyl. But New Yorkers with guns may have a risk : benefit calculation to perform.
The Sacramento Bee

Newsom risks becoming “Governor Mushroom” if he decriminalizes hallucinogens in California | Tom Philp / Tue, September 26, 2023

Gavin Newsom should not want to go down in history as Governor Mushroom. But the California Legislature, with a bill to legalize certain hallucinogens, is giving him a politically dangerous psychedelic opportunity. ...

The substances include psilocybin/psilocyn (mushrooms), Dimethyltryptamine (“DMT”), and mescaline (excluding peyote). They are all ingredients of one kind of mushroom or another.

Wiener, unafraid to push the edge of the politically possible in Sacramento and a serious policy-minded legislator, has an argument for SB 58 with both data and compassion. “We know these substances are not addictive, and they show tremendous promise in treating many of the most intractable conditions driving our nation’s mental health crisis. It’s time to stop criminalizing people who use psychedelics for healing or personal well-being.”

But the medical argument for hallucinogens is largely anecdotal. The gold standard of medical research - large randomized trials with patients receiving an actual dose of a hallucinogen or a placebo. Presently hallucinogens are illegal under both state and federal laws, which pose serious impediments to research. ...

Newsom can put this issue in his rearview mirror with a veto of SB 58. Or he can risk being Governor Mushroom for the rest of his political career.

a) Should hallucinogens in California be decriminalized?
b) What's more important, the good governance of the People? Or the political careers of its bureaucrats?