Just when you thought it was safe to come out of isolation.......

mark mywords

Active member
Covids over!!!!(sort of) but now we have an out break of a new type of hepatitis which is killing children AND monkey pox previously only caught by sustained close contact with monkeys has morphed into a sexually transmitted human disease.

Monkeypox: 80 cases confirmed in 12 countries​

Infections have been confirmed in nine European countries, as well as the US, Canada and Australia.
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Early reports indicate monkeypox isn't as contagious nor as COVID. The following CDC says 10% fatality. I'd like to know if it's permanently disfiguring, for those lucky enough to survive it.


Signs and Symptoms​

In humans, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, and exhaustion. The main difference between symptoms of smallpox and monkeypox is that monkeypox causes lymph nodes to swell (lymphadenopathy) while smallpox does not. The incubation period (time from infection to symptoms) for monkeypox is usually 7−14 days but can range from 5−21 days.
The illness begins with:
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Backache
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Chills
  • Exhaustion
Within 1 to 3 days (sometimes longer) after the appearance of fever, the patient develops a rash, often beginning on the face then spreading to other parts of the body.
Lesions progress through the following stages before falling off:
  • Macules
  • Papules
  • Vesicles
  • Pustules
  • Scabs
The illness typically lasts for 2−4 weeks. In Africa, monkeypox has been shown to cause death in as many as 1 in 10 persons who contract the disease.

Sure is a lot of bad news lately.
Israel and Switzerland both now reporting cases

Monkeypox spreading in UK through community transmission, with new cases identified 'daily', says senior doctor​

There is of course an alternate perspective.

"And re Monkeypox: anything to stir some more fear (via pharma-funded media) to mobilize the world's population to line up for yet another injectable pharmaceutical product of undisclosed ingredients and blank package inserts not listing the known side effects. It won't be the last, as we've just proven how easily we march along - even to the shocking degree of injections w/o informed consent (which, according to the Nuremberg code, is illegal, since the law states that EUA requires informed consent.) Geeeez." skeptic

Problem is, this explanation presumes a global conspiracy that's been flawlessly executed for years. History indicates that's extremely unlikely.

I have wondered: even if neither of these is a deliberate attack by weaponized pathogen, is that merely a matter of time? Hoof-&-mouth would seem an obvious choice among malefactors. It's reportedly extremely contagious, and with a small team might wreak havoc with a nation's food supply.

We're just way too vulnerable:
- food supply
- commercial power grid
- Internet infrastructure

I suspect these vulnerabilities are not diminishing, but growing.
I wish I understood the above post.........I really do.

In 2021 USA reported 2 cases of monkey pox both cases were in people returning from Nigeria between 13 and 21 May 2022 they reported 5 cases

A total of 12 non African countries has reported a total of 92 cases

In UK there have been 162 cases of "new" hepatitis and in USA the CDC report 180 cases across 36 states resulting in 6 deaths
Would it be presumptuous of me to ask, how it appears to me, this new "Pox" which has started to appear. is something that has "laid dormant for many years".
Now one assumes the reason is that "Humans" are going places that they have as yet only recently "entered"
Not clear to me what the mystery is mm #5.
It's early. And as you know, with pathogens like Ebola Zaire, when it flares up locally, deliberate effort has succeeded in confining it, preventing disease from spreading wildly. No such luck w/ COVID-19.

Perhaps the explanation is the topic may seem alarmist to some, but cautionary, informative to others. But I agree, a context check can indicate the ink allotment may not always keep proportion with the more scientific risk assessment.

W #6
Another sensible question W. Perhaps degree of contagion plays a role.
The good news: if Putin starts a nuclear war and cuts Earth's human population in half, it may help reduce such pathogenic flair ups.
Earth's human population in half, it may help reduce such pathogenic flair ups. Sear
Or increase the possibility of catching the Pox, due to close gathering of those that survive, increasing the lightly hood.
I caught an interesting insight yesterday from a news analyst regarding whether Putin might use nukes in Ukraine. The analyst observed:
the winds in that part of the world tend to blow from West to East. So if Putin detonates a nuke to the West of Russia's border, the radiation is likely to blow Eastward, into Russia.

Putin surely has made a mess for himself. Among Putin's complaints, NATO expansion. Yet Putin's own adventure into Ukraine apparently motivated formerly neutral Finland & Sweden to jump on the NATO bandwagon.
However, after reading the latest as "how to catch the Pox", it appears one can't be infected by the "Air" you breath. You can only be infected by either "close encounters of (dare I say) of the third kind" or by touching. So when I venture out in future will wear gloves and will "pass" any gestures of "closeness". I hasten to add that only refer's to at times the Lady shop worker at my near by Store when she hands me my New Paper
I keep a pair of work gauntlets in my car, and sometimes wear them while in town. There's also goo, "hand sanitizer" which I remain skeptical of.
But take every sensible precaution including four COVID vaccinations, and it's no guarantee a piano won't land on your head.
mm #12

Yes, BUT !!

When it goes from two to eight it seems like a large increase, in terms of %. But it's only an increase of six new cases.
When the infected population is in the tens of thousands, a four-fold increase, technically the same %, but in my view a more alarming stat.

I don't mean to insinuate the two patient out of the entire UK population. But I'm hoping part of what's involved is the weeks long progression of the disease, possible delays in patients reporting themselves into the system, the contagion vector, etc.

Let's hope we can snuff this one out.
There was a time (Jan 2020) that America had 6 cases of Covid 19 with in 2 and a half years America has had 85 million cases.
Will Monkey Pox spread like Covid no but it will spread and the more people who catch it the more people will catch it.

Any how another 2 countries are now reporting cases
Remember that prior to about 10 days ago this disease was virtually unknown outside of subSaharan Africa (and all the cases were among those returning from trips there)
"Any how another 2 countries are now reporting cases
Remember that prior to about 10 days ago this disease was virtually unknown outside of subSaharan Africa (and all the cases were among those returning from trips there)" mm #14
The impression I get is that the facts you present justify out attention, but perhaps not alarm.


Your first paragraph accurately reflects the mathematical propagation potential (under different circumstance).
But that math model doesn't seem to suit the contagion profile of this strain of monkeypox, reportedly the less deadly of two.

Multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic countries​

21 May 2022
Outbreak at glance
Since 13 May 2022, cases of monkeypox have been reported to WHO from 12 Member States that are not endemic for monkeypox virus, across three WHO regions. Epidemiological investigations are ongoing, however, reported cases thus far have no established travel links to endemic areas. Based on currently available information, cases have mainly but not exclusively been identified amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking care in primary care and sexual health clinics.
The objective of this Disease Outbreak News is to raise awareness, inform readiness and response efforts, and provide technical guidance for immediate recommended actions.
The situation is evolving and WHO expects there will be more cases of monkeypox identified as surveillance expands in non-endemic countries. Immediate actions focus on informing those who may be most at risk for monkeypox infection with accurate information, in order to stop further spread. Current available evidence suggests that those who are most at risk are those who have had close physical contact with someone with monkeypox, while they are symptomatic.

mm #16
I wonder why. Two obvious possible explanations:
a) Males are more susceptible.
b) Males are more exposed. But 50 : 1 ? Puzzling. "When the picture doesn't make sense, a piece of the puzzle is missing." Dr. Joy Browne

ABC-TV evening news just reported the CDC confirmed 20 cases in 11 U.S. States. "The overall risk to the public remains low." ABC-TV anchor David Muir
Way to tamp down public panic Dave, "low" risk.
mm #18
I remember. That was before it spread to IV drug abusers sharing needles, etc.

AIDS: anally injected death sentence
overheard at a drinking establishment

You may already have read this mm, but it seems the initial site of this current outbreak has been traced to a single orgy. Senior mental frailty has spared me recalling further details.
Reports indicate not enough vaccine to meet demand. So the plan is to administer 1/5 of the usual dose. This increases the number of patients to be treated by a factor of 5. But this vaccine isn't designed for that. What are the risks?